After hearing the situation, the assassin immediately rushed over with a dagger.

Baton said while adjusting his mask.

"It's okay Captain, I just didn't pay attention and got startled."

Jun Ci frowned under the mask and said seriously.

"Baton! Pay attention! We are actually performing our mission now!"

"Sorry Captain!"

The baton apologized helplessly. He didn't mean it. It's just that at this time, when the nerves are highly tense, even people with special training will be frightened. After all, no matter what, You are a human being too, this is human nature.

"Captain! Look at this!"

Dagger used the bayonet of the firearm in his hand to pick out an arm from the dirt on the ground. It looked like a man's arm, and the most important thing was that there was an armband stuck on this arm. , which means that the deceased is Amazons!

But, who killed this Amazons? Why did he put the dead Amazons in the closet?

Everyone became nervous for a moment. Dagger immediately glanced at the signal source above, but he was stunned. It showed that there were two signal sources nearby.

"team leader!"

"Everyone, be careful! The situation has changed!"

At this moment, a burst of rapid gunfire rang out.

"There's a situation!"

"It's Revolver's side!"

Jun Ci immediately led the three people to run in the direction of the gunfire.

After rushing out of the room, he discovered that Amazons, a spider with six arms, spewed white spider silk from its mouth and tightly entangled Revolver's legs.

Bullets fired wildly at the Spider Amazons with assault rifles.


Spider Amazons withstood the bullet damage and pulled the dagger towards itself bit by bit.

"Ah! Bastard!"

The baton roared and rushed directly towards Spider Amazons. When he returned, he slashed the spider's arm with the tactical dagger in his hand.


Spider Amazons laughed contemptuously, as if mocking the fact that the weapon used by the baton could not even penetrate his skin.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

The baton roared angrily and pressed the trigger on the tactical knife, and a special electric current was immediately released from the blade.


Pulling the blade suddenly, blood suddenly appeared.

"Suppressive fire!"

Seeing how reckless the baton was, the military commander reluctantly issued a combat order.

"Baton! Save people first!"

Chapter 369, Battle of Tactical Team (2)

With the equipment support and numerical suppression of the tactical team, the baton successfully rescued the revolver.

Spider Amazons saw that he was not low, and immediately chose to retreat. However, the military assassin was naturally unable to let this guy go, and immediately led people to pursue him.

Several people fought all the way and came to a warehouse.

"Tactics No. 17!"

After the military commander gave an order, everyone immediately stood up and started attacking with the Spider Amazons rhythmically.


Spider Amazons howled, and it was completely at a disadvantage.

Then, just when the tactical team was preparing to pursue the victory, it suddenly sprayed a large amount of spider silk from its mouth and shot towards the military spine.

"Captain, be careful!"

However, Military Thorn was not able to catch up. He directly pulled out a special firearm from behind and pulled the trigger towards the dead spider silk.


In an instant, flames spurted out, directly burning the spider silk.

The team members saw this and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone cheer up and work together to eliminate this guy!"

Everyone re-adjusted and fired at full strength. No matter how strong the Amazons' self-healing abilities were, they would not be able to play any role in the face of the specially-made weapons.


Finally, the spider Amazons let out a mournful cry and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, everyone stopped shooting.

"do you died?"

Baton carelessly pulled off the mask on his face and looked at the spider Amazons lying on the ground.

Dagger reminded.

"Be careful. The vitality of these guys is a bit strange. Don't act rashly."

"Dagger is right, let's give him a lytic bullet first."

As he spoke, Jun Ci took out a special pistol. This pistol was loaded with special bullets, which could easily destroy Amazons' body tissues. However, the disadvantage was that it could only be effective on dead Amazons.

"Wait a minute, do you smell anything strange?"

Baton, who took off his mask, suddenly spoke.

"weird smell?"

The others looked at each other in confusion. Jun Ci also took off his mask and smelled it carefully. It seemed that there was indeed something smelling.

"Wait a minute, don't take off your gas masks! This smell is coming from that guy's body!"

Jun Ci noticed the abnormality and immediately stopped the others who were about to take off their masks.

At this moment, a strange movement caught their attention, and they immediately raised their weapons and looked around cautiously.

Next they saw a scene that made their scalps tingle.

Dozens of tiny spider Amazons crawled out from the corners of the warehouse.

"Damn it! We were fooled that this guy was a female spider! It thought we were food for these little spiders!"

Military Thorn roared and immediately pulled the trigger, and the bullets poured out instantly, sweeping towards the twisted little spiders.

Others did not dare to neglect and opened fire like crazy. They finally understood what was going on.

There were two Amazons in total. They were both spider morphs, one male and one female. And they had mated, so the female Spider Amazons ate the other Amazons, which was the baton. They were in that closet. The wreckage was found.

"Retreat! We can't drag them on any longer. We don't have many bullets!"

Although they bring enough elixirs with them every time they take action, there is a limit to the ammunition that each person can carry. When dealing with the Amazons before, they used all their firepower to be sure, and there was no chance at all. The idea of ​​saving bullets, now that there are so many little Amazons they are running out of ammunition.

"Captain! There is no way out! There are people behind us!"

The desperate cry of bullets came from behind. Looking back, I didn't know when this group of spiders had run behind them and cut off their retreat.

"Damn it, it looks like we were completely fooled. That damn guy is sure to get us."

"Damn it, are we going to stay here and become nourishment for these monsters?"


Just when everyone was almost desperate, Jun Ji raised his arms and shouted.

"Everyone stop shooting. These spider babies look like they have just been born. They should not be as powerful as that big guy. Let's fight our way out!"

Jun Ci's shout gave everyone a glimmer of hope in despair.

"Yeah, fight your way out!"

Baton immediately roared and pulled out the tactical knife from his waist.

Everyone gathered together and rushed towards a weaker direction.

He slashed wildly all the way, cutting out a bloody path.

However, a shocking scene occurred. Seeing that one of their comrades had fallen, the spider cubs gave up chasing the tactical team and began to eat the bodies of their dead comrades.

Seeing those guys eating the corpses of their companions, even the battle-hardened team members almost vomited.

"Don't worry about them, let's get out of this damn place quickly, go back to the car to replenish ammunition, and then come back and kill them all in one go!"

The military assassin called his teammates to evacuate quickly, and then when they were about to leave, they encountered a spider silk attack, which directly stuck to one of the team members.

"Ah! Captain! Captain, save me!"

"Butt! Damn you bastards!"

The baton rushed over and grabbed the hand holding the gun butt.

"Everyone cover!"

Everyone immediately used the remaining ammunition for cover.

However, more spider babies caught up. They ate their dead companions to obtain enough nutrients and began to transform.

"Captain! They seem to have evolved!"

Dagger exclaimed as he fired.

"I know! Save people first!"

Revolver quickly stepped forward and cut off the spider silk wrapped around the gun butt with one knife.

However, just when the two wanted to get up and retreat, more spider silk shot over and stuck them tightly!

"Butt! Revolver!"

Bullet exclaimed and immediately stepped forward to save someone.

"Bullet calm down!"

Dagger quickly held him down.

More and more spiderlings are chasing after them. Their goal is very clear. They can catch each one one by one. The crazy spray of spider silk entangles the gun butt and revolver.

"Run! Leave us alone!"

Revolver shouted the last words at the top of his lungs, and he was dragged back together with the butt of the gun. ,

There was the sound of flesh being torn apart, and the spilled blood stained the white dead spider silk.


Seeing his comrades being eaten, the bullet roared in despair.

"Calm down, we can only avenge them if we survive!"

The dagger suppressed his clarity and let the baton drag the bullet away.

Chapter 370: Mortal Hero, Connors’ Decision

The tactical team who sacrificed two teammates retreated hastily with grief and anger. They needed to pass the information back. Amazons can breed offspring.

If Amazons are allowed to breed like this, then the entire world may become a paradise for these guys.

"Hurry up, everyone catch up!"

Jun Xi rushed to the front, waving the tactical dagger in his hand to open up a path.

However, the group of spider larvae naturally would not give up the prey in their mouths. They had their first meal and completed their preliminary evolution. The spider larvae climbed up the surrounding abandoned high-rise buildings and surrounded the team from the walls on both sides. .

"Captain, be careful up there."

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