As he spoke, a silver-white belt appeared on Mu En's waist, and a bright ring appeared on his left hand.

"Sa, Show Time!"

The left hand gently touches the belt, and the ring and belt complement each other.

"Infinite! Please!"

"Hin Shin!"

Magnificent and domineering music sounded, and a bright magic circle fell from the sky. White light shone, and Mu En's body was covered with a layer of bright diamonds.


With a wave of his hand, the diamond exploded, revealing a shining white battle suit, with a blue and white cloak floating behind him.


With a low shout, a pile of gem wings appeared instantly. With his wings fluttering, Mu En soared into the sky facing the black dragon.


The black dragon roared angrily, and it was bound to be swallowed up by Mu En.

Mu En held his hand in the air, and the brilliant sword and ax appeared in his hand. He switched to holy sword mode, held the sword in both hands and slashed out against the giant dragon.

"Holy Sword Kills the Demonic Dragon!"


With a flash of sword light, the dark dragon was shattered into pieces.

Mu En rushed in front of Malekith with the brilliant sword and axe.

"Wizard! Even if you kill me, darkness will eventually engulf the entire universe again.

Only pure darkness is the essence of this world! "


Mu En snorted coldly.

"I don't care about the nature of bullshit. When your will to destroy sets foot on this planet, in my opinion you are already dead.

I don't care whether you are the ruler of darkness or the master of the universe. I have only one thing to tell you. "

As he spoke, Mu En raised the sharp blade in his hand.

"I protect this planet!"

When the sword fell, without the protection of the ether particles, Malekith was just an ordinary alien life.

Thor on the ground finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Malekith being destroyed under the blade of Mu En.

"It's over, great, the next thing is... Mu En, what are you going to do!"

Thor, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, felt his heart in his throat again.

Mu En waved his wings and rushed towards the sky, and all the ether particles gathered together under Mu En's control.

Chapter 467: The consequences of rash advancement, the reality gem goes berserk

In the mirror world, under the control of Mu En, the ether particles gathered together and gradually condensed into a scarlet gem.

"Reality Stone!"

Mu En looked at the gem in front of him, and his eyes became more and more intense.

Even without touching it, Mu En could sense the powerful power it contained.

"Is this one of the sources of power used by Thanos to change the world? It is indeed extremely powerful, and this is just one of them."

Feeling the powerful power emanating from the Reality Stone, Mu En couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Although he didn't know the specific power of this gem, it now belonged to Mu En.

Stretching out his hand, Mu En grabbed the Reality Stone hovering in front of him.

"No! Stop Mu En!"

Although Thor didn't know why the ether particle turned into a gem, he knew that if Mu En touched the gem, he might become like Malekith again.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Mu En, it's just that the power displayed by the ether particles really left a very deep shadow on him.

In order to prevent bad things from happening, Thor immediately waved his Thor's Hammer and rose into the sky.

However, the moment Sol approached Mu En.


A huge amount of energy exploded from the Reality Stone, knocking Thor back to the ground.

"Mr. En!"

Thor didn't dare to yell. He wanted to get up, but the power erupted from the Reality Stone pinned him to the ground.

"Got it!"

Mu En successfully held the Reality Stone, and in an instant, he felt a powerful force integrated into Mu En's body.

"This is it! The power of the infinite stones!"

Feeling the power surging in the body, filling Mu En's body bit by bit. The originally bright white Wizard suit was dyed crimson by the power of the Reality Gem, like a strange ruby. Looking from a distance, Mu En at this moment seemed to be transformed into a huge humanoid Reality Gem.

After the power of the Reality Stone entered Mu En's body, it seemed to trigger some kind of reaction mechanism, and a clear sound of the pointer turning was heard.

Three completely different powers, the power of the Reality Stone and the Demon King's power and magic power in Mu En's body, actually began to merge and assimilate.

In the deep and distant space of the universe, a majestic figure opened its star-like eyes and looked across hundreds of millions of light-years towards the earth where Mu En was.

"Is this the breath, and those alien gods? Huh! You are actually trying to control the power where the universe was born, and you are seeking death!"

With a cold shout, a power that transcends everything comes across time and space like a law.

Mu En, who was receiving the power of the Reality Stone, immediately felt something was wrong. The power of the Reality Stone, which was originally synchronized with his own power, suddenly became violent and began to expand without being assimilated with his own power.

At that moment, Mu En felt that his body was almost filled with the energy of the Reality Stone. Now he was like an inflated balloon that might burst at any time.


Dense cracks appeared on the dazzling Wizard's armor, like broken glass.

The next moment.


With a crisp sound, the suit turned into fragments and shattered.

"Mr. En!"

The thing that Thor was most worried about still happened, but there was nothing he could do now. He was pinned to the ground and there was nothing he could do to help.

"Your Highness King!"

Kivat, who had been staying in the dark, rushed out instantly, stared at the manic energy pressure of the Reality Stone and rushed in front of Mu En.

"Kivat! Get out of here!"

Mu En also knew that it was his rashness that led to the current outcome, so he could not drag kivat into it.

"No! Kivat's mission is to protect His Highness King. If something happens to His Highness, how can Kivat dare to survive? It can only dare to face the Queen and everyone in the Fangire family."


"Your Highness King!"

Finally kivat successfully arrived at Mu En's side.

"Hen shin!"

Kivat shouted the transformation sentence for Mu En, and the sharp fangs pierced Mu En's hand. The Demon Emperor's power surged instantly, and the scarlet Demon Emperor's armor descended.


With a roar, Mu En began to resist the power of the Reality Stone with the help of Kivat, but as one of the six Infinity Stones, the Reality Stone is not so easy to resist.

Under the powerful force, the Demon King's power began to flow away rapidly.

"I won't let you hurt our king so easily!"

In order to protect Mu En, Kivat chose to directly absorb the power of the infinite gems to enrich himself. Unlike Mu En, Kivat, who came to this world earlier, had a longer running-in period with the universe and was more adaptable to the laws of this world.

Mu En can clearly feel that through the transformation of kivat, the power of Dark Kiva is changing.

But even so, the energy contained in the Reality Stone is almost unlimited, and Dark Kiva has its limit after all.

Everything is the result of my own suicide. If I have to die, then I can't drag you down!

These were Mu En's last thoughts.

"kivat! Disintegrate!"

He forcibly canceled the transformation, grabbed kivat Mu En and threw it into the distance. He used his last strength to open the portal and sent it and Thor away from the mirror space.

Without the protection of the armor, Mu En used his body to resist the energy of the Reality Stone. Instantly, the surface of the skin was covered with red lines.

"bring it on!"

In the last unwilling roar, Mu En lost consciousness.

And at that last moment, the Stone of Eternity hanging around Mu En's neck shined with unprecedented brilliance.


I don’t know how much time passed before Mu En woke up.

"Where am I?"

Opening his eyes and looking around, Mu En was shaken.

He is actually deep in the vastness of space, and everywhere he looks, there are stars that explain heroes.

"This does not belong to any place in your cognitive universe."

A voice that seemed to come from the ancient wilderness sounded directly in Mu En's mind.

A humanoid figure actually appeared in the boundless universe. His body was actually made of the universe, and his eyes were two shining stars. In other words, he himself was a part of the universe.

Looking at this majestic existence, Mu En's first reaction was that Douzhen led him across the time dimension to see the two figures.

But those two figures were similar to the existence in front of him, but they were different.

"May I ask, what kind of 'person' is 'senior'?"

For a moment, Mu En didn't know what kind of gift he should find to describe this kind of existence.

The majestic being did not answer Mu En's question directly, but spoke calmly.

"You carry a piece of me with you."

Do you carry a part of him with you?

Suddenly, there was a bolt from the blue. Mu En reached out and reached for the black coal ball above his neck.

"Stone of eternity, no way! Are you...eternal?"

Chapter 468, Eternity

Mu En still couldn't believe it. Although he had met Mephisto and had tea with Gu Yi, Mu En always believed that it was within the acceptable range.

However, the existence in front of me is too exaggerated, eternity!

You must know that in the movie universe, it has not even appeared, it is just a concept.

Mu En couldn’t believe that he actually saw eternity with his own eyes.

Or is it all just a fantasy, and he has actually died under the power of the Reality Stone?

"Is that what you're thinking about?"

Eternity is like being able to hear Mu En's thoughts and see the thoughts in Mu En's mind.

Opening his hands, he revealed a scarlet gem.

And that gem was the Infinity Stone that almost killed Mu En before, the Reality Stone.

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