But now Mu En is even more confused about what happened and whether he is dead or not.

"Don't worry, you are not dead. I brought you here just before your body reached its limit."

In other words, Eternity saved his life before he died.

But there is no reason why he and Eternity have nothing to do with each other, so why should he save himself?

Eternal saw through Mu En's thoughts for once and spoke.

"I'm not trying to save you, I'm just trying to prevent this universe from going to destruction."

Mu En felt ashamed. It was too much pressure to stand with such a big boss. He could directly see through other people's thoughts and there was no secret at all.

In order not to let the opponent continue to read his mind, Mu En spoke first.

"God of Eternity, what do you mean by preventing the universe from being destroyed? Can an infinite gem also destroy the universe?"

If one gem can destroy the universe, then why would Thanos bother to travel all over the universe to collect six gems?

Eternal did not directly answer Mu En's question, but said.

"The operation of the universe has its own rules. No matter what direction it goes, whether it is destroyed or exists, it has its own meaning and value.

And my existence is to maintain the order of these universes.

But now, the will of the universe has changed, and the future of the world has become unknown. "

Do bosses always like to talk like this in a cloudy manner? Mu En was stunned for a moment, not even understanding what he wanted to say. Didn't he just ask if a gem can destroy the universe? What do you mean by saying so much? Let yourself do reading comprehension here?

After Eternal said such a long sequence, he suddenly looked at Mu En.

"You want to gain the power of reality?"

Mu En trembled all over, why did the topic change so quickly! However, facing such a big boss, Mu En did not dare to lie and nodded.

"Yes, I wanted to become stronger, so I tried to find a way to get in touch with the Reality Stone. But I didn't expect that people's hearts were so weak that I ended up like this."

Eternal seemed to be thinking about something, and after weighing it for a moment, he said.

"Okay, let's make a deal. This gem has its own destiny and cannot be handed over to you for the time being, but I will give you my power. In exchange, I need you to do one thing for me."

Mu En was stunned.

Damn it, the Eternal Boss wants to make a deal with him? And the reality gem has its own destination? And eternity will give me the power that belongs to him?

The amount of information is really too much. If Mu En had not experienced so much, he would have already developed a big heart, otherwise he might not be able to react.

"Okay, I'm willing to make a deal with you."

Mu En decisively chose to agree, not to mention that if Eternal had not taken action, he would have died under the power of the Reality Stone.

What’s more, the fate of the Reality Stone he mentioned, we guess, is probably the direction in the plot. It was handed over to the collector by Asgard, and finally fell into the hands of Thanos.

The last thing that worries Mu En the most is that eternal power is really something that I dare not think about. As for the existence of this power, there were all kinds of speculations flying on the Internet in the past life, each one more awesome than the last. For such power, it is simply impossible for Mu En to refuse.

"Wise choice."

For Mu En's decisiveness, Eternal also praised him and waved.

The Stone of Eternity, which was hung as a pendant around Mu En's neck, broke free from the shackles of the necklace and fell into Eternal's hands.

In an instant, the Stone of Eternity emitted thousands of rays of light, as dazzling and profound as the sea of ​​stars where Mu En was now.

After activating the Stone of Eternity, Eternal gave a gentle push and handed the bit of brilliance in front of Mu En.

"Grab it and use your own knowledge to understand eternity. As for how much power you can gain, it depends on yourself."

Understand for yourself what eternity is?

At this moment, Mu En really didn't know how to understand it. After all, this concept was too illusory.

But at the moment when he caught some brilliance, Mu En subconsciously thought of a handsome figure, the one who almost defeated the protagonist.

As if he had sensed what Mu En was thinking, the light in his hand changed.


A memory appeared in Mu En's hand.


Unable to hold it back, Mu En cursed.

I just subconsciously thought about it, and it turned into a memory directly. Isn't it like this?

Although the eternal memory is very strong, compared with the great god of eternity, it is not worth mentioning at all. At that moment, Mu En felt as if he had lost 100 million.

But the change was not over yet. The surrounding star sea moved and turned into a powerful energy flow that poured into the memory in Mu En's hand.

Suddenly, the originally white eternal memory was filled with starry patterns, just like half of the vast universe.

After completing all this, the eternal memory was directly integrated into Mu En's body, but Mu En could clearly feel its existence, just like half of an infinite ring, and he could summon it with just a thought.

"Not bad, an interesting way to express it. The contract is completed, let's go back."

The voice fell, and Eternal stretched out his hand to push. The stars around Mu En were flowing, and in the blink of an eye, Mu En found that he was back in the mirror space.

"Did I have a dream?"

Everything felt so unreal, but as soon as he thought about it, the special eternal memory appeared in his hand. The existence of this memory is official. Everything just now was not an illusion or a dream.

"Well, I'm used to it anyway."

Just as Mu En was sighing, the Reality Stone slowly fell from the sky, and Mu En reached out to catch it.

Fortunately, there were no signs of violence this time, but this experience also reminded Mu En that he was not a special being, and the power of the infinite stones was not so easy to control.

"It doesn't matter, just like he said, you have your own destiny, and this is not the only way to become stronger."

After that, the magic of the scene dispersed, and some of them returned to reality.

Chapter 469: The End of the Dark Elf Incident

In Greenwich, Dr. Selvig and Jane and the others looked at everything on the square in confusion.

Not long ago, there was chaos here. Thor led two Kamen Riders to fight against the dark elf, but suddenly everything disappeared, as if nothing had ever appeared.

Jane and Dr. Selvig used instruments to test for a long time, but neither found any traces.

However, just now, Thor and a little bat suddenly appeared in the square.

"Thor! Are you okay Sol!"

Jane simply dropped the instrument in her hand and rushed to Thor anxiously.

However, Thor's eyes were full of sorrow and anger.

"No! Mu En! I shouldn't have dragged you into this! No!"

"Calm down Thor! Calm down what happened?"

Jane comforted Sol, trying to calm him down.

Eric and Frank, who were sent out of the mirror space by Mu En first, also rushed over. They heard Sol calling Mu En's name.

Frank said with a solemn expression.

"Thunder God Thor, what happened? Where is Mu En? Why didn't he come back?"

Eric also asked kivat on the side.

"That's right, what happened in kivat? Where are the others?"

Kivat didn't speak, but slowly stopped on Eric's shoulder.

An unpleasant feeling came over me.

Frank abnormally grabbed Saul's collar.

"I'm asking you a question! I'm ministering to others!"

Jane hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Calm down, Sol is very sad now! Tell him to slow down!"

"Muen, Muen him!"

Thor calmed down for a long time before turning around.

"When Mu En was recycling ether particles, the ether particles went berserk. Mu En..."

"Asshole! How is this possible! How could Mu En be in a place like this so easily..."

"What's wrong with me in a place like this?"

A joking voice sounded, and Mu En walked out from a short distance, playing with a shining gem in his hand.

"Mr. En!"

"Mu En, you're okay!"

"Your Highness King!"

Everyone was shocked and rushed towards Mu En to confirm that the Mu En in front of them was not an illusion caused by them.

Mu En pushed away everyone and smiled.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'm fine. Although I had a little accident, I got through it."

Thor still couldn't believe it. He clearly saw the power of ether particles shattering two sets of Mu En's suits with his own eyes. Can it be regarded as a little accident?

"Mu En, are you sure you're okay?"

Mu En spread his hands.

"I told you, it was just a little accident. Look, am I not fine now?"

After that, he walked around to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him.

"That's great. It's great that you're okay."

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Mu En, Sol also breathed a sigh of relief. He had just lost two relatives, and he didn't want to lose another good friend.

"By the way, take this and leave it to you."

With that said, Mu En casually gave a scarlet gem to Thor.

"This is?!"

Thor jumped when he took the gem. The aura emanating from the gem was so familiar to him.

"Is this an ether particle!? How did it become like this?"

Mu En scratched his head.

"Well, I can't explain this. Anyway, it was already like this when I woke up. Anyway, I leave it to you. Take it back to Asgard. It also gives you something to go back to for business."

Thor looked at the Reality Stone in his hand, held it in his arms, and then solemnly performed an Asgardian ritual to Mu En.

"Thank you for your efforts my dear friend, you will always be my most respected friend."

"OK OK."

Mu En smiled and patted Sol's shoulder.

"This is not like you, Thor. Since we are all friends, we don't need to go through these etiquette."

As he spoke, he glanced at Jane on the side again.

"Okay, now that the trouble has been solved, it's time for me to go back and won't disturb you anymore."

Hearing Mu En's words, Jian nodded gratefully to Mu En.

Mu En waved his hand and then turned to Eric and Frank and asked.

"By the way, are you two going to stay in Europe, or are you going to go back to the orphanage with me?"

Frank shook his head.

"I won't go back. After all, I'm already a dead person over there."

Mu En nodded.

"Okay, don't worry, Nissen will be watching over there, and I've found a nanny for them, so don't worry."

Right now, New York.

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