
There was an explosion, and dust suddenly flew everywhere.

"Brothers, are your backpacks full?"

"Boss, it's all full."

"This money will last us a lifetime."

The robbers' younger brothers were all gangsters. They had seen so much money there and were so excited that they hugged their bulging backpacks.

Seeing this, the robber leader also spat excitedly.

"Okay, let us fight out now. As long as we leave this ghost place, we can live a happy life."

"Come on!"

With an order, the robbers armed with alien technology weapons rushed out of the bank.

"The target appears! The target appears! The technology team takes action!"

As soon as the robbers rushed out of the bank, the technology team rushed to meet them.

"Looking for death, look at the gun!"

The robber leader drew his gun and shot.

However, the technology team equipped with special tactical goggles easily passed by, and then launched a counterattack with weapons that were obviously more high-tech than the robbers.

"This is how the same thing?"

Harry and Peter also rushed to the scene, but when they saw the pile of alien technology fighting, they were both stunned.

Peter asked confused.

"What happened? Did we miss a new industrial revolution in just a few days?"

The battle was over soon. This group of robbers was no match for the technology team and was captured directly.

"Well done."

"Put the cuffs on them."

"Collect the team, collect the team!"

All the police officers were extremely happy because they finally felt proud.

The achievements of the technology team these days are obvious to all. We don’t need any superheroes. The police can also fight against super criminals to protect the safety of citizens. It is really relieved.

Of course, there is only one exception, and that is Murphy.

After he reported his findings to the director that day, the director did not believe him and only thought that he was making random guesses.

So at the director's request, he went to OmniCorp's technology exhibition with him. Not only that, after the technology team was established, he was also allowed to join the team, allowing him to witness with his own eyes the strength of OmniCorp and the power of the technology team.

But the more he saw, the stranger Murphy felt.

In the previous missions, the criminals failed to survive, but this time they might be able to pry something out of their mouths.

After the police closed the team, the two young heroes also felt a lot of emotion.

"Spider-Man, maybe you are right. It looks like we are really going to retire."

"Yeah, but I always feel like there's something weird about it."

Chapter 480: Murphy was killed

"So, where did your weapons come from a mysterious person?"

In the police station, Murphy personally launched individual interrogations of these robbers through application.

"Yes, that's right, sir, I've said everything I need to say. Can you reduce my sentence?"

The robber boy who was the first to be unable to bear the pressure begged bitterly. He originally thought he was going to have a successful career, but he took it and flew directly to the prison.

He really didn't want to spend his time in prison, so under Murphy's guidance, he confessed everything.

Murphy frowned and read the transcript repeatedly.

"Where did you actually meet that mysterious man?"

"In Hell's Kitchen, before we got these weapons, we were just the lowest level gangsters in Hell's Kitchen."

After recording everyone's confessions, Mephisto discovered that all the spearheads pointed to a mysterious man in Hell's Kitchen, who provided them with weapons.

After repeated comparisons by Murphy, he found that the weapons used by these people were extremely similar to the weapons equipped by the technology team.

Although these weapons and equipment are all improved based on the weapons and equipment left by the alien invaders, the similarity between the two weapons is so high that it has to be doubted.

In order to solve his doubts, he specifically asked experts in this field, but it would take several days for the results to come out.

So Murphy decided that he would first investigate the mysterious people mentioned by the robbers.


After reporting to Chief George, Murphy drove the car and left the police headquarters.

But he had no idea that his whereabouts had already been tracked.

"Boss, that guy left the police station independently."

"Really? Very good, keep an eye on me."

"I understand."

A black car slowly drove out of the parking lot, following Murphy at a distance.

Before being transferred to New York, Murphy had heard about Hell's Kitchen for a long time. It was once rated as the most chaotic place in the United States, with many gangs and complicated relationships.

Various arms transactions and prohibited goods trafficking activities are endless.

Similarly, it was once the center of the largest human trafficking activities, but for some reason, these once extremely rampant illegal activities seemed to have disappeared.

While heading to Hell's Kitchen, Murphy passed an orphanage. Looking at an orphanage located on the border of Hell's Kitchen, Murphy subconsciously stopped the car.

"Valentine Orphanage."

Looking at the signboard shining brightly under the sun, Murphy had something in mind.

Following the trend of curiosity, he walked into Valentine.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

The security guard stopped Murphy responsibly. Since he stopped Nick Fury several times in a row, Muen increased his salary to an absurdly high level.

This also made him devoted to Mu En and Valentin. The most important thing is that although he is just an ordinary staff member, he has worked here for such a long time and developed an inexplicable sense of belonging.


Murphy pondered for a moment, as if he couldn't find any reason to go in.

Finally he smiled and shook his head.

"It's nothing. I was just passing by here. I was a little curious and wanted to take a look. If you are not allowed in, I will leave immediately."

After saying that, Murphy turned around and prepared to leave.

"Are you, Officer Murphy?"

Mu En, who happened to be returning from school, bumped into Murphy who was just about to leave.

Murphy also looked at the high school student in front of him curiously, how did he know his name.

"Hello, have we met?"

Mu En smiled and said that he was quite impressed by this police officer. After all, there were not many ordinary people who dared to confront the adulterated body head-on.

"No, but I have seen your story in the newspaper."

"It turns out it was actually in the newspaper."

Murphy nodded and didn't doubt him too much. After all, as an excellent police detective, who hasn't been in the newspapers a few times?

Mu En asked curiously.

"Officer Murphy, what are you doing here?"

"It's nothing. I was going to Hell's Kitchen and happened to pass by here. I have something else to do. Goodbye, little guy."

After that, Murphy stopped staying, sat on the car and drove away in the direction of Hell's Kitchen.

Mu En looked at Murphy's leaving back, thoughtfully.

He also knew something about the recent situation in the New York Police Department.

He had also thought before that he could use some of his own means to help Director George. After all, Mu En also admired the police chief who believed he had a righteous heart.

But so many things happened later that I forgot about it.

"Hell's Kitchen? I remember it seems to be the territory managed by Knight."

With that said, Mu En made a phone call.

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, Your Highness King. I will take care of him."

Carmine hung up the phone and flicked the ashes from his cigar.

"The lucky guy is able to get the care of His Highness King. Someone, please pass on the order."

In Hell's Kitchen, Murphy moved forward cautiously. After all, this is Hell's Kitchen, which is known as the place abandoned by God. No one knows what will happen. After all, in the past few years, the number of people who have mysteriously disappeared in Hell's Kitchen is... There are too many.

Soon he stopped outside one of the alleys.

"We're here, Iju Alley."

According to the confessions of the robbers, it was here that they once conducted their activities, and it was also the mysterious man they met here.

After confirming the location, Murphy locked the car door and carefully walked into Izhu Alley.

Not long after Murphy got out of the car, another car followed him into Hell's Kitchen and watched Murphy leave his car.

A sinister smile appeared on the man's face.

"It's great, it's a God-given opportunity. Alex Murphy, who made you offend someone you shouldn't have offended? Leave this world quietly in the explosion."


Murphy investigated further, but found nothing. Apart from finding some strongholds where the robbers had been active, there was no useful information.

Back in his car, Murphy sighed helplessly.

"Hey, did the clues end here again?"

While sighing, he took out the car keys and started the engine.


There was an explosion, and the entire car was turned into scrap metal in the explosion.

"Hahahahaha, it's so easy, it's really so easy."

After the man took a video of Murphy's murder, he drove away in his car.

However, he did not see that in the blind spot of the camera, a Fangire rescued Murphy who was seriously injured and unconscious.

The seriously injured Murphy was sent to the hospital. Soon the news of the explosion attack on the elite police officer became a hot topic. The most miraculous thing is that Murphy survived the explosion, but he has become a dying man. Just a loser.


"Asshole! Didn't you say he was dead?"

At OmniCorp headquarters, Raymond was furious.

The man who complicatedly assassinated Murphy knelt on the ground and trembled. Plitt, who was beside him, was also extremely nervous.

But as he rolled his eyes, he suddenly thought of something.

"Hey, hey, hey, sir, don't be angry, I have an idea. Although he is not dead, hasn't he become a useless person? Isn't that right? We can..."

Chapter 481, RoboCop Project

"Reporting a major news, the star detective of the police station, Officer Murphy, was retaliated by criminals while investigating the case, and was attacked by a bomb during the investigation.

After more than ten hours of rescue, Officer Murphy was finally out of danger. "

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