There are too many questions.

But one thing is undoubted, that is, as Douzhen said, he must grow up quickly. If he really encounters such an existence, he will be unable to resist at all.

But fortunately, Douzhen made him see the gap between his current self and the real top existence.

Thinking of this, the corners of Mu En's mouth raised slightly.

What is really scary is not that there is an insurmountable gap between you and him. What is really scary is that you simply cannot see the gap between yourself and others.

But now Mu En sees it, and the gap is not unreachable.

"Although I don't know what he meant when he said time is running out, I can't continue to do so. Only if I become strong enough will I not become a ridiculous puppet of the so-called fate.

After that, Mu En put on his backpack, opened the door of space and disappeared into the alley.

In the void, Douzhen looked at Mu En's leaving figure with a happy smile on his face.

"It's a pity that I couldn't let him see more, but these should be enough."

As he spoke, he looked towards the vast universe.

"But that guy is really aware of my existence even across time and space. It's really scary."

He said it was scary, but there was no expression of fear on his face.

"Well, my power has been suppressed in this other world. Maybe I should find a helper."

As he spoke, he withdrew his gaze and looked at a restless demiplane.

"Oh, has the dimension become such a mess? Then maybe he will be interested in this place."

Talking to himself, he disappeared between the heaven and the earth.


After returning to the base, Mu En casually threw Peter's suit into the washing machine. He picked it up from the trash can and felt uncomfortable if he didn't wash it.

"Hey, Mu En, what did you just throw into the washing machine?"

Stark walked over while eating a hamburger and drinking a Coke. Since the last time he said he had a bold idea, he has basically lived in Muen's base.

The euphemistic name says that creating an invention unprecedented in human history requires the help of Banner, Pasha and Kurim, but in fact, during this period of time, they did nothing serious other than gathering together to eat, drink, chat and brag. .

Mu En even had reason to suspect that Stark was about to be squeezed dry by the little pepper enhanced by the Extremis virus, so he came to him to take refuge every two days.

After all, although Stark used his own technology to expel the Extremis virus from Pepper's body, Pepper's body had been strengthened once and was much stronger than before.

Especially since Pepper's young age has reached that wolf-like stage. Although Stark was once extremely diverted, he is clearly unable to withstand it now.

Moreover, Mu En also heard that Xiaojiao also wanted a child.

"Okay Tony, you have the time to study what is in the washing machine, why not go back and have a good exchange of feelings with Miss Potts. Do you know that she has been calling me for several days to ask about your situation? ”

As he spoke, Mu En also gave Stark a blank look.

"Then again, why didn't you answer Miss Potts' call?"

Stark was suddenly choked by Mu En. He quickly took a big sip of Coke to calm down, and then spoke righteously.

"It's not that I don't want to answer Boz's call. It's because I'm doing research and I don't have time to answer the phone."

Listening to Stark's feeble explanation, Mu En raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm, editor, keep editing, even if you don't have time, wouldn't even Jarvis have time?"


Seeing Stark's speechless appearance, Mu En smiled evilly.

"Or, Tony Stark, the romantic swinger you used to be, is no longer good."

"You! What are you talking about? Who can't you tell me? I'm Tony Stark. What are you talking nonsense about, a boy who doesn't have all his hair?"

Seeing the helpless and furious Stark in front of him, the smile on Mu En's face became even bigger.

“Oh oh oh, I know, I know, you can do it, you can do it.

Hey, I originally wanted to say that I have a secret recipe for aphrodisiacs from China for you, but it looks like I won’t use it anymore. "

Saying that, Mu En turned around and left.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, we're not friends anymore. Why didn't you give us such a good thing earlier?"

"Didn't you say you don't want it?"

"When did I say that, I was..."

Seeing Stark's angry and aggrieved look, Mu En couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. I'll give you the prescription later. Don't stay here all the time. This will save Miss Potts from calling me and the orphanage all the time."

Saying that Mu En was no longer staying, he walked towards the laboratory.

Stark continued to eat his average burger and glanced at the suit tumbling in the washing machine.

"Hey, isn't this the Spider-Superman suit? Why is it in Mu En's hands?"


Back in the laboratory, Mu En began to work on the current plan to quickly become stronger.

For now, there are only two options that I can think of.

The first one is to use the eternal stone in oneself to become stronger.

Although Mu En has not understood the principle of this eternal stone after studying it for so long, there is no doubt that this stone can indeed strengthen his body. If he finds the right method, it can indeed make himself stronger quickly. .

Another way is to go to Ancient One and learn more powerful magic from Ancient One, but to be honest, Kama Taj’s library has basically been read over by me, even Ancient One’s signature He had given the skill mirror space to himself, and he was too embarrassed to look for him again.

After all, I am not a magician of Karma Taj, nor a disciple of Ancient One. It seems inappropriate to keep doing this, and I feel a little guilty.

"But besides these, is there any other way to make myself stronger quickly?"

Suddenly, Mu En seemed to have thought of something.

"Infinity Stones."

Chapter 451: Mu En’s plan

After some thinking, Mu En finally focused his attention on the Infinity Stones.

Obviously, if you want to gain power quickly, Infinity Stones are a very good choice, although Mu En is also very aware that using Infinity Stones directly will have extremely strong side effects.

But in the original work, Stark was able to use his own skills to create an Iron Man version of the Infinity Gauntlet to match the gems.

Then he can also make some props to use with the gems, and he doesn't need to snap his fingers like them to destroy or resurrect half of the life in the universe, and he doesn't even need to collect all six gems.

Furthermore, Mu En has more advantages than Stark and Thanos, that is, Mu En not only understands technology and magic, but can also try to combine the energy of the infinite stones with the knight system.

After all, I have already created the IXA and W series knight systems. Maybe I can find new ideas with the blessing of infinite gems.

Of course, apart from the infinite gems, Mu En has another way to gain more power, but Mu En still cannot accept it from the bottom of his heart.

While thinking, Mu En looked at his palm, and the King's mark appeared faintly.

"What am I thinking about?"

Shaking his head, Mu En began to plan, thinking about which gem he should start with. According to the current timeline, two Infinity Stones have appeared on Earth.

They are the Space Stone in the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Stone on Loki's Scepter. However, the Cosmic Cube has been brought back to Asgard by Thor. If you want to get the Space Stone, you have to go to Asgard. Gad.

And regarding the space gems, Mu En felt that Odin must know about it. It might be difficult to get the space gems from Odin.

Although he has never met Odin, judging from what Thor said and what he learned from comics and film and television works in his previous life, this old god-king may not be so easy to communicate with.

The other Infinity Stone should still be in Loki's scepter, and the scepter was confiscated by SHIELD at the end of the New York War, but now I'm afraid it has been taken away by Hydra to study the Gemini Project. .

When the time comes, if something happens to Steve and Black Braised Egg, and they mess with Alexander Pierce, and the SHIELD is almost disbanded, they will have someone from the Avengers to fight against Hydra. base, and then brought the scepter back. This was also the beginning of Avengers 2 in Mu En's memory.

Mu En knows very little about the ability of this precious gem. He only knows that he gave Vision a soul in Avengers 2 and made him a special being. There is not much performance.

But as one of the Infinity Stones, his power is unquestionable.

Although Mu En could now find the location of Hydra and snatch the Mind Stone away in advance, he didn't want to do this.

Because Avengers 2 is a very critical event in Mu En's plan, because Mu En promised Kurim to help him reshape his body. Although he can try to copy the teacher's Phoenix plan, the success rate is too low. .

Moreover, the Phoenix Project can be said to be an experiment that violates human ethics. After all, according to the teacher, once the Phoenix Project is formed, one can avoid physical aging by replacing the body, thereby gaining immortality. If he really executes it, I am afraid that the one the Avengers will attack first will not be Hydra but himself.

Therefore, the best solution that Mu En can think of is the Vision that will appear in the future. Instead of sacrificing an interesting intelligent butler Jarvis in exchange for an awkwardly positioned Vision, it is better to use that body for Mu En. Reinventing Kurim.

And Mu En is confident enough to deal with Ultron. After all, playing with artificial intelligence, it is no exaggeration to say that Stark is not his opponent now, and the same is true for his works.


The class bell rang and all the students returned to the classroom.

The teacher stood on the podium and was lecturing. After all, they were now in their third year of high school and were about to enter the final stage of their high school life. The atmosphere in the classroom had become depressing and heavy.

After all, after high school, if you don't enter the university of your choice, what you will face is entering society and being ruthlessly squeezed by capitalists.

But Jessica felt a little unnatural. She felt that her head was slowly sinking and she wanted to sleep. Although she kept warning herself that she couldn't sleep, she just couldn't help it.

There was no way she could do it, her sleep had been bad recently, and she would have the same dream over and over again every night.

She clearly saw herself running in a fantasy forest, but she didn't know why she was running, but she told herself directly that if she didn't run, something very bad would happen.

Just like this, he sat with the same dream night after night, running in the forest, until his spirit couldn't bear it and he woke up from this weird dream.

But even after he woke up, that weird feeling of uneasiness could not go away for a long time.

In the end, she didn't even dare to sleep, which made her mental state extremely poor.

Jessica's family also tried to take her to see a doctor, but in the end the doctor's diagnosis was just mental exhaustion caused by insufficient rest. In the end, her family only understood that Jessica's condition was due to study pressure. However, this situation can only enlighten her slowly, and more needs to be done by Jessica herself.

"Jessica, Jessica, are you okay?"


Dimly, Jessica seemed to hear someone calling her again. When she raised her head, she realized that get out of class was over.

She actually fell asleep just now. You must know that as one of the famous three best students in the class, she had never slept in class before.

But what she didn't understand was that she didn't have that strange dream again this time, which was considered a blessing among misfortunes.

"Jessica, are you okay? I see that your mental state is not very good?"

Mary Jane comforted her with concern. As a member of the school's performance club, because Jessica's Kamen Rider club often organized performances, and because they were classmates, Mary Jane had a good relationship with Jessica. .

After taking a nap, Jessica calmed down a little and said with a smile.

"I-I'm fine, I just feel a little tired. Thank you Mary Jane."

Seeing Jessica who seemed to be fine, Mary Jane felt a little relieved.

"Jessica, I see that your condition is not particularly good. Why don't you cancel the afternoon performance? After all, your body is more important."

"Cancel the event? No! No, this is an opportunity that I fought hard for. I still have to promote Kamen Rider, and do you also want to perform on stage? I'm fine. The event cannot be cancelled."

Jessica's attitude was resolute. Although she was a little tired, she could never give up on the promotion of the hero of justice in her heart. This was her obsession.


Looking at Jessica's pale face, Mary Jane hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, not at all. Don't you think I'm fine?"

With that, Jessica stood up and proved it to Mary Jane.

She almost fell over when she received an unstable hand, but fortunately Mary Jane caught her in time.

Chapter 452, Jessica and the Fantasy Forest

It was a little awkward for a moment, but Jessica still managed to smile and said.

"Ah haha, accident, just an accident. I didn't notice the table behind me just now. It's okay. Look, I'm really fine."

Seeing Jessica's insistence, Mary Jane also shook her head helplessly.

"Well, since you insist so much, I won't advise you anymore. You should have a good rest before the activity starts."

"Don't worry, I understand."

As she spoke, Jessica sat back again, but as soon as she sat down, she stood up again with a scream.

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