Once the Insight Project succeeds, Hydra may really be able to rewrite the order of the world.

Everyone in the car had serious expressions, except for Sidwell, who had nervousness written all over his face.

"Heroes, Hydra doesn't like informers. Now I'm telling you everything I know. You must protect me."

"Then you'd better shut your mouth!"

Falcon said angrily.

Natasha investigated through the equipment and found that Hydra people had already begun to take action.

"Everyone, the Insight Project will start in sixteen hours. We need to hurry up."

Steve nodded.

"I know, that's why I took him with me and used him to bypass the DNA scan so we could go straight to the helicarrier."

The Sidwell man was dumbfounded and shouted in horror.

"What? Are you serious? This plan is so bad, so bad. I'm afraid they already know everything I told you about the Insight Plan! They will definitely..."

Before Sidwell finished speaking, there was a sudden muffled sound, as if something fell on the roof of the car, and then a silver mechanical arm directly pierced through the window and pulled Sidwell out of the car. go out.

With a wailing sound, the Winter Soldier was thrown into the other lane, while a large truck sped past.

Seeing this, Sam suddenly pulled the brakes, causing the car to stop instantly on the road, and the Winter Soldier was thrown away by the inertia.

But such an impact would not cause any harm to him at all.

With a look in his eyes, Sam released the brake, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the opponent.

Looking at the car speeding towards him, the Winter Soldier didn't have any fear or guilt in his eyes. He jumped directly and landed on the roof of the car again.

Sam swung the car body left and right, but the robotic arm grabbed the roof of the car and couldn't shake it off at all.

At the same time, several black cars rushed onto the viaduct and rushed towards several people.

Suddenly, the entire viaduct became a mess and turned into a battlefield.

The Winter Soldier took the opportunity to jump onto the car chasing Steve and the others, and then motioned to the driver to hit it directly.

These drivers were all desperadoes, so they rushed forward directly.

After several collisions, the entire car deformed.

"Everyone, hold on to me!"

Steve yelled immediately, then opened the car door and rushed out before the car was knocked off the viaduct.

However, the huge inertia knocked the three of them hard, and Steve grabbed the two of them tightly to prevent them from being thrown away.

They finally stopped, but the other party didn't give them any breathing space. The Winter Soldier directly grabbed a rocket launcher from the car and locked it with Steve.

"Get out of the way!"

Steve pushed the two away and raised his shield.


The rocket bombarded the shield and knocked Steve away from the viaduct.

But even so, the people of Hydra will not let them go easily.

Killers came from all directions, and the most outrageous thing was that they even triggered heavy firepower. A heavy machine gun was placed directly on the roof of the car, and then locked on Steve who had just climbed out of the ruins.


"Da da da da da~!"

There was a sudden burst, and Steve raised the shield in his hand to block him, then rushed towards the man, leaped over the man's head with a strong step, and then knocked him unconscious with a shield.

However, another group of people came out from one side. In such a posture, they were bound to surrender Steve and stay here forever.

Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire above his head, hitting all the people in the group. When he turned around, he saw that it was Sam.

Sam killed those who wanted to mend his sword and seized their weapons.

"You go first! Leave this to me!"

"Be careful yourself!"

After giving instructions, Steve turned around and prepared to leave due to Steve's absence.

However, a familiar figure blocked his path, and the mechanical arm made a crisp sound as it moved.

Chapter 507: Bucky the Winter Soldier

Looking at the murderer who killed Nick Fury, Steve knew that he would not be able to make it through today unless he defeated him.

Holding the shield tightly in his hand, Steve moved his neck.

"Then let's compete!"

The Winter Soldier didn't say anything, and directly attacked Steve, and the two fought together.

The robotic arm is not afraid of pain and is incredibly powerful. Fortunately, the shield in Steve's hand can restrain such a powerful guy to a certain extent.

Every time the silver mechanical arm fell, Steve used his shield to block it in time, and the metal mechanical arm hit the shield with a muffled sound.

As the fight progressed, Steve had a feeling of doubt. He always felt that the moves used by this guy were very familiar, but he didn't understand where this familiar feeling came from.

The Winter Soldier's eyes were filled with killing intent, and he had only one thought in his mind, which was to complete his mission, and his mission was to kill this guy who was hindering Hydra from establishing a new order.

Facing such a troublesome guy, Steve didn't dare to think nonsense and became serious.

Seeing that the attack was fruitless, the Winter Soldier pulled out a dagger from his waist with his backhand, and used the mechanical arm to attack from left to right.

Steve responded calmly. After all, he was born in the war era. He caught the gap between the Winter Soldier's sword swings and directly used his shield to block the opponent's hands. Then he caught him off guard and hit him with a forward punch. above his chest.

The Winter Soldier groaned and took half a step back. However, in the next moment, he endured the pain on his body and stabbed Steve's throat with his backhand. Steve subconsciously put down the meal in his hand, and fiercely The ground hit his normal arm.

This blow directly knocked the dagger out of his hand. Steve caught it immediately, and then brought the knife back towards the Winter Soldier's face.

The Winter Soldier raised his mechanical arm to block, and the sharp dagger grazed the Winter Soldier's mechanical arm, and then cut off his mask with one knife.

When he saw the face under the mask, Steve was stunned for a moment.


The Winter Soldier caught Steve's dazed moment and knocked him back with a palm.

Steve, who was knocked back, looked at the Winter Soldier and shouted.

"Bucky! Is it you Bucky!"

The moment he heard the name, the Winter Soldier was in a daze and asked subconsciously.

"Who is Bucky?!"

But soon, the thought of carrying out the mission took over his mind again, and he pulled out a pistol from his waist and was about to shoot Steve.

At the critical moment, Sam wore the Falcon Wings and knocked back the Winter Soldier with a volley kick.

But this was not enough. He stood up and the Winter Soldier continued to fire. A rocket launcher suddenly flew over and hit the Winter Soldier directly behind him.

It exploded instantly, and the smoke covered the Winter Soldier's figure.

But the escape journey of Steve and others was also over. A large number of black-clad special police officers surrounded them. Seeing this situation, Steve and the others had to put down their weapons obediently.

When the smoke cleared, the Winter Soldier had long disappeared, leaving only Steve with a complicated expression.

The three of them were finally handcuffed and sent to the escort vehicle. During this process, Steve's mental state was in a trance because of Bucky's sudden appearance and disappearance.

In the car, Steve looked depressed and muttered to himself.

"It's him, it must be him, but why is he looking at me like that and not recognizing me."

The dignified Captain America is now like a lost little daughter-in-law.

Sam said impatiently.

"How is this possible? Seventy years have passed and how could he survive when he fell off a cliff."

But Steve firmly believed that it was Bucky.

"Zola, it must be Zola. Bucky and the others were captured by Zola's troops at that time and used them for human experiments. This must have been how he survived, and they found him after that."

"Captain! Please wake up, please."

At this moment, the carriage suddenly shook, and the escort vehicle came to a sudden stop.

In the tunnel, a person blocked the way of the escort vehicle. He was wearing red armor, compound eyes shaped like car lights, and a tire slung across his chest.

The people from Hydra couldn't help but break out in cold sweat when they saw this figure.

"Kamen Rider Drive! Isn't he in New York?"

"Quick! Shoot! Shoot!"

Rumlow, who was in charge of escorting, immediately ordered shooting.

However, Driver raised his right hand.

"Sorry, this is closed to traffic."

The heavy acceleration force field unfolded instantly, and all the bullets stopped the moment they came out of the barrel. Rumlow couldn't believe what he was seeing. He felt as if his body was sealed in cement and couldn't move.

He could only watch as Mu En walked towards the car where the trio was imprisoned.

"Are you okay?"

Opening the car door, Steve was a little surprised to see Mu En's appearance.

"How did you come?"

Mu En smiled.

"Didn't I say that you just go ahead and do it, and I'll tell you the truth. Now, if something happens to you, I'm here."

When Sam saw Mu En, he was extremely excited.

"It's you! We meet again!"

Sam still remembers the shocking feeling when he first saw Drive at the Veterans Service Center.

"Yes, we met again. You did a good job this time, but this is not the place to chat. Let's get out of here."

Only Natasha walked behind the two of them with some restraint. Although Kamen Rider Drive's name was very loud within SHIELD, because of Mu En's own resistance to SHIELD, this caused the entire SHIELD to I don’t have much contact with Kamen Riders.

Only the Amazon hunting team and the two Amazon knights were relatively close, but only when it came to hunting Amazon.

Mu En just took advantage of the heavy acceleration force field and swaggered away with the three people in front of the Hydra crowd.

"where are we going?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

Mu En led the three people to the secret base where Nick Fury was hiding. When the three people saw Nick Fury sitting in front of the computer, they were all stunned.

Nick Fury looked at the three of them and smiled as they opened their hands.

"Welcome back. Although this place is a little dilapidated, it is at least safe for the time being."

"Nick Fury?! You're not dead!"

Natasha exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, it's just a short walk before the gate of hell."

Nick Fury pretended to smile weakly and coughed twice after speaking.

"Okay, Black Braised Egg, stop pretending, I've already healed your injuries."

Under the mask, Mu En couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Seeing Mu En expose him mercilessly, Nick Fury shrugged helplessly.

Not long after Nick Fury took the initiative to contact Mu En, Mu En, who was wearing a mask, rushed to the place where Nick Fury was hiding, and used a medical car to help him heal his injuries on the condition of obtaining some confidential information.

Steve asked with a gloomy expression.

"Why are you keeping it so secretive? You don't even want to tell us a little bit of news?"

And Agent Hill answered for Nick Fury.

"In order to make those who intended to kill the director think that the assassination was successful."

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