"What's going on? Jarvis, activate the armor!"

"Sir, the program failed, the program applauded, I think I need to take a break..."

Before he finished speaking, Jarvis had completely lost his composure.

Although Stark wrote an independent system for the armor in order to prevent some special situations from occurring, the driving of the entire armor ultimately relies on the assistance of Jarvis. Now that Jarvis is offline, he also Somewhat helpless.

"It seems that I need to write a more independent program. Yes, I will upgrade it when I get back. Moreover, Jarvis also needs to be upgraded and needs to become more humane."

As he spoke, Stark determined the direction and walked towards the nearest town.

"Fortunately, I got the knight system from Mu En, otherwise it would be a hell to drag the armor that turned into a pile of scrap metal on this road in this weather."

In this ice and snow, Stark didn't know how long he had been walking, and finally saw a glimmer of hope, which was a light and a phone booth.

Walking to the convenience store, he saw a model. Stark said thank you and took off the cloak on the model. Although it was a bit thin, it was better than nothing at this time.

Stark secure server, now forwarding to all recipients.

Using the bracelet, Stark made contact with Stark Industries' servers through a phone booth.

Stark picked up the phone and left an apology message for Pepper.

"Pepper, it's me. I'm very sorry but my time is limited. First of all, I'm sorry for involving you in such a dangerous thing. It was selfish and stupid. I swear I won't make the same mistake again in the future.

Then I want to apologize to you in advance, because I can't go home for the time being. I want to find that guy so that you and I can return to normal life, so you must also pay attention to safety.

That's all, I apologize again for my selfishness and stupidity, I'll be back soon. "

After speaking, Stark hung up the phone, stared at the cold wind and walked towards the village. He needed to find a place to repair.

Among Valentine, the bishop squatted in the hall, and his whole person became extremely depressed.

"Bishop? What's wrong with you? Why are you squatting here? This doesn't look like you."

Aixilia, who was preparing some snacks for the children, passed by with a cake mold and was a little surprised to see the bishop squatting in the hall.

"Your Highness Queen! I have disappointed Your Highness King."

The bishop said somewhat sadly.

"What happened? Why did you let Mu En down?"

Ahilya asked soothingly.

"Is such that......"

The bishop briefly talked about the tasks assigned by the pastor and what happened.

"Well, actually, you don't have to blame yourself too much. There may be a chance to make amends. I heard Mu En said that Stark is also a very tough person. He shouldn't get into trouble easily."

Just as Aixilia was comforting the bishop, Izzy's voice sounded at the right time.

"The contact signal between Tony Stark and the Stark Industries server has been detected, and Tony Stark's location has been successfully located."

Qian"!.";Looking for?Free"'fee!.?Small;?.Said:;"""skirt!.2,;;5?.""5;"5"':9',5:? ?:"3?:,0;'0 Suddenly knowing that Tony Stark was still alive, the bishop became energetic again.

"I really found Tony Stark. He is worthy of His Highness the King's creation. Thank you so much Izzy!"

As he spoke, he bowed to Ashelia.

"I would also like to thank you, Your Highness Queen. I will take my leave now that I have other tasks to attend to. Izzy will send me the location."

He said that he would not stay any longer and left in a hurry.

"Hey, he is really a person who has gone there."

Looking at the bishop's back, Aixilia couldn't help but sigh.

Izzy scanned the ingredients in Asilia's hand.

"Miss Ashelia, according to the information in my database, it seems that no pigment or quicklime is needed to make any kind of dessert. I suggest you take a look at the recipe."

When Izzy discovered her little secret, Ashelia's face suddenly turned red.

"I, I, I actually didn't want to make snacks. Yes, I am planning to take the children to do handicrafts. Okay, I won't tell you more, the children are impatient."

After saying that, Ashelia left the hall as if she were running away.

Chapter 420, Stark and the little boy

Dragging his tired body, Stark found a locked warehouse, took a look, and picked up the ax placed aside.


With a crisp sound, Tony smashed open the warehouse door lock.

"Wow, that looks good."

There are a lot of tools in the warehouse, as well as an old sofa and a car. At least I have a place to rest. The best thing is that there are a lot of tools here, the most basic tools.

Stark closed the door of the warehouse and took off the belt from his waist. Looking at the scarred belt, Stark shook his head helplessly.

"Thank you for the hard work, no, it should be the hard work for me."

As he spoke, he activated the clothing puppet mode, and the empty shell of a steel suit fell on the sofa.

Jarvis was disconnected from the armor's system and could not repair the armor in the background, so he had to do everything himself.

"Okay, but before that, I need to 'fix' myself."

There were several contusions on the arm, and the fragments pierced into the muscles. Fortunately, the bones were not injured.

On the other side, the little boy who was left alone at home heard a strange noise coming from his warehouse, as if something was banging on the door.

The little boy picked up his homemade potato launcher, put on his clothes and walked out carefully.

Arriving at the back of the house, he saw lights on in the originally dark warehouse.

The chains and locks used to lock the warehouse were randomly thrown on the ground, and it looked like they had been violently broken open by something.

The little boy became a little nervous for a while, but this was his home. Even if his parents were away, he had to muster the courage to do something even if he was alone.


Kicking open the hatch door, the little boy picked up the gun in his hand and aimed it at the man standing under the desk lamp.

"Stop, don't move!"

Stark was also shocked. He had thought that he would be kicked out by the owner of the warehouse, but he did not expect that the person who came to arrest him would be a child.

"Whoa whoa whoa! You caught me."

Tony raised his hand as he spoke, and he could tell at a glance what the child was holding, a simple launching device, which should have been some kind of anti-tank rocket launcher. Judging from the workmanship, it should be this child's handicraft. Although it is a bit rough, for a child, he has done a pretty good job.

"The potato gun is good, you made it?

But its barrel is a bit long. If it is long and thick, it will reduce the kinetic energy of the potato when it comes out of the chest, which will affect its attack power. "

The little boy didn't say anything. He directly raised his hand, aimed at the bottle on the wall and pulled the trigger. A potato was launched, shattering a wine bottle with a pop.

This is his proud work, and others are not allowed to judge him casually.

Tony was stunned when he saw the broken glass bottle, but then he put down his hands.

"Okay, you have no ammunition now, but don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy."

The little boy looked curiously at the glowing reactor on Stark's chest.

"What's that on your chest?"

Stark pondered for a moment and returned.

"It's an electromagnet, a portable energy source. You should know that. After all, you have a box here too."

As he spoke, he pointed to the box on the table, which contained some batteries.

The little boy seemed to have thought of something and asked excitedly.

"Energy hit in the chest? Why does it provide energy?"

Stark glanced at him, then shined the lamp on the suit behind him.

"Oh my God! That! That's Iron Man!"

The moment he saw the Iron Suit, the little boy was so excited that he even ignored the gun in his hand and walked towards Tony and the Iron Suit in excitement.

"It's Iron Man, right? I don't have dreams."

Stark looked at the little boy and said awkwardly.

"In fact, I am Iron Man, and he is my suit."

The little boy walked up to Tony and took out a newspaper from his small bag.

"In fact you are dead, read the newspaper!"

After handing the newspaper to Tony, the little boy excitedly ran to the steel suit and began to study and play with it.

And Stark also saw the news in the newspaper, which clearly stated that the Mandarin announced that Stark was dead and took the responsibility for killing Tony Stark on himself.

Stark frowned as he watched the news of his death being widely publicized in the newspapers.

"This guy is seeking death. If my friends find out, it will no longer be a private matter between him and me."

"You mean the Avengers?"

"Yes and no."

The little boy did not ask again but continued to play with the steel suit, and asked after a while.

"Hey, what's wrong with it? Why don't its eyes light up?"

Stark threw the newspaper away and replied.

"Life is too hard, even if it is made of steel it needs rest, but I will fix it."

"Fix it? Like a mechanic?"

"That's right, I'm the mechanic not the image."

The little boy ignored what Stark was saying, but concentrated on playing with the steel suit.

"Let me tell you, if I were to make Iron Man and War Machine, I would add a few things to it, such as remote driving, and that reverse..."

Stark suddenly felt that this child was interesting.

"You mean retroreflective layer?"

"Yes, so he can become invisible."

"Do you want him to be invisible?"

The little boy nodded excitedly and said.

"Yeah, how handsome do you think that would be? You can appear anywhere without anyone noticing, and then catch the enemy by surprise. With remote driving, it doesn't matter even if you are surrounded by enemies."

The little boy became more and more excited as he talked and started to have wild imagination.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this kind of imagination is a bit unrealistic, but in Stark's eyes, these are completely feasible things.

Stark nodded and praised.

"That's a good idea. Maybe I can build a suit like this."

Looking at the little boy who was concentrating on playing with the suit, Stark asked curiously.

"Who else is home?"

"Now, save me. My mother went out to eat, and my father went to buy lottery tickets."

The little boy suddenly said with a depressed expression.

"I think he must have won the lottery, after all, that was six years ago."

For some reason, Tony seemed to see a shadow of himself in this boy.

"Actually, this is normal. After all, many fathers have left their children, just like I did when I was a child. Don't worry too much about it."

With that said, Stark said again.

"Son, I need some things, a laptop, a digital watch, a mobile phone, your pneumatic spiral tube for the rebound muzzle, a map of the town, a rifle, and a sandwich."

Listening to Stark name a long list of items, the little boy did not act immediately but asked curiously.

"So what's in it for me?"

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