Hearing these two words, Mu En suddenly felt like laughing.

Originally, he was not sure who this mysterious guy was, but as soon as these two words appeared, Mu En had already roughly guessed who the other person was.

"I'm sorry, I never believe what fate says, so I don't really understand what you are talking about."

The man raised his hand, pointed at Mu En and said harshly.

"You should not exist in this world. Your appearance disrupts the original order."

What this guy said made Mu En more and more sure of his true identity. But what he didn't expect was why they would choose to appear at this time to target him.

In order to get more information, Mu En pretended to be nonchalant and said.

"Hey, hey, hey? What are you talking about? What do you mean I shouldn't exist, and how can my appearance disrupt order?"

However, the other party did not fall for the trick, or in other words, the other party did not intend to respond to Mu En.

"I will represent order and judge you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man waved his hand, the ground cracked, and countless rocks rose up, bombing towards Mu En.

"Damn it, don't give me a chance to talk at all, right?"

With a flick of his wrist, the sword light flashed across, and Mu En slashed out with his sword.

Sen Bai's sword light flashed past.


The huge boulders in the sky were directly shattered by the sword light.

"If you want to judge me, then let me see if you have that strength first!"

With a ferocious look in his eyes, Mu En sprinted towards the opponent with both hands and objects.

The mysterious man stepped forward into the void.


The rock formations under their feet immediately started to move, and giant rock pythons emerged from the ground, moving their bodies like battleships to crush Mu En.

"Ha! The shape is pretty good, but a stone will always be a stone!"

With a sneer, the Demon King's power surged, his fingertips crossed the sword's edge, and the sword's edge was stained scarlet.


The sword blade waved, and suddenly several red blade lights suddenly appeared on the desolate planet on the fingertips, just like the bloody crescent moon falling on the planet.

But he saw the light of the blade passing by, and no matter how domineering and ferocious the rock python was, it instantly fell apart under the cold sword intent.

When the sword light disappeared, Mu En's figure also disappeared.

"You look so good, is that all you have?"

Mu En's voice sounded behind the mysterious man.

A crisp whistle sounded, and at some point, kivat had a whistle in his mouth.

"Wake Up 2!"

Following Kivat's sharp shout, Mu En concentrated all the Demon King's power on his feet.

"Hehe! King's Burst End!"

Mu En jumped up in the air and kicked the mysterious man away.

Just when Mu En thought that this guy would have to shed a layer of skin even if he died, something strange happened.

Mu En's charged blow actually penetrated the man's body.

"This! It's actually a shadow!"


The kick hit the ground, leaving a huge Kiva mark directly on the mineral planet.

Mu En looked back in surprise, only to see the shadow of the mysterious man raising his hand again, and then shaking his hand towards Mu En.


There was a huge noise, and the whole ground was shaking.

Mu En suddenly found that he was standing on a huge rock palm. As the man's hand tightened, the giant hand tried to crush Mu En.

"Tch! Do you think you are Tathagata Buddha? Your five-finger mountain cannot suppress me!"

Mu En summoned the Demon Emperor Sword again, holding the sword with both hands, and the cloak behind him automatically moved without wind.

"Dark Prison Fall!"

With a low shout, Mu En raised his hand and stabbed the ground with his sword.


A burst of dark red power exploded instantly, and the ground instantly cracked. Chaos energy followed the cracks in the earth toward Manyan, destroying everything it went.

The giant rock hand was shattered before it could fully hold Long.

"Tch, this is not the way to go. It seems that the mysterious guy is just a projection. No wonder he only controlled these things to fight me from the beginning."

After solving this big hand, Mu En knew that if he didn't find out the real instigator behind the scenes, or if he didn't find a way to leave this place, he would be consumed by this phantom sooner or later.

"Damn it, where on earth could that guy be hiding?"

While Mu En was thinking, the mysterious man launched another attack. The rocks and ferocious rock beasts in the sky once again attacked Mu En.

Mu En had no choice but to counterattack while trying to find a way to break through the situation.

"If I were him, where would I hide to control all this? In the sky or underground?"

After smashing a flying giant rock with one punch, Mu En kept scanning the battlefield, looking for the real culprit behind the scenes.

"Wait! Underground! Rock!"

As if Mu En had thought of something, he chopped up a giant python that rushed towards him with a sword, and scanned the asteroid through his dark green compound eyes.

Sure enough, Mu En discovered a strange source of energy reaction.

"Found it, over there! It's over!"

Mu En mobilized the power of the Demon Emperor.

"Souls of Kings!"

In response to Mu En's call, the shadow of the late king of Fangire reappeared.

"Demon Emperor Sword, bloody world!"


The domineering sword intent raged across this desolate asteroid, and in an instant the entire universe seemed to be dyed blood red.


A shadow of a sword passed by.


The earth was directly split open, and under the abyss split by the sword energy, a mechanical core was exposed, and that core was the source of all this.

Chapter 419: Stark’s Unlucky Journey

The huge explosion blew Stark into the sea along with the cliff, and half of Stark's body was crushed into the rubble.

Stark struggled to get out, but the oxygen supply system stopped, and the oxygen in the suit decreased rapidly. Suddenly, everything in front of Stark began to blur.

"Sir, please take a deep breath and stay awake!"

"I also want to...do this, but I...can't..."

Before Tony could finish speaking, he fell into a coma.

"Start the emergency self-request procedure!"


Jarvis controlled Stark's arm armor to automatically detach, adjusted the angle and held Tony's hand.

The propeller started, dragging Stark slowly out of the rubble.

After confirming that everyone was free, Jarvis controlled the arm armor to return to its position and started the system again.

"The flight system restarted and energy dispatch was successful."


The palm of Tony's steel suit once again emitted dazzling white light, propelling Stark to fly towards the sea.


"Didi didi di~!"

"Sir! Sir!"

Jarvis's voice mixed with the shrill siren echoed in Stark's ears.

After Jarvis's unremitting efforts, Stark finally woke up from his coma.

"Jarvis, it's so noisy, turn off the alarm!"

"Sir, the reason why the alarm keeps sounding is because the armor's energy reserve has dropped to less than 5%, and the core energy supply system has been damaged. It is recommended that you make an emergency landing."

Stark was stunned.

"Crash landing? Am I in the air now?"

Before Stark could react, Stark fell towards the ground due to lack of energy.


In a harsh wailing sound, Stark successfully landed with a thud, but the landing posture was a bit unsightly. He fell heavily to the ground and bounced twice on the ground like an iron ball. Finally, He hit a protruding rock and came to a stop.

Even in the armor, Tony was completely beaten to pieces.

He struggled to turn over and tried to get up. He found that there seemed to be a problem with the power system of the armor and he couldn't stand up at all. He had to lie on the ground and reached out to open the visor.

Snowflakes fell from the sky and landed on his face.

"It's snowing here? Where are we? In the countryside?"

However, Jarvis revealed a surprising answer.

"Sir, our current location is five kilometers outside Rose Hill, Tennessee."

Stark was stunned.

"What the hell? Jarvis! When did I tell you that I was coming here? This is far from where I want to be!

Jarvis, we should go back to New York and find Pepper. "

"Sir, in my mission schedule, there is a plan to go to Tennessee. This is the destination. This plan was made by you personally."

"Jarvis, you are too incompetent. Even if I want to come here, I won't come here looking like this!"

Stark was on the verge of tears, as if he had inadvertently tricked him.

"When I go back, I must help you level up. Now help me open the armor."

Jarvis hesitated for a moment and answered in a voice with some electromagnetic interference.

"Sir, I seem to have a malfunction. My connection to the armor program is disconnected."

Stark had no choice but to use the voice control program.

"Ejection opens!"

The armor received Stark's voice signal, activated again, and successfully disintegrated and returned to the belt.

"Huh~! This feels great, but it seems a bit cold."

Putting away the dilapidated belt, Stark grabbed a handful of snow on the ground and rubbed his left hand, which slightly relieved the pain in his arm, but soon he couldn't stand the cold outside.

"Well, I think it's better if I stay in the battle armor for a while longer."

As he spoke, he reached out and pressed the belt around his waist, but there was no reaction.

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