"Dr. Zola."


Going around and around, in the blink of an eye, Mu En has entered the senior year of high school. Looking back, too much has happened, so much that one can forget time.

However, after experiencing thrilling battles with repeated jumps on the line of life and death, Mu En found that the most relaxing time was the time spent on campus.

"Hey Mu En, long time no see. How was your holiday?"

As soon as he stepped into the campus, Peter caught up from behind and patted Mu En on the shoulder.

Mu En nodded and smiled.

"It's been a long time, Peter. I'm doing okay lately. How about you, how are you doing?"

Peter smiled and shrugged. In his smile, Mu En could see a little sadness.

"It's okay, I'm trying to make myself better."

Although Peter's health has improved since the community service explanation, his lost abilities have still not been restored.

He had also felt anxious about this, but in the end he was relieved. After all, it was a power he gained by chance, and he also lost it by chance. Maybe this is fate, just treat it as a beautiful and real event. dreamland.

Mu En looked at Peter without saying a word. In his opinion, the life energy contained in Peter's body had even exceeded the power he had before. But it was strange that Peter had such a powerful life energy. But he looks like an ordinary person.

"Hey Peter, hey Mu En, hello. Long time no see."

Harry got out of his father's limousine and saw the two of them from a distance.

"Hey Harry."

"long time no see."

In the new semester, the three people who didn't see much each other during the holiday got together again.

Everyone shared their vacation experiences, and Harry was the most excited.

The battle he experienced at the Veterans Service Center made Harry's heart of justice become even purer.

During the holidays, Harry stepped up his training and confessed his choice to his father, Norman Osborne.

Norman Osborn also expressed that he would support Harry unreservedly. With the support of his father, Harry's superhero career has been flourishing and rising steadily.

With the upgrade of equipment, the increase of experience and the improvement of combat skills, the name Bat Wing has also begun to become active in the eyes of the public.

Despite this, there was always a regret in Harry's heart.

That is that his great rival and good partner Spider-Man never appeared again. He also tried to find Spider-Man, but in the end he returned without success.

While chatting, Harry suddenly asked Peter.

"Peter, I remember that you often took pictures of Spider-Man when you were working part-time as a reporter, right? Do you know where Spider-Man has gone? He hasn't been seen for a long time."

When Harry suddenly asked where Spider-Man was, Peter suddenly froze.

"What's wrong Peter?"

Harry, who was very nervous, hadn't realized anything yet, while Shepherd looked at Peter curiously, wondering what kind of answer Peter would give.

Peter shook his head and smiled tiredly.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time. Maybe Spider-Man has left."

Chapter 449, Abandoned Battle Suit

After saying those words, Peter looked gloomy and walked towards the classroom in a low mood.

"Hey Peter, are you okay."

Harry was worried about Peter's health and hurriedly followed him.

Mu En shook his head. Although Mu En didn't know what was going on, there was one thing he was sure of. When a person's life energy exceeded a certain limit, he would evolve.

But as for which direction it will evolve, it is not certain.

However, Mu En is not worried that something will happen to Peter. Even if he turns into a six-armed spider monster, Mu En can still save him.

Not to mention that he has two plug-ins, the genetic memory and the medical cart, the genetic knowledge he currently has is enough for him to find a way to treat mutated genes.

Looking at the backs of Peter and Harry, Mu En shook his head.

But no matter what, they are just one or two students now. The mission of superheroes is too heavy for them, so they can just be ordinary students now.

But Mu En understands that some things cannot be changed. When one day a disaster strikes and someone needs to stand up, even if they don't have superpowers at that time, I'm afraid they will stand in front of everyone without hesitation.

The peaceful and beautiful time is always short-lived. Mu En, who was once extremely bored with class, after experiencing so much, felt that maybe this ordinary student life is not so bad after all.

Mu En, who originally wanted to find a deserted place and open a portal to go back, saw a familiar figure in the corner.

Qian.Xun.,.Free:Free;,小;,say;'skirt"2'!"5!"!,,5.5"9?:;;5:3?0;?0 "Peter? Why is he here? here?"

Mu En saw a somewhat panicked Peter walking into an alley. Mu En wanted to say hello, but out of curiosity, Mu En followed him.

Peter walked to the corner of the alley. There were several trash cans stacked here. It seemed like this was where the residents disposed of their garbage.

He walked to a trash can, looked around to make sure no one saw him, and then took off his backpack.

He opened the lid of the trash can and took out one of his red and blue uniforms from his backpack.

Looking at the spider on the chest of the suit, Peter gently touched his suit. He once wore this suit to fight for peace and justice in New York City.

But now, maybe I don't need this suit anymore.

"Just think of it as a gorgeous and beautiful dream."

After hesitating for a long time, Peter threw his suit into the trash can.

It's time to say goodbye to the past and return to normal life.

As if he had made a final decision, Peter walked out of the alley with a determined expression.

He kept telling himself in his heart, he couldn't look back, he couldn't look back, goodbye Spider-Man, goodbye to the past.

Watching Peter leave, Mu En came to the trash can, opened the trash can, and saw Peter's suit.

Looking back at the direction he left, he scratched his head and didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, let me put it away for you first. Maybe one day you will need your suit again."

After shaking off the rubbish on the suit, Mu En carefully put away Peter's suit. Although he didn't know when Peter would reawaken his abilities, Mu En believed that day would come.

Just when Mu En was about to leave, the same feeling suddenly surged into his heart.

A magic barrier was immediately propped up, and the Wizard immediately appeared on his waist.

"Who! Come out!"

Mu En stared at the cement wall beside him and yelled loudly.

"Good reflexes kid, but don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

A figure slowly walked out of the wall. As he walked, the figure gradually solidified from nothingness. Finally, a man dressed in black and with long black hair appeared in front of Mu En.

Looking at the man in front of him, his pupils suddenly twitched.

Mu En couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen this man before in his dream.

To be precise, it was in the nightmare that the inner demon created for himself.

Noticing the subtle change in Mu En's expression, the man smiled.

"Why do you think of me?"

"You! Who are you!"

Mu En said nervously as never before.

Although he couldn't sense any power from this person, whether it was magic or anything else, he couldn't even sense the life energy Mu En.

But just standing there, with a casual look or a word, Mu En could feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I lost my temper. Maybe this will make you feel better."

As he said that, the man waved his hand casually, and the strange sense of oppression quietly dissipated, as if the man in front of him was an ordinary, normal person who couldn't be more ordinary.

But the more this happened, the more strange Mu En felt. The guy in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

But who is he? Annihilation, eternity, entropy, or the court of life? In other words, is there such a number one figure in this universe? Why don't I have any impression?

As if he noticed Mu En's doubts, he smiled and said.

"Okay, don't continue to guess my identity. My name is Douzhen."


Although Mu En felt that the name was quite familiar, he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"What exactly do you want to do when you come to me?"

"What do I want from you?"

Douzhen walked towards Mu En with a smile and slowly raised his hand.

Mu En wanted to resist immediately, but found that his body could not move. Even if he tried his best and stimulated all his strength to the extreme, he was still powerless.

The power of the struggle suppressed Mu En in the mountainous area like a big mountain, and for the first time Mu En felt the gap between himself and the real top powerhouse.

And there was only one thought left in Mu En's mind. It turned out that there was still such a big gap between himself and the real strong man.

Perhaps what you feel in the eyes of others will be endless despair and a deep sense of powerlessness.

But the feeling of despair and powerlessness was only shaken off by Mu En in an instant, and was replaced by excitement and joy.

Because he saw it and saw the goal he was chasing!

Sensing Mu En's inner changes, Douzhen also smiled gently.

"I was indeed right."

As he spoke, everything around him changed. In the blink of an eye, the stars moved, and Mu En's consciousness was once again brought to the vast universe.

Douzhen also turned into a huge and majestic voice, but his voice still rang in Mu En's ears.

"Child, you must grow up faster. There is not much time left for you in this world."

"What? What time? What on earth are you talking about?"

Mu En asked Douzhen in confusion, but Mu En did not get an answer from him.

But he saw another figure in the vast universe, that figure was more powerful than Douzhen's transformation, as if he was the master of it all.

However, the next moment, the figure split into two, turning into two completely opposite figures.

One is as soft as water, gentle and kind, while the other is as aggressive as fire and extremely cruel.

I saw that brutal figure rushing towards the end of the world. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth was torn apart. The whole world was torn apart repeatedly, and outside the cracks in the world, there was another world.

Chapter 450, Stark takes refuge

"What the hell does this happen!"

Before Mu En could figure out what was going on, the figure seemed to notice Mu En's presence and turned its head.

A sense of crisis suddenly surged into my heart. Facing such a guy, I was afraid that I had no chance of winning.

Just as Mu En was thinking about how to escape, the scene around him changed again, and he was back in the dilapidated alley again.

"Hahu, hahu~!"

Holding on to the wall, Mu En was breathing heavily and sweating constantly, as if he had died just now.

But when I looked up, the alley was still the same, nothing had changed, nothing had appeared.

Everything just now was like an illusion, a dream.

But that feeling is extremely real.

"Time is running out and I have to grow up fast? What on earth is going on?"

Mu En was extremely puzzled. He didn't understand who Douzhen was and what was going on with those two majestic figures.

Especially, that aggressive figure.

From his body, Mu En felt the piercing murderous intention. He wanted to kill himself, but why.

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