Nick Fury took over the topic and said.

"Only those who have died will not die a second time, and I don't know who else I can trust."

When Natasha heard this, her expression suddenly dropped a lot.

Mu En laughed mercilessly.

"Okay, Black Braised Egg, you are the first person who has never been seen before or since. Think about it, as the boss of an organization that is full of undercover agents, who else has such an awesome experience as you?"

Hearing Mu En's taunt, Nick Fury's dark face turned even darker, but he still replied without showing any signs of weakness.

"What? Are you still unwilling to take off your mask now? Is it because you are too ugly to see others?"

Mu En shrugged. It would be too naive to want to break through such a level of ridicule.

So Mu En responded mercilessly.

"Think about it, even an old fox like you almost died. If I show up here and reveal my identity, I might follow in your footsteps that day. There will be no one else who can come to save my life. .”

Everyone present was silent for a moment. After all, SHIELD has been shorted by Hydra. Who can guarantee that there will be no one of theirs here.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nick Fury quickly calmed down the atmosphere and said.

"The situation is critical now. We can no longer doubt each other like this. We must unite to get through this difficulty."

Chapter 508: The Insight Project takes off

After some discussion, no one came to a unified conclusion.

Natasha rubbed her eyebrows and said.

"Time is running out, we must stop the aircraft carrier from taking off."

Nick Fury said as he pulled out a suitcase.

"I don't think the Security Council will take any more calls from me as a dead man, but there may be other ways we can salvage things."

Open the box and there are three keys inside.

Sam asked curiously.

"What's this?"

"After the sky carrier flies to a sufficient height, it will use the Insight Satellite to locate it and turn it into a lethal weapon."

Agent Hill explained while picking up the computer and showing it to everyone.

"We must sneak into three aircraft carriers and replace the original positioning modules with ours. And all three modules must be replaced. Even if there is only one aircraft carrier left, once they complete the positioning, there will still be a large number of people died as a result.”

Nick Fury added.

"We must assume that all the people on that aircraft carrier are Hydra people, and then overcome many difficulties and replace our positioning module, so that we can save..."

"We can't save anything!"

Steve suddenly interrupted Nick Fury's words rudely. He had had enough of Nick Fury always acting like he thought he had control of everything and then gave orders from above.

"We can't help but destroy the Helicarrier. We also have to fight Hydra and SHIELD. From the beginning, all of this should be sunk in the dust of history."

Nick Fury also tried to defend himself.

"SHIELD is innocent, these are HYDRA's plans!"

"You said it yourself. SHIELD has been infiltrated by Hydra. No wonder Mu En has been saying from the beginning that SHIELD doesn't even know who it is working for. Hydra is right under your nose. Under the bed, you didn’t even notice it!”

Nick Fury looked at Mu En, who spread his hands innocently.

"I have discovered it, otherwise why do you think we would meet in this secret base?"

But Steve asked back.

"Then do you know how many people have died because of Hydra before you found out? And how many people are controlled by Hydra?"

Faced with Steve's questioning, Nick Fury also felt a little guilty.

"I really don't know anything about Bucky Barnes."

Steve laughed out loud.

"Since I entered here, I haven't mentioned a single word about Bucky, right? And even if you knew it, would you tell me? Or would you continue to engage in your differentiated management?"

Steve said with firm eyes.

"No matter what, no one from Hydra or SHIELD can be left behind this time."

Nick Fury looked helplessly at his subordinate Agent Hill, but unexpectedly Agent Hill agreed with Steve's point of view. He looked at Natasha on the side again. Natasha didn't speak, and then looked at Sam.

"Don't look at me. I'll do whatever the captain says. It's just a little slower than him."

Finally, Nick Fury looked at Mu En, who was standing aside watching the show.

"Why are you looking at me? Do you think I will intercede for you?"

Nick Fury stopped struggling and looked at Steve with his hands spread out.

"Okay, then it's up to you to give the order, Captain."

After getting the final result, Steve took the three keys and Natasha took the first step, while Shepherd was kept by Nick Fury on the grounds that he had other arrangements.

"Okay, Black Braised Egg, if you have anything else, just tell me."

Mu En looked at Nick Fury and asked directly.

Nick Fury looked at Mu En and sighed.

"I want to know, does what you said before still count?"

"I have said a lot before, so it depends on which sentence you are referring to?"

"You know, I made a decision just now."

When Mu En looked at Nick Fury's unhappy face, he knew that this old fox was probably trying to play another trick.

"Hmm, what decision, does it have anything to do with me?"

Nick Fury looked at Mu En and smiled evilly.

"Haha, I decided to hand over the position of Director of SHIELD to someone else."

Hearing this, Mu En frowned under the mask.


According to the plan, Steve, Sam and Natasha broke through Hydra's defense line and rushed directly into SHIELD's broadcast hall.

Then he gave a vivid speech. He believed that in the current S.H.I.E.L.D., apart from the people from Hydra, there must be honest people, so he told S.H.I.E.L.D.’s penetration by Hydra and his insights The real purpose of the plan was revealed, and everyone was shocked for a while.

No one expected that the organization that should have been buried in the dust of history actually still existed and had infiltrated SHIELD.

In SHIELD's launch center, the launch personnel who had been ready stopped what they were doing.

"damn it!"

Rumlow, who had been monitoring all this, couldn't help but cursed angrily, then walked straight to the main control station with a pistol and gave direct orders.

"Now, send all the aircraft carriers into space immediately!"

"Sorry, I won't launch. I trust Captain Rogers."

Upon hearing this, Rumlow put the pistol directly to the back of his head.

"I'll let you launch!"

However, at this moment, some agents suddenly burst out and pounced directly on Rumlow.

Suddenly, the launch center fell into chaos.

Pierce, who had been secretly controlling all this, was furious.

"Damn Steve! Damn Nick Fury! This is all ruined!"

Pierce pushed everything on the table to the ground and vented his anger.

Brother Xiao Ming on the side just watched while eating fruit.

"Don't be angry Piers, everything is under control."

Zola's mechanized voice suddenly sounded, and that weird big face appeared on Pierce's computer.

"Dr. Zola, hasn't the control center where your thoughts are stored been blown up?"

Pierce was also surprised when he saw Zola's sudden appearance. You must know that he gave the missile launch order.

Zola smiled stiffly.

"Hahaha, don't worry. For Hydra, I, Zola, will not die so easily. After all, my genius brain is Hydra's greatest asset."

In the chaotic launch center, no one noticed that the main control computer started to spin up, and Zola directly issued the launch command through remote control.


The hangar's gate slowly opened, and the helicopter carrier hidden underground was finally exposed to everyone's view.

The engines roared, and the three behemoths slowly rose into the sky.

The Insight Project takes off!

"Captain, they launched the Helicarrier!"

Natasha's voice sounded in the headset.

"I see."

After that, he took Sam and ran towards the helicarrier.

"Captain, how do you differentiate between good guys and bad guys?"

Sam asked excitedly.

Steve looked calm and looked at the helicarrier exposed on the ground in the distance and replied.

"The one who shot you is the bad guy!"

Chapter 509, Captain America VS Winter Soldier, false insight plan

Over Washington, three huge air carriers slowly lifted into the sky, and a huge shadow shrouded the ground. Everyone looked at the behemoth suspended in the sky.

Steve successfully logged in before the helicarrier took off.

"Intruder found! Erase! Repeat, erase!"

A group of Hydra soldiers came onto the deck with weapons in hand.

"Come on, just like it was seventy years ago!"

Steve held the shield tightly in his hand, as if he had returned to the moment when he played against Red Skull Schmidt seventy years ago.

The round shield flew up and down in Steve's hand, and that shield seemed to have some special magic power, blocking all the attacks of the Hydra soldiers.

Ordinary soldiers can't stop Steve's progress at all. He was a super soldier seventy years ago, and he still is now.

The Falcon relied on its wings and ultra-high maneuverability to dodge flexibly in the air, looking for an opportunity to enter the cockpit of the aircraft carrier, but Natasha, who was traveling with them, was nowhere to be seen.


In the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building, seeing the helicarrier successfully taking off, it seemed to Pierce that everything was over.

He openly confessed his identity to the directors of the World Security Council because he felt that Hydra's victory was now a foregone conclusion.

But the directors of the World Security Council all thought that Pierce was a madman, because only a madman would formulate such a plan that would kill more than a million people in one fell swoop.

But Pierce smiled proudly.

“If one day there was a rebellion in your country, and the rebels captured your daughter on the football field and wanted to publicly execute her, and you only had to press a button to change everything, wouldn’t you want to press it? ?”

As he spoke, he poured a glass of champagne and handed it to him, meaning that if you drink this glass of wine, you will be on our side.

And the director was so stubborn that he smashed the wine glass.

"I'm not going to push that button in your mouth!"

Hearing this answer, Pierce smiled and took the pistol directly from the guard on the side. Since I gave you the opportunity, don't blame me if you don't do it yourself.

She raised her hand and prepared to deal with this ignorant guy, but Natasha, who had been lurking for a long time, kicked the pistol out of Pierce's hand, and then pointed it at Pierce's head.

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