In fact, he also knows very well that Stark Industries has Tony Stark, and the entire company is very aloof. Although he represents the New York police, he seems to be nothing in front of the superhero, even if he is really It might not be that easy to talk to Stark Industries to get them to provide a batch of advanced weapons and equipment for the New York police.

After all, as Plit said, Stark Industries is no longer engaged in the production and manufacturing of weapons.

After a long negotiation, Director George finally decided to make a decision after seeing their products. Plitt had no choice but to agree first. At least he had gained an advantage for their company.

"Okay, let's decide this first."

Director George made the final decision and settled the matter temporarily.

"Okay Chief George, then it's decided. Tomorrow you can organize the police officers to come to our company to take a look. I believe it will leave a deep impression on you and the police officers in the police station."

"Then let's talk tomorrow. Goodbye Mr. Plitt."

"Goodbye Chief George."

After saying goodbye, Plit stood up and walked out of the office, and happened to bump into Murphy running in hurriedly, holding a handful of documents in his hand.

That night, after he found the chip that was about to break, he went back to investigate the three words OCP.

Originally there were only three letters, so trying to find something was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But perhaps God's blessing actually allowed him to find out something, and that was OmniCorp.

Although it was a bit far-fetched to speculate with only three letters, Murphy took a closer look and found that this company was somewhat suspicious, because they had once engaged in biochemical modification experiments, and many people who participated in OmniCorp experiments had disappeared inexplicably. .

Although the sum of these things cannot prove that these things that happened are directly related to this company, Murphy vaguely felt that there might be some ulterior secret behind it all.

The two of them bumped into each other, and Murphy's hand spilled all over the floor.

"Feel sorry."

Plit quickly bent down to help pick things up, and happened to see the investigation information about their company.

Pritt's expression changed slightly, but he still concealed it.

"It's okay, it's okay. My problem is that I didn't notice anyone in front of you. Leave it to me. Thank you."

Murphy put all the documents away, thanked him, and walked into Director George's office.

Pritt silently glanced at the police badge on Murphy's chest and then turned and left.

"Director! Who was that person just now?"

Murphy asked curiously as he walked into the office.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Plitt, he is the head of OmniCorp."

"OmniCorp? It can't be such a coincidence."

Murphy frowned immediately. He was already a little suspicious of this company, but their people came over a few days after taking over the police station. It seemed that they really had a problem.

"What's wrong? What a coincidence."

George also noticed the change in Murphy's expression.

Murphy said to George seriously.

"Director, I suspect there is something wrong with this OmniCorp company."


OmniCorp's corporate headquarters, in the president's office.

President Raymond is reporting to a figure on the computer. If Steve were here, he would be shocked when he saw the guy on the computer and call out that person's name.

Dr. Zola, a key member of Hydra and a loyal follower of the Red Skull.

"How is the research progress on biochemical warriors?"

Raymond replied.

"There has been quite good progress. After getting the information you gave, Dr. Norton's research has made leaps and bounds. The latest batch of biochemical warriors have extremely strong combat effectiveness. Unfortunately, there are still some shortcomings, but I believe that many There will be new progress soon.”

"Very good, let's continue researching like this. As long as the biochemical warrior plan is successfully developed, it will be a great achievement. It will not be impossible to promote you to be the leader of the division."

Raymond nodded excitedly.

"Of course, some of it is for HYDRA."

"Haha, don't be so excited, just listen to what I have to say first."

Dr. Zola sneered.

"If you let me know that you did something else behind my back, which ultimately led to the failure of the plan or the organization's exposure, then believe me, the Winter Soldier will bring your head to see me."

After saying that, the screen flashed and Dr. Zola disappeared.

Raymond also put away the flattering smile on his face.


"Mr. Silas, I'm back."

"come in."

Pritt opened the door and walked in with a flattering look.

"How did things go?"

Raymond asked calmly.

Preet quickly replied.

"We're almost done talking, but George, that old fox, isn't that easy to fall for, but he has agreed to come to our company first to take a look."

"It's pretty much what I thought. After all, someone who can take the position of chief of the police in this city must not be so easy to fool.

Huh, but after he sees our equipment, I think he will sign the contract obediently. "

Pritt quickly flattered him.

"Sir, you are right. As long as they use our equipment, they will understand the benefits of technology. Then they will find that they can't do without our products. In the end, human body modification and other things will not be enough. Submit."

This flattery is quite good. The reason why Raymond did this is that biochemical modification has very high requirements on the human body. Ordinary people can no longer meet the requirements. Originally, he wanted to draw attention to the army, but After the army got a war machine called Rhodes, it became obvious that they were closely following Stark Industries.

So he could only retreat and focus on the police. In addition, the police in New York City have been pushed to the forefront recently. When they really need weapons and equipment, this just gives him the opportunity to take action.

Thinking about Raymond, he felt that God was helping him and bringing opportunities to him.

Before he could be happy for a long time, Plit suddenly dropped some bad news.

"But sir, I have something to report to you. A policeman named Murphy started investigating our company.

According to reports from our people, many police officers who died in the self-destruction of the Cyborg were his subordinates. "

"What? Please explain things clearly to me!"

Plit reported the matter to Raymond in detail.

After listening, Raymond's face darkened.

"Our plan does not allow for any mistakes. Find an opportunity to kill him."

"I know sir, I'll make arrangements right away."

With that said, he quickly backed out.

However, Murphy was completely unaware that his investigation had already brought him life and death.

Chapter 479, Technology Team, New Police Equipment

New York City, the hometown of many superheroes, is also the paradise of many super criminals.

A figure wearing a red tights shuttled between high-rise buildings. Since the last big explosion, it seemed that all the criminals had stopped, and New York City ushered in a rare tranquility.

"Good morning New York City, it's such a rare day without explosions, gunshots, or shrill alarm bells echoing around the city.

Hey man, to be honest, I wonder if I didn't wake up, or if I woke up in another world without crime. "

The little spider landed on the top of a building, overlooking the entire city. Even if there was no one around him, he never stopped talking.

"It's really strange. Not only was there no crime, there wasn't even a thief or car thief in sight."

After scratching his head, Peter looked at the impact reflected in the mirror and said to himself.

"But this is good, at least it can save me a lot of effort. It would be best if I could retire directly, so that I can go back and prepare for the college entrance examination with peace of mind."

Just when Peter was about to go shopping for the last time and then go home, a green figure found the little spider on a hang glider.

"Hey Spider-Man, I finally found you."

"Good morning Batwing, it's been a good day today. Not only have there been no criminal attacks, there haven't even been any petty thefts."

Little Spider said hello from the top of the building.

Regarding the little spider's words, Harry nodded and said.

"Indeed, since the last bombing, the crime rate in the entire city has dropped. It has even been almost zero crime in the past two days."

But the conversation suddenly changed and Harry said again.

"But Spider-Man, don't you think this is all weird?"

Spider-Man touched his chin.

"It is indeed a bit strange, but isn't it good to live like this? There is no crime, and this city does not need superheroes. In this way, we can all return to our peaceful lives. I am really looking forward to that day. "

However, as soon as Peter finished speaking, a burst of gunshots suddenly rang out, followed by sharp sirens piercing the sky above New York City.

Butler Fu's voice sounded in Harry's headset at the same time.

"Master Harry, there was a robbery on Fourteenth Avenue, and alien technology was suspected to have been involved."

After the Battle of New York, although Stark and the government jointly established the Chitauri Technology Review Project, many alien technology products still flowed into the underground world.

Among them, under the orders of Mu En, Cigar Carmine, now Fangire cadre Knight, secretly recovered most of them.

But then a lot of weapons and technology flowed into other places.

Harry quipped as he heard gunshots and sirens.

"Oh, it looks like your retirement opportunity will have to be postponed a little longer."

"Well, it seems that I am too optimistic. Let's go. Let's go and see if those blind people dare to interfere with my retirement plan."

"Want a lift?"

"It's what I asked for."

The two of them rushed to the crime scene in a floating wing together.

However, when they arrived, the New York police rarely arrived first and successfully sealed off the entire crime scene.

"The site has been sealed off, and the technology team is ready to take action!"

Director George's voice came out over the intercom. An armored vehicle arrived at the scene, the door opened, and a heavily armed team got out of the vehicle.

They are equipped with all new weapons and equipment provided by OmniCorp.


In the bank, robbers armed with alien technology weapons blocked the bank's thugs, preparing to fight the police to the end.

"Boss! Reinforcements from the cops are here."

One of the boys was lying on the window and saw the technology team appearing outside, and immediately reported it to the robber boss.

"Tch, what are you afraid of? No matter how many people come, they will just die. Don't forget that we have aliens on our hands."

The robber boss was full of confidence. Originally, they were just a group of small gangsters hanging around at the bottom.

Just two days ago, a mysterious man suddenly came to him and asked him if he had any dreams and if he had the courage to do something big. Then he gave him a batch of alien technology weapons.

After seeing the power of these alien technological weapons, the robber boss was numb. There are such powerful weapons in this world. With this, he can rob whatever he wants.

Then he began to develop his toughness as a robber. After testing the power of weapons in several small towns outside New York, he felt like he was floating. Ordinary fish and shrimps could no longer satisfy him, so Following the mysterious man's tip, he robbed the top bank on Fourteenth Avenue.

"People inside, listen, you have been surrounded, put down your weapons and come out immediately!"

After the police saw that everyone was in place, they began the normal process. Shout out to the robbers through the loudspeaker, hoping that they will find their conscience and walk out of the bank obediently.

However, the only thing that responded to them was a strange metal ball.

"You want me to surrender? Eat shit!"

"Lie down!"

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