Stark said somewhat showily.

Dr. Banner also nodded.

"Yes, in Mu En's base, I have used the equipment produced by your Stark Industries, and it is indeed quite excellent. However, I personally prefer the instruments independently manufactured by Mu En and Dr. Kurim, which are more personal. The characteristics are also more in line with some personal habits.”

"Wow, Mu En and Kulim are indeed very good, but I think you should come to my building to take a look when you have the chance. The top ten floors are the most advanced R\u0026D department. If you like it, I can let you They develop a device that is unique to you.”

Facing Stark's invitation, Dr. Banner shrugged and smiled.

"Haha, maybe not. After all, the last time I went there, I almost ruined the entire Harlem area. Besides, I really like the atmosphere of Valentine's. We are like a family there."

Stark also smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it's like a big, tolerant family there, and I like it there too."

Chapter 343: Lies after lies, deceptions again and again

After leaving the meeting room, Steve felt that he needed to relax and planned to walk around to relax.

"Sorry, this is off limits."

As Steve was wandering around, a Secret Service agent stopped Steve.

"Why? I just want to take a walk and relax."

The agent looked at Steve in front of him. Although his eyes were full of admiration, he still said seriously.

"I'm sorry, captain, this is a special area. Personnel with insufficient level authority are not allowed to enter."

"Level authority, oh, I remembered it, please wait a moment."

Steve groped around on his body and finally took out a palm of black cards.

"You can take a look at this."

The agent took Steve's card and swiped it over the instrument. Nick Fury's signature appeared, and his expression softened a lot.

"It turns out that the director gave me the authority. Thank you for your cooperation, captain."

The agent respectfully handed the card back to Steve.

Steve smiled and nodded.

"You have a good work attitude, I'm optimistic about you."

After that, he walked towards the area ahead.

He was curious as to why there was such a special area on such a battleship.

Soon he came to the outside of a special room. The steel door was engraved with several letters, which meant safe warehouse.

Steve glanced curiously, and then saw something that he remembered vividly.

"That's a weapon made by Schmidt?"

But his first reaction was that he thought he was wrong. After all, the Red Skull had been eliminated for so long, and the weapons he made had long been destroyed.

But the more he looked at it, the more he felt that these weapons were unusually similar to the weapons used by Hydra led by the Red Skull. He decided to open the door to see what was going on.

But after several studies, he found that he had no idea how to open the door. In the end, he chose the simplest method and directly used brute force to dismantle the door.

Looking at these sealed boxes, Steve's expression became more serious. He turned over to the highest point of the warehouse and opened one of the boxes.

A silver special weapon lay quietly in it. The shape was very similar to the weapon used by the Red Skull.

He opened another box and saw the same weapon. On one of the boxes, he saw a line of writing.

"The Cosmic Cube Project, the product of phase two experiments."

Looking at this line of words, Steve's serious face showed a bit of anger, and he felt angry that he had been deceived. When Nick Fury found him, he kept saying that they were studying the Rubik's Cube to be cleaner and more efficient. energy, but now it seems that they are different from the Red Skull back then.

On the other side, in the command center of the helicarrier, Nick Fury's computer suddenly flashed a red light. The technicians analyzed and detected that someone actually bypassed SHIELD's security firewall and directly entered the main server.

The source of this intrusion signal is actually the laboratory where Stark and Banner are located.

"This guy."

Nick Fury went straight to the laboratory with a dark face.

"What the hell are you doing Stark!"

Faced with Nick Fury's question, Stark was extremely calm and asked in the same tone.

"I should be the one to say this, what exactly do you want to do Nick Fury!"

Nick Fury ignored Stark's question and said directly.

"You should be looking for the location of the Cosmic Cube at this time. Why do you want to invade SHIELD's main system!"

Dr. Banner said calmly.

"Yes, we are looking for the location of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. We have determined the virtual Rubik's Cube model and are currently retrieving it."

Stark nodded and said.

"Yes, we will soon be able to determine the location of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, so that you can get that thing back, but before that, I need you to explain, what is this stage two?"


With a crisp sound, a shiny silver object was roughly thrown onto the experimental table by Steve.

Said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Phase two is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plan to use the Cosmic Cube to create weapons. This is the first experimental product they created."

Nick Fury explained with a dark face.

"Steve, we have collected all the information on the Cosmic Cube. Yes, we have indeed conducted some experiments and tests, but this does not mean that we must manufacture weapons."

Just as he was quibbling about what he should do, Stark interrupted.

"Sorry, Director, how should you explain this?"

Stark picked up the display board, and what was displayed on it was the weapon sketch of SHIELD's Phase 2 plan, with detailed research data.

Looking at the evidence, Steve shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, sir. I thought the world had changed, but it seems like nothing has changed. Humanity has never learned from the lessons of the past."

At this moment, Black Widow led Thor into the office, and Thor silently blocked the exit with his body.

Banner looked at Black Widow and pointed at the Phase 2 plan and said.

"So, you also know these things."

Natasha didn't answer but asked rhetorically.

"So you want to leave?"

"I don't think you will let me leave easily, right?"

Banner said calmly.

"Loki controls you!"

"Haha, why didn't you say Loki controlled you?"

Black Widow said unhappily.

"You didn't board this mothership because of me. It was Loki who asked you to come up, right? What is his purpose?"

Banner shook his head and smiled.

"It's so funny. You took the initiative to find me and asked me to come and help, but now you say that I was controlled by Loki and came here with a purpose. As expected, you agents are all the same. I don't work for anyone. I only pay for my family who treat me sincerely.

Banner said, pointing to the display board.

"I don't come because of anyone, nor should I leave because of anyone. I just want to figure out why SHIELD wants to create such weapons of mass destruction."

Faced with Banner's questioning, Nick Fury said with a dark face.

"It's all because of him."

He said and pointed to Thor standing at the door.


Sol, who was watching the show on the sidelines, was suddenly drawn into the topic, and he suddenly looked confused.

Nick Fury continued.

"Just last year, a group of alien visitors came to the earth and held a well-matched competition in a small town. What was the result? A small town was destroyed, and after the alien visitor slapped his butt, he left.

It was then that we discovered that there are other creatures in the universe, and compared with them, we humans seem insignificant.

Therefore, we need strength, the strength to protect ourselves. "

Chapter 344: Exploding Aircraft Carrier

Everyone did not agree with Nick Fury's answer, and Thor even said bluntly.

"Listen, we people from the Divine Realm have never thought of invading the Earth. We hope that the people of the two planets can live in peace."

"But you are not the only alien life."

Nick Fury said with a dark face.

"Yes, even if you want to live in peace with the earth, do other people on your planet think so? For example, what about your brother Loki and other alien life forms?"

Seeing that Nick Fury once again used his brother Loki to make an issue, Thor said angrily.

"Then Loki and his allies were attracted here because of your research on the Cube. You gave a signal to civilizations in all fields, just like a son of man shouting into the downtown area with a loudspeaker.

At this! What you want is here with me. If you have the ability, come and get it! The earth is ready for the highest level of cosmic war, please come over here! "

There was no doubt that the speaker was listening carefully, and Stark and Steve caught the key words.

"Highest specification, what does this mean?"

But before Thor could answer, Nick Fury directly blamed him.

"That's what you forced me to do! If you hadn't appeared on Earth and told us how weak human beings really are, we wouldn't have taken the risk to study these things."

Stark suddenly interjected.

"Nuclear deterrence, right? People always hope that they can have the power to die with others."

However, Nick Fury said in an unceremonious yin and yang manner.

"Oh, thank you very much. You once again reminded me of how Stark Industries started."

"No, why are you coming at me again?"

What makes Stark most unhappy is when someone says yes to him.

"I think human evolution should be more civilized."

Nick Fury mocked like a mad dog biting whoever he caught.

"Excuse me? Are we being more civilized? Are we earthlings going to your planet for a martial arts competition?"

Thor suppressed his anger and said.

"Do you really not trust your guardians that much?"

"Guardian? Who?"

Nick Fury pointed at everyone and said.

"You mean this group of unruly guys?"

The atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became unpleasant.

Natasha also said irritably.

"Can you be more serious? SHIELD is monitoring all unstable threats."

Banner said feeling a little funny.

"What, Captain America is considered a threat now?"

"You all count."


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