The two impacts collided together, and in an instant, a white light swallowed everything.

After being brought to Bai Mang and dispersed, this desolate asteroid was left in general, and the core of the earth was exposed to space.

Mu En stood in space looking for traces of Brother Xiao Ming, and finally Mu En found him on a floating boulder wreckage.

It's just that he doesn't feel very good at this moment, and there are cracks in the golden surface on his face.

"it's over."

Mu En looked at Brother Xiao Ming and said in a deep voice.

"Hahahaha, it's so interesting. The power it possesses is really beyond my imagination."

Brother Xiao Ming laughed and stood up. At the same time, the golden armor on his body turned into pixels and dispersed, revealing his true appearance.


When he saw the true appearance under the disguise, Mu En was stunned.

I can't believe it, it's unbelievable, how is this possible.

Brother Xiao Ming moved his neck and looked at Mu En's reaction and asked with a smile.

"What? Are you surprised to see me? Haven't you already seen Hongdu?"


Mu En just feels like his head is buzzing now. No wonder his behavior is unpredictable before, but if he is Brother Xiao Ming, everything will be explained.

"Why! Why do you appear here? This is obviously not the universe of Kamen Rider!"

Brother Xiao Ming spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Well, who knows, I just came to this world while traveling. Also, although this is not the world of Kamen Riders, Kamen Riders have already been born, right?"

"The Kamen Rider has been born!"

Mu En suddenly started brainstorming. In addition to the fact that Kurim and Kivat came here from the Knights universe, IXA, Skull, W, Amazon, and even Eternal were all born in the Marvel universe.

"But why were Kamen Riders born in this world?"

"Well, it's a bit complicated to say."

Brother Xiao Ming scratched his head. He was really not very good at explaining the situation. After all, others always explained the situation to him.

After briefly sorting out what happened in his mind, he explained to Mu En.

“In short, for some reason, the boundary between the two worlds began to blur, and then the world will of this world discovered the existence of our universe, and they actually took the initiative to attack the boundary.

With the constant impact, the boundaries began to become more and more blurred, and the rules of the two worlds began to become confused. Perhaps this is the reason why knights were born in this universe. "

"Boundary? Shock?"

These words may seem a bit incomprehensible at first, but Mu En suddenly remembered the scene that Douzhen took him to see before, a majestic existence charging towards the end of the world. Could it be that that is the will of the world that Brother Xiao Ming said, and the other side of that boundary is the world where the knight lives! ?

Chapter 515: Induction between gems, interstellar war

The appearance of Brother Xiao Ming and the information he revealed caused a burst of brainstorming in Mu En. The boundaries between the two worlds disappeared. The will of one world wanted to annex the other world, and the rules of the world merged into chaos...

Therefore, everything that has been chaotic for so long can be explained.

The world of Kamen Rider exists and has begun to merge with the Marvel Universe. It is obvious that the Knight's world is resisting the integration of the two worlds, while the Marvel world is actively seeking the integration of the two worlds, or It is said that he wants to annex another world, but what is the meaning of doing so?

Suddenly, Mu En realized one thing, that was his native universe. In that universe, there were no superpowers and no knights. Everything was just people's fantasy.

But obviously, judging from everything he has experienced, it is not that simple.

This made Mu En think of an inference. It is said that there are still different parallel universes in the world, and the worlds cannot be connected with each other, but there will be such a group of people who observe something by some kind of coincidence. A parallel universe, and using text animation or other methods to record what happened in that world, finally turned into various well-known works.

If that's the case, perhaps the Marvel world and the Knight's world may have been recorded by chance.

So for these two worlds, Mu En's native world is more like a superior observer who knows the past and future of the Knight world and the Marvel world.

If, I mean if, the person being observed accidentally discovered the existence of the observer, what would he want to do?

Thinking of this, Mu En suddenly shuddered, he didn't dare to think about it.

Brother Xiao Ming looked at Mu En who suddenly became quiet. Although he didn't know what Mu En was thinking, he had done everything he should do and it was time to leave.

"Today's battle makes me very happy, but that's it for now. We'll see you next time."

Brother Xiao Ming waved his hand, summoned the dimensional curtain and disappeared into the universe.

"he's gone?"

Mu En didn't react until Brother Xiao Ming left, but he had no intention of pursuing him anymore. According to Mu En's understanding of him, although Brother Xiao Ming sometimes seemed a little out of place, he wouldn't do anything like that. Something too outrageous.

After everything settled, Mu En opened the door to space and prepared to return to the earth. However, after he searched for the coordinates of the earth for a long time, he realized that he had traveled so far.

He is already light-years away from the solar system. Although he has come out once before, it was how long ago.

Just as he was about to return to Earth, a strange feeling emerged in his heart, as if something was roaring with him.

"This power."

Mu En frowned, and a flash of red light appeared in the palm of his hand.

That was the energy of the Reality Stone. Although I was almost killed by the Reality Stone last time, it was a blessing in disguise. I actually assimilated part of the energy. Although that little bit of energy was just a drop in the ocean to the Reality Stone.

But it was truly assimilated by Pastor and became its own authority, which means that to a certain extent, it is a walking real gem, but its purity is not as high as that of a real gem, but its authority The layers are all of the same specifications.

As for the power that can resonate with the power of the Reality Stone, there is no doubt that it can only be another Infinity Stone.

Mu En hesitated for a moment. He didn't know whether he should change it back or whether he should go and see what was going on.

Although he almost exploded and died because of the energy of the Reality Stone last time, Mu En felt that if he missed this opportunity, he would be in a big loss.

After some thinking, Mu En decided to go take a look first and then make specific plans based on the specific situation.

After making a decision, Mu En determined the approximate coordinates based on the induction between the gems, and then opened a space door.

Crossing the space gate, Mu En saw a quite tragic scene. In the atmosphere of a planet, a huge interstellar fleet was attacking the planet. In order to protect their homeland, the planet's defense force used fleets to protect their homeland. A protective wall was formed in an attempt to intercept the invaders head-on.

"Wow, it's so spectacular. Is this an interstellar war between advanced civilizations? It's so shocking compared to the Battle of New York."

Looking at this grand war scene, Mu En sighed.

Compared with these civilizations that are ready to launch interstellar wars, Earth's technology is like a baby still in its infancy. It is difficult to even fly out of the solar system, let alone engage in interstellar wars of this scale.

However, although the earth is weak, humans are not weak. With a being like Stark, as long as he is given enough time, one day Earth's technology will usher in a leapfrog development.

As for the technology he has mastered, forget it. After all, the knowledge that Grandpa Rick taught him is not something ordinary people can accept, unless he is like himself and Grandpa Rick, who has no meaning and so-called social ethics.

However, no matter how developed the civilization is, war will always be barbaric. Watching the aircraft exploding in the sky and turning into dazzling fireworks, it means that another life has perished because of it. Life is great. , is also fragile. Especially in the face of war, the fragile side of life is clearly visible.

But looking at this chaotic battlefield, Mu En finally remembered which gem might appear here.

"If I'm right, this planet should be Xandar, and that huge battleship should be the battleship of Thanos' minion, Ronan the Accuser."

Mu En organized his thoughts and analyzed the relationships at the scene from the perspective of a bystander.

"Then this should be the big event where the Guardians of the Galaxy battle Ronan the Accuser, which means the gem that appears here is the Power Gem."

The Power Gem can be said to be the simplest and purest gem among the Infinity Stones. The power it possesses is the most brutal and primitive power.

According to the setting, the Power Stone, in the hands of a powerful person, can even explode with power that can instantly destroy the civilization of a planet.

"Siha, it's hard to do, why don't we just forget about it."

To be honest, Mu En wanted to give up. After all, a Reality Stone almost killed him. If he came into contact with a more pure and barbaric Power Stone, he might really have to answer for this.

Moreover, right now, I don't really want to come into contact with Thanos' men.

Just when Mu En was about to run away, Ronan's men discovered Mu En's presence. A man wearing white armor and a black cloak stood above the battlefield, which was too conspicuous.

Several rounds of artillery shells came directly towards Mu En.

"That's too much. I'm just passing by. Why are you doing this?"

The eternal dagger in his hand was instantly discovered. With a wave of the sharp blade, the domineering power instantly destroyed the three spacecraft that came to encircle Mu En.

However, this move could only bring more trouble to himself, and more battleships gathered towards Mu En.

"Really, I obviously don't want this gem anymore."

Although he doesn't seem to be causing trouble, since they are all here, let's show them some color.

Chapter 516, Guardians of the Galaxy, Shepherd and Ronan the Accuser

With a wave of his hand, Mu En easily opened a path between the air fleets. These desperate guys successfully made Mu En anxious.

In order to end this farce quickly, Mu En decided to kill their mothership directly.

The Star-Lords also logged into Ronan's spaceship under the cover of the Xandar Star Fleet. Their goal was to defeat Ronan the Accuser who had mastered the Power Stone.

In the spaceship, the Guardians of the Galaxy were groping forward in the darkness.

Drax the Destroyer complained.

"It's so dark in here, I can't see anything."

Groot, the tree man, slowly raised his hand, and a group of luminous seeds floated out from his hand. The little bits of light emitted by the seeds illuminated the path forward for everyone.

The luminous seeds shined in the dark corridor, and everyone seemed to be in the vast sea of ​​​​stars. If they were not on the battlefield now, the scene would be very romantic.

"When did you learn this trick?"

Drax asked in surprise.

Before Groot could answer, Star-Lord Quill spoke first.

"No need to ask, his answer must be 'I am Groot'."

Everyone smiled knowingly. They originally gathered together for their own purposes, but after experiencing so many things, they slowly accepted each other.

"Three hundred meters further we can reach the deck."

Gamora, who defected from Ronan's army, reminded everyone that they would most likely encounter enemies if they went forward.

Drax confessed after a moment of silence.

"Thank you everyone for accepting me after I made a mistake. I'm really happy that I was able to make friends at once."

In the barren land, because of his anger, Drax put everyone in danger, but after that, everyone did not blame him, and still accepted Drax again, which really made him Very touched.

"Stupid Quill, you are my friend, and so is this stupid tree, and so is this green-faced lady."

"Okay big man, shut your mouth, we are sneaking in secretly now."

Gamora's patience with Drax's nonsense has reached its limit. Brother, we are infiltrating in secret, not on an outing.

However, as soon as they finished speaking, a figure jumped down from the ceiling, blocking their way.

"Hey Miss Green Face, your voice was too loud and attracted the enemy."

"Shut up, you, you bastard did it!"

The person who came to stop them was Nebula, who was also the adopted daughter of Thanos. When Nebula saw Gamora among them, she rushed there and was extremely angry.

"Gamora! Look at the good things you have done. Your will has always been weak. You are a brain-dead traitor. You..."

However, before Nebula could finish her classic speech as a villain, a rocket launcher suddenly hit her.

The cannonball exploded, and Nebula was blown away directly, and everyone looked at Drax holding the rocket launcher in surprise.

Drax indeed said with a serious face.

"I won't let anyone talk to my friend like that."

Having a friend like this, I don’t know whether I should be surprised or worried.

Gamora shook her head.

"Okay, you go up to the deck first, and I'll turn off the power to the safety door."

Everyone nodded and left in the direction of the deck.

In the main control room, Ronan looked at the Xandar star fleet blocking his battleship. These guys had exhausted his remaining patience.

"That's enough, notify everyone to attack with full force and destroy them!"

The order was conveyed, and all the fleets under Ronan launched a suicide attack and dived towards Xandar.

As soon as the three people boarded the deck, they met Ronan's men.

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