Without saying anything, a group of people fought together.

It's a pity that they underestimated the combat power of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The combat effectiveness of Groot and Drax is unquestionable, and Star-Lord relies on his double guns and rocket boots to move flexibly to pull the enemy away.

In the end, Ann violently tore apart the alien team leader with Drax's hand, and the battle came to an end.

"Well done."

Seeing such violent Drax, Quill also praised him.

However, before they could move forward, another team rushed over.

Seeing this group of menacing guys, Groot threw out his arm, turned it into a spear, and pierced the flesh on the spot.

The guy who came for support was instantly eliminated.

Drax also didn't expect that this silly-looking tree man was more violent than himself.


On the deck, Ronan, holding a warhammer inlaid with a power gem, walked to the front of the battleship and began to make his final declaration.

"Xandar! You deserve death. Even this miserable peace agreement cannot save you! I will send all of you to hell!"

As he spoke, he raised the war hammer in his hand, and the energy of the Power Stone poured out in an instant.

The fleet matrix that was originally able to block Ronan's battle mothership was shattered in an instant. No matter how powerful the technology was, it was vulnerable to the power gem.

Without the obstruction of the fleet matrix, Ronan's battle mothership rushed towards Xandar. As long as he reached the ground with the Power Stone, the entire planet would come to an end.

Just when Ronan was about to order a full-scale attack, the Guardians of the Galaxy finally arrived.

Quill set up his heavy artillery and aimed it directly at Ronan.

"it's over!"


Energy bombs poured out and flew towards Ronan.


The explosion engulfed everything.

"Awesome, you killed him!"

Drax laughed and patted Quill on the shoulder.

However, when the smoke and dust dispersed, Ronan stood there intact. Everyone looked at each other. There was no way he was safe and sound at such a close distance!

"A group of circus clowns also want to stop me?"

"Ronan! I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing that Ronan was still alive, Drax was the first to rush toward him.

However, he was knocked to the ground as soon as he met him.

"I still remember you, you miserable being. The screams of your family members when they died were really very touching."

Ronan grabbed his neck and slowly raised Drax, who was a head taller than him.

"Let him go!"

"I am Groot!"

Star-Lord and Groot immediately rushed forward, trying to save people.

However, Ronan swung the warhammer in his hand, and the powerful energy directly flew the two of them away.

"It's like a fly shaking a tree, but you don't know what you can do. Before I destroy the Xandar planet, let's do it there first!"

He raised the war hammer in his hand, intending to crush these poor ants first.

However, at this moment, a white figure penetrated the entire mothership and kicked Ronan out.


Ronan stood up, roared, and a wave of energy poured out.

Mu En raised his hand and directly propped up a scarlet barrier, deflecting Ronan's attack.

"The power gem is really easy for me to find."

The barrier dissipated, revealing Mu En's true appearance, white armor, star chart, trident crown and star sea cloak.

When Ronan saw Mu En's appearance clearly, he was suddenly shocked.

"It's you!"

Mu En was also a little surprised.

"Oh, do you know me?"

Suddenly Ronan laughed maniacally.

"Hahahaha, you actually dare to come to the door yourself. Today I will destroy you and Xandar Star together, so that I can vent the resentment in my heart."

As he spoke, Ronan waved the chop in his hand and rushed towards Mu En.

Mu En did not dare to confront him head-on. After all, he only had the energy of part of the gem, and what he controlled was the complete gem.

Although it was impossible for him to maximize the power of the gems based on his ability, it was still quite difficult.

"I've been waiting for this day! You, and that crazy woman, I swear, sooner or later I will make you pay the price!"

That guy seemed to be crazy. He didn't care that he was still on his own warship. He swung the war hammer and it fell with one blow.


Powerful energy exploded instantly, directly destroying everything around it.

"Quickly retreat!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Quill immediately chose to evacuate with his teammates first.

With his quick speed, Mu En barely dodged, and then he grasped the reality and pulled out the eternal dagger.

"Although I don't know what crazy things you are talking about, it is not that easy to kill me!"

With a sudden force, he swung the dagger to cut off all obstacles in front of him and stabbed Ronan in the throat.

"court death!"

Ronan faced Mu En and struck down with a hammer.


The majestic energy exploded again, and the huge battle carrier collapsed instantly.

"Quick! Get on the boat quickly!"

Rocket Raccoon drove the spaceship to pick up his teammates in time, but the energy of the Power Stone exploded at this moment.

In this moment of crisis, Groot opened his hands and spread countless branches.

Chapter 517: Ronan’s end

The huge battle carrier fell from the sky after being crushed by the power gem and fell into pieces, falling directly into the city below.

There was a huge impact in an instant, and the residents who had not had time to move fled in all directions. The unfortunate people were swallowed up by the impact of the falling battleship.

By the time the smoke cleared, everyone in the escort team had survived under the protection of Groot.

But Groot himself turned into branches and debris all over the ground.


Rocket Raccoon picked up a branch from the ground. He couldn't believe that his good brother who had been with him through life and death died in a place like this.

Others also recovered from the shock and looked around.

When they saw the wreckage of Ronan's battleship, was everyone's first episode over? Is the blue-skinned guy dead?

The residents of the new village who didn't know the truth also came over. They thought it was the escort that defeated Ronan's battle carrier. Suddenly, everyone became heroes and warriors in the eyes of the survivors.

But this dream of a warrior was soon shattered. A figure walked out from the wreckage of the battleship, and the warhammer he held in his hand emitted a purple shimmer.


Ronan twisted his neck and made a clicking sound. He looked at everything in front of him with ferocious eyes.

Qian?.:,;Xun?;'?:Free'?":?Fee'!;??小!:Say?!',.SKIRTS!"'2';:',5:;?"5! 5'?";.9"!.",5'3:0;!,0 "Guardians of the Galaxy, and Xandar, your end has come."

"It was you! It was you who killed Groot!"

Rocket saw Ronan and rushed towards him like crazy.

But Ronan just waved the warhammer in his hand, and a powerful energy directly lifted the rocket away.

Seeing the rocket that was shot away and the others who had not yet calmed down, Ronan laughed disdainfully.

"Look, do you rely on such waste to protect your planet and the entire galaxy? It's really ridiculous.

Only by letting me, let us rule you, can we protect you who are weak!

Now, the time has come, and you should be happy, because you are about to abandon your weak gods and usher in the great Ronan! You are about to be saved! "

As he spoke, he raised the war hammer in his hand and prepared to clear out the entire planet.

Star-Lord stood up and began his noise-like singing. Singing alone was not enough, he also had to include that devilish dance.

"Things are going to get better, Oye~Oyeeeeeee~! Hey man, listen to my beautiful singing voice, don't you feel a little bit?"

Ronan seemed to have seen a fool. This guy couldn't have been frightened by him.

But Quill was still dancing crazily.

"Everything will get better, come dance."


Although Mu En had heard that Star-Lord saved a planet by dancing, he didn't expect that he would be so weird when he saw it on the spot.

Mu En, who had been watching the show, couldn't help laughing.

"court death!"

Ronan was not affected by Star-Lord's awkward dance like in the movie, but directly raised his hand and hit Quill with a hammer.

At that moment, a white shadow flashed in front of Star-Lord, and the dagger was slashed out.



The eternal dagger and the warhammer inlaid with power gems collided, and a powerful force spread instantly.

Although he has the power bonus of the Eternal Power and the Reality Stone, he is still far from being able to compete head-on with the complete Infinity Stone.

"Big little raccoon, now is the time!"

Mu En suddenly roared.

Rocket and Drax on the side repaired the cannon.


The rocket was powered on, and the shells sprayed out instantly, and his target was not Ronan but the warhammer inlaid with the power gem.

Gems instinctively wanted to protect themselves, but Mu En would not agree.

"Crack me!"

The Eternal Power exploded, forcing the energy of the Power Stone out.


The cannonball exploded instantly, and Ronan's war hammer was instantly shattered.

The moment the Power Gem was detached, Quill, who was waiting for an opportunity, pounced directly on the Gem.

Ronan also wanted to snatch the gem directly, but Mu En saw it and cut off his arm with a single knife.

Finally Quill grabbed the gem, and the situation suddenly changed, and the violent energy set off a storm that surrounded Quill.


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