Dagger screamed, and a spider web fell from the sky towards Junqi.

Before Junqi could react, Dagger jumped forward and pushed Junqi out.


Junjing got up and saw that the entire body of the dagger was covered in a spider web. Amazons, a spider lying on the wall, saw that it had caught its prey and began to close its web.

"You bastard!"

Jun Ci picked up the tactical dagger and wanted to step forward to save people.

"Don't come here, Captain! This spider web is poisonous!"

The dagger stopped the military stab with a painful roar. Everyone saw that the skin where the dagger was exposed outside the protective suit and in contact with the cobwebs had been corroded and festered. It seemed that this new generation of Amazons had also evolved abilities that the mother body did not have. The cobwebs contained Extremely poisonous, this ability is really weird.

"Captain, leave me alone, take them away, and pass on this information!"


At this moment, as the captain of the team, it is even more necessary to control the emotions in his heart. Jun Ci's eyes were red and his chest was rising and falling, but he still suppressed all his anger and used all his strength to squeeze out an order from his mouth.

"Everyone, retreat!"

The tactical team, an elite team of eight people in total, now only has five people left, and three of them died.

Finally, the sacrifice of a dagger was the price to delay the spider Amazons. The assassin led the remaining team members to escape from the desperate alley and came to the street.

Several people quickly waited for the car to resupply ammunition.

"Captain, we must avenge them!"

Baton clenched the weapon in his hand and said sadly.

Jun Ci didn't speak, he picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Headquarters, I am the military assassin, emergency, emergency."

At SHIELD headquarters, as a loyal subordinate of Nick Fury, Agent Hill received their communication.

"This is the headquarters, what's going on?"

The assassin told them everything that happened here.

When he heard that Amazons could actually reproduce and that the next generation of Amazons could evolve more powerful abilities, Hill couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately reported the news to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury came to the command center as soon as he was informed of the situation.

"Spur, I am Nick Fury. I have received your information. You should return immediately. I will send a new tactical team to take over your mission."

Jun Ci was silent for a moment while holding the communicator in his hand, and finally spoke.

"Commander, we may not be able to return. There are still a large number of civilians here. If we return, the residents here may become food for them before support arrives. Therefore, Commander, I apply to continue fighting. "

Nick Fury heard the request of the assassin. As the king of agents, Nick Fury could certainly hear what the assassin wanted to do. No one would be willing to accept the death of his team members. But considering the danger of the battlefield and their psychological state, it is obvious that they are obviously not suitable to continue fighting now.

But Nick Fury still agreed to the military assassin's application.

"I understand. I agree to your application. Military assassin. I now order you to stop the Amazons and protect local civilians while ensuring the safety of yourself and your team members!"

"Yes, sir!"

Jun Ci hung up the communication, picked up the weapon beside him, and issued the order with firm eyes.

"Everyone listen to the order, bring all weapons and ammunition, and prepare to fight!"


The order directly ignited the emotions of everyone in the car. Everyone's blood surged and they were excited.

The box truck drove directly into the alley leading to the abandoned factory. The people used the truck as a fortress to occupy the main intersection, watching the monsters with ferocious faces and twisted bodies crawling towards them like a tide.


In an instant, everyone was full of firepower, and everyone poured out all their anger on these monsters without any scruples.

Everyone was stunned when support arrived.

They couldn't imagine what kind of battle the five of them had gone through. The truck they lived in was riddled with holes, and the alley was full of body parts and brown filth.

And in this battle, only two of the five remaining people survived.

They are heroes. Although they do not have extraordinary power or technology that transcends the times, they use their own flesh and blood to build a high wall to block these monsters who choose people to eat.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Research Base Two.

In the laboratory, Dr. Connors learned the news from Nick Fury. He sat in front of the test table and fell into deep thought.

Amazons will breed! ?

From a genetic point of view, there seems to be no problem. Although they turned into monsters due to the influence of serum and Amazons cells, judging from the genome sequence, they have retained part of human genes, which means that in a sense It is said that Amazons are a branch of humans, or a mutated subspecies.

Since it is a branch of humans, it is normal to be able to reproduce. What worries him most now is how much human genetic value Amazons retain. If, like humans, they can be in heat and mate 365 days a year, Then things will get more complicated.

"Dr. Connors."

Sha Yu walked into the laboratory. The lights in the laboratory were dim, with only a small desk lamp illuminating Dr. Connors' desktop.

The table and floor were covered with calculation papers filled with formulas, but Dr. Connors' face was full of exhaustion and decadence.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you?"

Sha Yu turned on the light and stepped forward with concern to check on Connors' condition.

"Oh, it's Sha Yu who's here."

Seeing the lights in the laboratory suddenly turn on, Dr. Connors raised his head and forced a smile.

Seeing Dr. Connors's appearance, Sha Yu suddenly felt distressed, but when she noticed this strange emotion, she suppressed it forcefully.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you?"

Connors looked at the calculation formulas slowly on the table and said decadently.

"Sha Yu, just today many people died because of Amazons. The things I created have evolved in ways I never imagined. If this continues, I don't know what direction things will develop in. .”

Seeing this, Sha Yu comforted her.

"Don't be sad, it's Dr. Connors. Although these things happened because of you, they are not your fault. These are all..."

Before Sha Yu could finish speaking, Dr. Connors shook his head and interrupted him.

"Okay Sha Yu, you go back first, I want to be alone for a while."


Sha Yu looked at the doctor, but in the end she chose to leave without saying anything.

In the laboratory, Dr. Connors' eyes were red. He stared at the formulas in front of him and finally seemed to have made some decision.

"Everything started because of me, so let me end it all."

He organized the formulas on the desk and put them into the folder, opened the drawer, and took out a thick-looking belt.

Brother Xiao Ming's words before he left that day rang in his ears again.

"You know the power of the Amazons best. Using human power to fight against them will undoubtedly lead to death, so why not use the Amazons to fight against the Amazons?"

Dr. Connors quietly held the belt with his only remaining arm. He recalled what happened at Base No. 1 that day. The scarlet figure stood in front of him and easily tore two pieces into pieces. Rush to Amazons.

"Use the power of Amazons to defeat Amazonsma?"

Chapter 371: Kamen Rider A**zons, their respective sins

S.H.I.E.L.D. Experimental Base Two, in Dr. Connors' private quarters.

After Dr. Connors made sure no one was following him, he closed the door and walked into the bathroom. He took off his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror.

Years of experiments and tremendous mental pressure made him look much older.

There is a trace of high-temperature burns on his chest, which was left when he was attacked by Iron Man Tony Stark when he went berserk and turned into a lizard man.

Although he had strong self-healing ability when he was a lizardman and could shed most of his scars, Stark's light was so powerful that it had deeply imprinted the scars on his body. .

But he never held a grudge against him, because he believed that Stark had never done anything wrong, and he was indeed a sinner.

He looked at his broken arm with a complicated expression in his eyes.

He had made too many mistakes for this arm, but now he decided that he was going to make up for those mistakes he had made.

Opening the package brought out from the laboratory, he found a wildly shaped belt and a bottle of green potion lying there quietly. He picked up the green potion.

Under the illumination of light, it exudes unique charm and is full of original wild beauty.

"Just let me solve the mistakes I made with my own hands."

As if he had made a decision, Connors' eyes were extremely appraising, and he gritted his teeth and injected the serum into his body.


The glass syringe fell from his hand and shattered on the ground.

Connors' body couldn't stop trembling, and his whole body was withdrawn, and his face was distorted in pain.

In his body, the serum combined with the cells in his body to form A**zons cells, and at the same time awakened a lizardman gene hidden in his body.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--!"

Dr. Connors looked up to the sky and roared, exuding an aura of madness and violence.

His right hand was regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken part of the arm seemed to be torn apart by something. A baby-like arm grew out, but this arm was covered in blood.

The muscles on the new arms squirmed like fresh flesh worms, and the new bones wrapped around them grew rapidly, which looked extremely weird.

"No! I can't! I won't give in to you anymore!"

Suddenly, Dr. Connors's eyes regained a clear look.

He reached out and pressed his chest, roaring suppressedly.

However, the next moment another voice sounded from Connors' mouth.

"Connors! Don't suppress your true nature! You and I are one!"

He was actually talking to himself.

"Precisely because we are one, I cannot surrender to you again! I have already committed too many sins, and I cannot continue to make mistakes!"

While roaring, Connors reached out and picked up Chi Shang's belt and buckled it in front of his eyes.


A—**—zons——! "

At that beast-like roar, Connors used his bloody new arm to grab the handle above the belt and twisted it hard.

【Omega! 】

The eye-like display on the belt was instantly filled with bloodshot energy.

A hot breath instantly exploded from Connors' body.


"Woo——! Wu——!"

The sharp siren echoed in Research Base No. 2, and all the researchers fell into panic. Everyone thought that the incident in Base No. 1 had happened again, but no one knew what happened.

"Dr. Connors!"

Sha Yu hurried to Dr. Connors' residence, only to find that Connors had already disappeared.

However, Sha Yu seemed to feel relieved.

Nick Fury, who knew the situation, immediately rushed to the research base to check the situation.

"What's going on?"

Nick Fury, who rushed to the base, asked the agent responsible for the overall security of Base 2 with a dark face.

The agent said with a look of horror on his face.

"I'm sorry, Director. I don't know what happened. I just know that the base's alarm seemed to have been triggered by something, but I really didn't find anything unusual."

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