Fortunately, he succeeded. Without any further hesitation, Mu En quickly left this strange place.

And just after Mu En left, deep in the earth, a pair of golden vertical pupils slowly opened and shouted in a weak voice.

"Don't go, help me..."

But it was too late, Mu En had already returned to the earth.

In an uninhabited park in New York, with the cooperation of Little Spider and Batwing, the three aliens were about to reach their limit.

"Batwing, it's time to end this battle!"

The little spider shot out several threads of silk, binding the tired foreigner in place.


Bat Wing slowly descended on the glider, and under his control, locked the target.

"Let's try my new weapon!"

The bat-shaped glider slowly opened its 'mouth', and a laser cannon leaked out.


There was an urgent cry, and Mu En, who had returned to Earth, saw that the bat wings were about to finish off the three aliens, and immediately opened the heavy acceleration force field.

The launch button paused halfway.


But Little Spider and Batwing didn't even see Mu En's figure. They only saw a dazzling teleportation magic emerge, directly sending the three aliens to the desert.

When Harry and the others reacted, they found that the enemy had disappeared. They looked confused and quickly turned off the laser cannon.

Chapter 526: The opening of Avengers 2

The final result was just as Mu En expected. A lot of gamma radiation was also accumulated in the bodies of the three aliens.

Fortunately, through these two experiments, Mu En discovered that the power of reality gems can have a very good effect, and can dilute the radiation energy to a certain extent to a harmless level.

"Izzy, help me prepare the equipment needed for analysis."

As soon as Mu En returned to the orphanage, he went straight to the laboratory of the base. After hanging Kurim back on his special trolley, Mu En walked directly to the laboratory.

He quickly put on his white coat and protective gear and walked into the analysis room.

Bashar, who was conducting his own experiment, looked at the furious Mu En with confusion, and followed him curiously.

"What's wrong, little devil, what happened?"

"Nothing, I found something and I want to analyze its ingredients."

As he spoke, Mu En put the sealed Heim Underworld Fruit into the analysis instrument.

"Preparing for analysis, finding unknown component units, recording, and analyzing."

Izzy's voice sounded in the laboratory, and the analysis officially began. While Izzy was analyzing the fruit, Mu En was not idle either.

He used his magical ability and Fangire talent to begin research on the special energy of the fruit of Helm's underworld.

Seeing that Mu En was fully immersed in the experiment, Bashar left the analysis room wisely and turned to Kurim's dedicated laboratory. He was really curious about what happened.

When I walked into Kurim's experiment, I discovered that Kurim was also involved in the experiment.

"It's strange that two people are actually doing experiments."

Bashar shrugged in confusion. The last time he saw them like this was when he was studying the Stone of Eternity.


"Phew~! It's finally over."

Not sure how much time had passed, Mu En raised his head and stretched.

After spending three fruits, Mu En finally roughly understood what the unique energy of the Helm underworld fruit was about.

"Now that I know how energy works, I just need to construct a formula."

As he said this, he pulled the computer over and began to construct a formula.

Because of the existence of the Heim Underworld, Mu En is still very concerned about the Zhan Ji Drive. After all, even without transformation, the Zhan Ji Drive can make people resist the temptation of the fruits of the Heim Underworld and obtain what the body needs from the fruit. energy.

If this function is separated out separately, it can be regarded as having a trump card when facing possible situations in the future.

And, as a knight fan, when he has the ability to restore a real belt, how can Mu En resist the temptation of transformation, even though he already has no shortage of strength.

Just when Mu En was concentrating on designing the new belt, Stark called.

"What's wrong, Stark? I'm busy. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

Mu En said impatiently into the phone.

"Wow wow wow, good guy, I kindly called you to tell you the good news, but you did this to me. I'm really sad, Mu En, have you forgotten the friendship between us?"

Seeing Stark's annoying attitude, Mu En rolled his eyes.

"Okay, what's going on on the phone? I'm doing an experiment!"

As soon as he heard that Mu En was doing experiments, Stark put away his playful expression. He knew how a person felt when he was suddenly interrupted while doing experiments. If it were him, he probably wouldn't answer the phone.

"Well, it's like this. When SHIELD went bankrupt, Nick Fury compiled some information. He discovered the remnants of Hydra, and they also took away Loki's scepter, so Captain He summoned us and took back the scepter.

The breaking point male protagonist (Thor) wants to take this scepter back to Asgard, but I have given me three days to do research. What do you think? Are you interested in coming over to study it together? I remember that you seem to be very interested in this kind of thing that contains special energy.

Of course, we will also hold a party during this period, but don't worry, I know you don't like occasions with too many people. The party didn't include many people, just a few acquaintances we knew. "

"Loki's scepter? Wait, you went to Europe to defeat Hydra?"

Mu En reacted suddenly.

"Well, that's right. I said it just now. Did I speak too softly or did you not hear me?"


Mu En took a breath of cold air. He had been distracted by the affairs of Helm's underworld recently. He didn't even notice how far it had developed. The Hydra branch base, Loki's scepter, and the plot of Avengers 2 had already begun. Yes.

Mu En looked at Kurim in the opposite laboratory and couldn't help but secretly thought.

"Mr. Belt, the time is almost here to fulfill your promise."

Thinking about it, he stopped the experiment in his hands and sealed the data.

"Okay, I know. Are you back now? Should I go to your place now or when?"

"We're almost there. We're in Avengers Tower, well, it's also the former Stark Tower. I've given you access rights, so you can just come over."

"Okay, I understand."

Saying that, Mu En hung up the phone.

"Finally, it's time."

"Parsing completed, data is being generated."

At the same time, the sound of Izzy's analysis being completed came from the laboratory.

Mu En took a look at the data, and it was pretty much what he expected. Basically, he couldn't analyze anything. However, he still sealed the data. It might be useful when making belts.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something.

"Izzy, how much information is there about me on the Internet?"

"Searching in progress. Search completed. The data about the director of Valentine Welfare Institute, Mu En, is..."

After Mu En took a look at the data, he decisively ordered.

"Izzy, except for the data about me in the orphanage and school, hack all the data that can be associated with me being Kamen Rider."

"Understood, executing."

Mu En knew that Ultron had super intelligence and powerful Internet information collection capabilities, so to be on the safe side, Mu En simply asked Izzy to hack the information that could prove his identity and the Kamen Rider, because what he did was not enough. There is not much directly related information to keep confidential, but it is always better to be cautious.

After asking Izzy to do all this, Mu En suddenly spoke.

"Izzy, do you want a body that can move freely?"


When Mu En asked, Izzy, who had always been used to following Mu En's orders, also paused. Although Mu En gave her a very humane mind, Izzy, who already liked the way she is now, didn't know for a moment. How to answer.

"Well, since you have inherited this name, it is better to have a body."

Before Izzy could answer, Mu En had already made a decision for her.

But Izzy was caught up in thinking whether, as a service-oriented artificial intelligence, she really needed a 'body'.

Chapter 527, Avengers Tower

The Avengers Tower was originally the corporate building of the Stark Group, but since the Battle of New York, the Avengers built it.

Stark had a new Stark Tower built and transformed it into the Avengers Tower.

Mu En drove to the outskirts of the Avengers Tower. A lot of people gathered outside the gate, including ardent superhero fans and paparazzi who wanted to dig up some juicy information.

However, they were all blocked by security, and only those who were invited or had permission could enter this luxurious building.

Mu En moved his car into a lane and designated a parking lot. The security system recognized Mu En's license plate number and confirmed Mu En's identity.

As soon as I got off the bus, a service staff greeted me warmly.

"Hello Dean Mu En, welcome to Avengers Tower."

Stark also knows the importance of identity confidentiality, so the only identity left for Mu En in the outer identity recognition is the director of Valentine's Welfare Home, and this identity is also well-known to the outside world. After all, Valentin is the director of the orphanage. The relationship between Lentin and Stark Industries was not only in the news once, not to mention that Muen was also known as a talented violin artist, although he only performed that one time.

"Where's Stark?"

Mu En closed the car alliance and asked directly.

"Mr. Stark is on the top floor, please come with me."

With the service staff opening the way in front, Mu En traveled smoothly. Many people on the road cast curious glances. However, after knowing who Mu En was, they just praised him for being young and promising and stopped paying any more attention.

"Sir, you can go directly to Mr. Stark's floor through this elevator."

The waiter led Mu En to a special elevator.


"You're welcome, it's my honor to serve you."

After saying that, he opened the elevator for Mu En, and then stood respectfully outside the door. Going inside was no longer a place he could enter.

Mu En walked into the elevator, and a blue light fell and scanned Mu En.

"Identification, Mu En."

After a programmed mechanical voice sounded first, Jarvis's familiar voice came.

"Master Mu En, Mr. Stark has been waiting for a long time."

"I see."

The door slowly closed and the elevator started.

As the elevator slowly rose, in order to relieve the boring time, Jarvis thoughtfully played music.

Mu En also asked the same question as Izzy.

"Jarvis, do you want a body that can move freely like a human?"

Obviously, Jarvis had never thought about such a problem, but he still reached it.

"Jarvis is Mr. Stark's personal butler, and issues beyond Jarvis' authority need to be decided by Mr. Stark."

Mu En asked without giving up.

"What if, I mean what if Stark doesn't need to make the decision, but you do?"

In fact, Mu En still cares a little about Jarvis, because whether it is the relationship between him in this life or the impression left on Mu En by the movies in his previous life, he still has a good impression of the artificial intelligence Mu En.

Next, if you want to reshape Kurim's body, you will inevitably use Vision's body. Although Vision and Jarvis are different individuals, they are still born out of Jarvis, so Mu En also wants to hear about it. Jarvis' thoughts.

Jarvis, who was silent for a while, finally answered.

"Jarvis's main purpose is to serve Mr. Jarvis. If he can serve Mr. better, Jarvis hopes to have a body. If he cannot serve Mr. better, Jarvis does not need a body."

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