When I got to the elevator, I discovered that this elevator actually had a password. Can I have a sense of trust between people? What kind of password is needed when it is hidden so deeply?

However, in front of Natasha, such a combination lock was obviously not enough.

Entering the elevator and going all the way down, they finally came to the secret room hidden underground.

What comes into view is a bunch of computer equipment from the previous world. Perhaps these were the top equipment at that time, but now they have become antiques.

Looking at the equipment, Natasha shook her head.

"The signal source of the data cannot come from here. These devices are from the last era."

But when Gang said it, she paused, because he suddenly discovered that there was a brand new data interface in front of the main control computer, and that interface was the same model as the one used by SHIELD.

After hesitating for a while, she inserted the USB flash drive in her hand into the data interface.

Suddenly, all the old antiques in this secret room started to move.

"what have you done?"

Steve asked a little warily.

Natasha shook her head.

"Nothing, I just turned on these old antiques."

Soon the pixels on the main screen flickered, and after a few flashes they formed a strange human face.

The camera on the side slowly lifted up and looked at the two of them.

Just listen to the man on the computer screen say with a smile.

"It's really been a long time since we saw each other. I didn't expect that we would have the chance to meet again."

Looking at the face in the computer, Steve frowned.

Natasha asked curiously.

"What is this? Computer video?"

"Hey lady, watch your words. I am not a computer video recorder, nor a simple intelligent program. Although my body no longer exists and my appearance is different from when the captain caught me, I am still I."

Natasha looked back at Steve with confusion.

"You know him?"

Steve nodded.

"Arnin Zola, the chief scientist under the Red Skull, was captured by me when he was about to escape at the end of World War II, but he should have been dead long ago."

"You're right Captain."

Dr. Zola also responded with a smile.

"But one thing needs to be corrected, that is, although my body has died, my spirit is still alive and well. Look around. These mechanical equipment are proof of my survival. In 1972, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I knew my time was running out.

Although I am not afraid of death, my great mind and thoughts cannot disappear, so I turned my consciousness into data and uploaded it. So it became what you see now. In a sense, I achieved what humans have always longed for, eternal life. "

Natasha couldn't help but laugh.

"Eternal life? Oh, what's the point of living forever if you become like this, neither human nor ghost?"

But that's not what Steve cares about. This is the basement of SHIELD, and as a scientist of Hydra, why is Zola here?

"Why are you here? After I arrested you, shouldn't you have been put in prison?"

But Dr. Zola laughed.

"Hahaha, of course Captain is here as invited."

Natasha immediately understood what was going on.

"It's Project Paperclip. In order to contain the Soviet Union after World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited many German scientists with strategic value, and Dr. Zola was among them."

Dr. Zola also smiled.

"They thought I could help them achieve their goals, so they recruited me. It's funny, I don't know if their goals were achieved, but I had my sights on them."

Steve's eyes were grim.

"Hydra has perished with the disappearance of the Red Skull!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at Steve's appearance, Dr. Zola laughed.

"Captain, you probably don't know what the true meaning of Hydra is. Cut off one head and grow two.

As an old friend from the same era, let me have a good chat with you. After all, there are not many people who can talk. "

Dr. Zola generously explained to Steve how Hydra had penetrated into every corner and affected major events in history over the years.

It was at this time that Steve and Natasha suddenly realized that it was not SHIELD that had a problem. SHIELD was no longer SHIELD, but Hydra in the guise of SHIELD.

The interior of SHIELD has long been corrupted by Hydra. Dr. Zola and Hydra are like a borer that has penetrated a big tree. Now this borer has not only grown up but also dominated the entire tree. Tree.

After everything was said, Dr. Zola did not forget to ridicule.

"Now as long as the Insight Project takes off, a new order will be established! We defeated the captain, you have never defeated us. Your efforts and your lives will be in vain, and everything will return to zero."


Angry, Steve smashed the computer screen with one punch.

However, it was too late. The iron door behind her suddenly closed, and the alarm on Natasha began to sound.

"Steve! There are two missiles heading towards us."

"Who launched it! This is the United States!"

Natasha replied rather desperately.


"Hahaha, farewell Captain, it's a pity that you can't see the new world established by Hydra!"

At the end, Zola did not forget to mock this old rival.

A missile fell into the abandoned military camp arsenal, and the reinforced concrete houses were instantly reduced to ruins. But this was not enough. The special forces led by Rumlow surrounded the place and began to search for Steve. and Natasha's body.

But after searching for a while, nothing was found, only one footprint was seen.

Rumlow understood that the man would not fall so easily.

Chapter 506, Falcon Sam

In the early morning, Sam, who had just returned from his morning run, was about to enjoy his breakfast, but a rapid knock on the door interrupted him.

He was a little confused as to who would come to him at this time. When he opened the blinds, he saw a familiar person and opened the door without hesitation.

"Good morning Captain."

Steve said straight to the point.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time, we need to get out of the limelight."

Natasha added.

"People we know are going to kill us."

Seeing the two men's miserable looks, Sam let the door open.

"At least I'm not."

After the two entered Sam's house, Sam checked to make sure no one saw him, then quickly closed the door and closed the blinds.

Here they finally had a chance to breathe, and Sam prepared a breakfast for the two of them.

"I think you two should still eat the fireworks of the world."

"Of course, I'm already hungry after running away all night."

The three of them sat at the dining table, filling their bellies and discussing the current situation.

Natasha asked solemnly.

"Then who in SHIELD has the right to launch missiles on the mainland."

"Alexander Pierce."

Steve blurted out. Now he was basically sure that the old fox was also from Hydra. After all, the Insight Project was run by Nick Fury and him, but now that Fury has fallen, he is the only one left. .

"Wow, that one is really interesting. After all, he is sitting on the safest floor of a building in the world."

"But he's not alone."

Steve also knew that it would be impossible for just the two of them to break into the SHIELD building.

"Zola's core algorithm is on the Remiyari star."

"Jasper, Sidwell is up there too."

"So the question now is, how do two of Washington's most wanted men kidnap a senior S.H.I.E.L.D. official in a downtown area?"

Sam had been listening quietly. When he heard this, he stood up and picked up a document that had been prepared.

"The answer is that you don't need to take action. You can find another person to help."

As he spoke, he placed the file in front of Steve.

"What's this?"

Steve glanced at the information in front of him in confusion.

Sam stood up straight and answered seriously.

"It's a resume, I've always wanted to join you, but I just lacked an opportunity."

Natasha picked up one of the photos and immediately recognized the background.

"This is Bakarama. Were you responsible for that mission? Steve, why didn't you say he was from the airborne force?"

But Steve's attention was on his partner next to Sam.

"Is this your partner Riley?"

Sam nodded.

But Natasha asked.

"I heard that there were places in that mission where rocket launchers and airplanes couldn't even enter. How did you do it? Invisible parachute?"

"No, it's this."

Sam gave Steve another document. The cover of the document read, "Secret Archives Falcon Project, a special mobile equipment plan."

"Didn't you say you were the driver?"

Steve always thought Sam was a plane pilot, but he didn't expect him to be involved in such a secret plan.

"I never said it was your own opinion."

"Okay, but I can't invite you to help. After all, you retired for a reason."

As he spoke, he glanced at Sam's partner on the photo.

"Don't say that Steve, Captain America needs help now. Isn't this reason enough?"

Steve was dull for a moment, and finally nodded.

“Where can I help get this?”

"The last set is at Fort Meade, Florida, behind three steel doors and a twelve-inch-thick steel wall."

After hearing this information, Steve nodded.

"There should be no problem."


Thousands."";!Xun??.!.Free"'?fee,small,said"skirt;"2'5.5;5;...'9:5!3?!.0",0 Ordinary military The base was not a challenge to them at all. After obtaining the Falcon Wings, they also fished out a batch of equipment, and the three of them launched their plan.

With Sam in the light and Steve in the dark, they easily took Sidwell from the downtown area to a high-rise building.

However, from Sidwell's mouth, Steve and others learned shocking information.

Project Insight, through the cooperation of three aircraft carriers and Dr. Zola's core algorithm, can be locked through DNA and wipe out one million people at the same time.

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