After all, in this current state, as long as Stark needs it, Jarvis can take over all the smart devices under Stark Industries and help Stark quickly and effectively.

"I see."

Mu En nodded, and at the same time the elevator arrived at Stark's floor.


A prompt sounded, and the elevator door slowly opened.

As soon as Mu En came up, he saw a group of old acquaintances.

"Ahahaha, my friend, we meet again!"

When Sol came up, he gave Mu En a big bear hug.

"That's enough Thor, you're trying too hard."

Mu En finally broke free from Thor's embrace. He originally thought that this silly guy would become more mature after being exiled by Loki, but judging from his current performance, he didn't grow much.

"Okay Sol, didn't you say you still want to see your girlfriend, so don't get in the way of Mu En."

Stark stepped forward and patted Thor on the shoulder.

Thor rolled his eyes at Stark.

"I'm going to find Jane, but it doesn't conflict with me getting together with my friends for a while."

After saying that, he turned around and said to Mu En.

"My friend, it's a pity that you didn't come. We had a great victory. On the battlefield, I showed the heroic demeanor of the Asgardian gods. It's a pity that you didn't get to see it. Well, I It’s time to go find Jane, we must have a good drink at the celebration banquet in three days.”

After saying that, he walked into the elevator with his big hammer and waved his hand.

Banner looked at Thor in the elevator and said curiously.

"I thought he was going to fly off on his big hammer."

"Okay, now that we are all here, let's get started. After all, we only have three days."

Stark clapped his hands and motioned for Mu En and Banner to go to the laboratory first.

On the way, Mu En thought of those aliens who were alienated by gamma radiation, Mu En said to Banner.

"Dr. Banner, I have some questions about gamma radiation."

Banner also became interested when he heard about gamma radiation.

"Oh, what's the problem? Tell me."

Mu En briefly told Banner what he saw in the underworld of Helm, and Banner was also shocked when he heard it.

"Did you enter that subspace?"

Banner asked in surprise.

"And you also saw monsters and plants mutated by gamma radiation inside?"

Mu En nodded.

Dr. Banner folded his hands in front of his chest and said seriously.

"This is really unbelievable, but I can't analyze anything just by saying this, unless there is more data, or you have the opportunity to take me into that subspace. Only in this way can I Only then can we make a more detailed analysis.”

"I understand, then I will let you know when I have the next opportunity, and then I will take you into that subspace to have a look."

"Okay, then it's settled, but let's solve the problem of Loki's scepter first. Stark is very concerned about this."

Soon the three came to Stark's laboratory.

"Everyone, welcome to the experimental base I prepared for the Avengers. Okay, everyone, cheer up. It's Jarvis game time. We can only use this game controller for a few days, so we have to have fun."

And Mu En also saw Loki's scepter, or the Mind Stone, again.

However, after just one glance, he lost much interest. After all, this was not the first time he had come into contact with the infinite stones. To be honest, after seeing them too many times, he felt that it was just like that.

On the contrary, it was the processing workshop under his feet that interested Mu En. Damaged steel warriors were standing on the assembly line for repairs.

Chapter 528: Project Ultron

Entering the laboratory, Stark began to get busy.

Stark walked directly in front of the scepter.

"Jarvis, give me an updated scan of his structure and his composition data. The more detailed the better."

However, Jarvis replied.

"I'm sorry, sir, this scepter is an anomaly. There are some components that I cannot analyze and quantify."

"Isn't it okay to still have some parts? Let me analyze and record them first."

"Sir, that gem seems to be a protective shell. It seems to be protecting something, and this protective shell is very powerful."

Qian"":Xun:free?!,?charge "small".'said;;,:'skirt?2!:"5"?'.5!;.::5."?'9;:5; ''3.0"0 "Like my reactor?"

"Not exactly more like a computer that I'm trying to decode."

After assigning the task to Jarvis, Stark looked back at Muen and Banner, who were communicating about gamma radiation.

"I asked you two, can you start working?"

Mu En spread his hands.

"Okay, but let's make it clear first that if something weird is created, I won't take the blame."

"Come on, with the three of us here, we can still create some strange things. If it doesn't work, let Dr. Banner call Hulk out and smash him directly."


Dr. Banner made a rather exaggerated expression, which made the two of them burst into laughter.

But soon everyone was involved in the experiment.

While researching, Mu En asked Stark.

"Tony, let me ask you a question, and you have to answer me truthfully."

"Hmm, you ask."

Mu En asked looking at Stark.

"What did you see in Hydra's base?"

"Did you see something?"

Stark said haha.

"What else could there be? A bunch of Chitauri leftover technology, a giant alien mechanical beast, and some super-trapped mechanical soldiers. What happened?"

Mu En shook his head.

"No, I'm not asking that. I'm asking what did you see in your dream?"

When asked by Mu En, Stark's hands visibly paused.

Just like what developed in the original plot, in Hydra's laboratory, before Stark got the scepter, he was pulled into a dream by the magic cast by the Scarlet Witch.

In the dream, Stark saw the death of everyone in the Avengers, and standing on top of the corpses was a Kamen Rider he had never seen before. Yes, he thought he had never seen him before. The Kamen Rider who passed by, the sun's rays shone from behind him, and the knight's body exuded a brilliance that shone brighter than the sun's rays, making it impossible for people to see his whole face clearly, but what he could vaguely see There is only one belt, a belt that looks somewhat like a camera.

But Stark did smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What a dream."

Seeing that Stark was unwilling to tell what he saw in the dream, Mu En did not continue to ask questions, because he knew that he would naturally tell him when the time came.

Soon, with the efforts of the three people and the assistance of Jarvis, part of the structure of the gem was finally analyzed.

"can we start?"

"let's start!"

The three of them exchanged glances. Stark picked up a chip and lightly printed it on the scepter, then flicked it, and a blue holographic projection was projected out.

"This is absolutely beautiful."

Seeing the product in front of him, Banner couldn't help but sigh.

And Stark asked the two.

"Look, what does it seem to be doing?"

"Like thinking?"

Dr. Banner walked back and forth in front of the projection, then turned back and said to the two of them.

"Look at that, I mean, does it look like a brain to you, and these are like neurons firing electrical signals?"

Mu En just watched quietly without speaking.

Looking at Dr. Banner's reaction, Stark smiled with satisfaction.

"At that time, I saw a lot of advanced super robots at work in Hydra's base. They destroyed the data after we invaded the base, but I guess they were working on some kind of advanced technology."

Listening to Stark's words, Dr. Banner also understood what Stark was implying.

"You mean, artificial intelligence."

Stark nodded.

"Yes, I think this will be the key to the development of Ultron. The threshold we encountered in previous research may be able to break through with the help of this."

But Banner didn't think so. He felt that Project Ultron was too advanced for today's world.

"No, Stark, I think Ultron is just a fantasy."

"But now we have the opportunity to turn our fantasy into reality, don't we?"

Stark's mood suddenly became excited. He seemed to have some kind of obsession with the Ultron project, and then he looked at Mu En again.

"Mu En, I think you should be able to understand me. We are a group of people, and our thoughts should not be bound by this era. Didn't your many upgrades to Izzy prove this very well? Maybe just With a little speed boost, we can move into a whole new era.”

Mu En looked at Stark and said after a moment.

"You are right. Ideas should not be bound by the times, but I think technology should not deviate from the needs of the times. But there are always people who should be the pioneers of that era. But Tony, are you sure you can afford the uncertainty? The consequences of technology?”

Stark nodded and said firmly.

"I'm pretty sure."

Mu En looked at Stark. It can be said that it was Stark's insistence that led to everything that Ultron caused in Sokovia. Although he can explain it all this time, it may happen in the future. Things will definitely have a huge impact on Stark.

That's why Mu En asked Stark to think about this matter seriously, but in the end, Mu En wanted Stark to do this because Ultron still had value for him to use.

"Okay, I have no objection. What about you, Dr. Banner?"

Mu En conveniently posed the question to Banner. When Banner saw that Mu En agreed, he had no choice but to spread his hands.

"I understand, so be it."

Stark said excitedly when they both agreed.

"Don't look like that man, I'm sure you'll be proud of yourselves in the future.

This blue planet is too fragile. When facing foreign invaders, all we can do is revenge, but what if we take revenge? It has happened!

But why can we only be Avengers, why not preventers or defenders?

So as long as we put on armor for this blue planet, everything will be different. Imagine the beautiful future. "

The experiment began. It can be said that the Ultron Project was launched from this moment on, but the difference was that this time there was the intervention of Mu En.

Because there was already a basis for earlier experiments in Mu En's base, the plan went extremely smoothly.

In the same way, Mu En also started his own plan while standing in front of the computer.

"First of all, I have to correct your distorted aesthetics. Ultron, don't let me down."

Where no one noticed, Mu En injected an underlying program that did not belong to this era and world.

Chapter 529, Celebration Party

After three days of busy work, the three people's research finally came to an end.

Dr. Banner took a big sip from his coffee cup.

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