The people below were stunned.


"What happened?"

"Need our help Magic Knight?"

The Avengers, who had won a great victory, were full of confidence and expressed that they could help if they had any problems.

"Let's go!"

Mu En roared with all his strength, because he felt that the force against him had strengthened again.

Kurim knew that if Mu En let go, something would definitely happen.

"Let's go, get out of here first!"

He quickly asked everyone to leave with him.

But it was too late.

Above the sky, a huge zipper suddenly appeared. When the zipper opened, a huge suction force was created.

This suction force enveloped Sokovia and was about to swallow him into the cracks, and the Avengers above Sokovia were also captured by this suction force.

"Asshole, at least, nothing will happen to you!"

Muen World released the magic that was pulling Sokovia, opened a space door, and sent everyone back to the ground.

Mu En was swallowed into the crack together with Sokovia.

Everyone who had not recovered yet looked at everything empty in the sky. Sokovia and the huge cracks had all disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Steve couldn't believe that the issue he just saw was beyond his knowledge.

But Stark and Dr. Banner, who had returned to human form, frowned. They knew what the crack was, but they didn't know what was going on inside the crack.

"What should we do now? Will Mr. Wizard be okay?"

Wanda asked. A person who wanted to save his home was swallowed up by strange cracks along with his home. This made her feel uneasy. You know, these are things she had never seen in her dreams. .

Kurim frowned and spoke.

"There's no point in standing here. Let's go back first and think of a solution."

Stark and Banner nodded, perhaps able to find meaning and hope from the previous research data.

In the underworld of Helm, Mu En was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

"What, what exactly happened here?"

The underworld of Helm is almost completely eroded by radiation, and even the laws of physics have begun to become disordered. There are floating mountains, countercurrents and rivers, and a black sky that exudes an undesirable aura and collapses.

Mu En stood on the suspended Sokovia overlooking all this, and he seemed to hear a voice shouting.

He is talking.

"help me."

Chapter 545: Silly Orange Arrives

Looking at the Heim underworld in front of him, Mu En's eyes were full of incredulity.

"What is going on? Why is the world like this?"

Mu En slowly fell from the suspended Sokovia and came to the ground.

At this moment, the underworld of Heim was full of plants infected and mutated by gamma emissions. A violent alien discovered the existence of Mu En and roared towards him.

Mu En raised his hand and threw out several magic chains, binding him to a big tree. Then with a wave of his hand, the light blade slashed out, beheading him instantly.

Green blood melted out from the broken neck, and the blood was filled with radiation. And something even weirder happened, vines stretched down from the trees, and the roots of the mutated plants were actually sucking the blood of these guys, and even more strange things happened. Surprisingly, some roots penetrated directly into the flesh and blood from the fractures of the foreigner's body.

Even though Mu En felt that he had seen many strange and weird things, he still felt a little creepy when he saw the scene in front of him.

Plants suck the flesh and blood of aliens, and aliens eat the fruits produced by the plants. What a weird place this is.

After just staring at the same spot for a moment, Mu En walked towards the direction where the faint cry for help came from.

During this period, those weird plants wanted to attack Mu En. After cutting them off, Mu En put up a magic barrier to isolate the weird vines.

He originally wanted to make a fire without these weird guys, but unexpectedly found that these guys not only have strong fire resistance, but also have certain intelligence. They know how to ward off fire and protect their roots. As long as the roots don't die, they will be able to survive. It can regenerate quickly and is quite troublesome to deal with.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Mu En can feel that there are still many guys with extremely strong vitality in this forest. He just wants to explore, there is no need to give himself too much Find some trouble.

As they moved forward, Mu En could clearly feel that the originally weak and fuzzy voice became clearer and clearer. It seemed that he also felt Mu En approaching, and the calls became more and more frequent.

"This is?"

Passing through the dense twisted jungle, Mu En saw several green mad aliens lying at the entrance of a cave. The green muscles were stacked together like four green hills.

And Mu En can be more and more certain that what they are guarding is what is calling them.

"It's really interesting. A group of brainless and violent monsters can actually stay in one place quietly and honestly. It seems like someone has controlled them and asked them to guard this or something here."

Thinking of Mu En, he walked directly out of the twisted trees and came outside.


Seeing the appearance of Mu En, the four huge mad aliens immediately stood up vigilantly, their eyes full of crazy and ferocious looks, but they did not immediately pounce on them, but kept standing at the entrance of the cave. There were roars and demonstrations nearby, as if to warn Mu En not to come any closer.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. You tell me without telling me, is there something in that hole?"

As he spoke, Mu En walked straight towards the other party, and this behavior completely angered the other party.


Four behemoths rushed straight towards Mu En.

Under the mask, Mu En's thin lips parted slightly.

"Chi Yan."


Fire spread everywhere, and the crimson flames instantly enveloped the limbs of the aliens. The scorching flames burned their bodies, and even those with rough skin and thick flesh wailed in pain in front of Mu En's flames.

But the next moment, they endured the pain of being burned by the fire and stood up, and continued to rush towards Mu En with ferocious faces, with a posture that they wanted to eat Mu En alive. Wrapped in flames, coupled with their twisted and ugly faces, they looked like flame Shura crawling out of hell.

"Interesting, you have to carry out your mission even if you are burned by fire, then..."

The moment the four aliens pounced on Mu En at the same time, the brilliant sword and ax appeared in his hand.

Holding the sword in one hand, magic power surged, and he turned around and slashed out with the sword.

"Brilliant Burning Embers!"

The violent flames were slashed out with this sword, and the scarlet fire devoured everything in sight.


Accompanied by a loud noise, everything seemed to have returned to the moment when the world first opened, and the earth was dry and cracked, and magma was surging.


Mu En let out a long breath and put away the brilliant sword and axe.

Outside of the cave entrance that was protected by a strange energy barrier, the area within a few miles turned into scorched earth, and the rocks turned into magma and flowed on the charred and cracked ground.

"Sure enough, even if it turns into a piece of scorched earth, it is much more pleasing to the eye than that weird forest."

And the four crazy beasts guarding the entrance to the underground cave had already turned into dust under Mu En's sword.

Without the wild dogs blocking the way, Mu En walked straight towards the dimly glowing cave.

When he came to the barrier, the barrier that withstood his sharp blow did not stop him at all, and he easily passed through the barrier and entered the cave.

"Sure enough, that voice came from here."

After entering the cave, Mu En clearly felt that the sound had become much clearer, and the gamma radiation content in the cave was also decreasing.

Continuing deeper along the cave, Mu En found that there seemed to be traces of someone's activity here. The road under his feet turned into a man-made lift, and the steps went all the way down, leading to the depths of the underground.

The deeper he went, the less gamma radiation he found around him. Instead, the energy originally belonging to the underworld of Helm became richer, and the medium left by Ancient One in his body also became active.

Soon, after walking for a while, an underground palace appeared in front of Mu En.

The huge underground palace is in sharp contrast with the wild Heim underworld outside. A huge temple has been built on the rocks in the underground palace. The shape of the temple does not belong to any known buzz on the earth, and its door is open.

"Trap? Or something else?"

Looking at the open door of the temple in front of him, Mu En murmured to himself.

I heard a voice calling me in a strange and weird place, and then followed the voice to find a mysterious underground temple. Now the door of the underground temple is so open, as if it is inviting you to come in. It's hard not to let it go. People suspected that this was a trap, not to mention that this world wanted to erode the real world before that.

"It's interesting. Now that I'm here, how can I do it if I don't go in and have a try? If it doesn't work, I can just run away."

Mu En tried it and found that he could communicate with the earth's space network at any time, which meant that he could use teleportation magic to escape at any time. Mu En did not worry too much and walked straight to the gate of the temple.

Entering the temple, the door that Mu En expected suddenly closed or the various hidden weapons did not appear.

"Okay, it doesn't look like a trap. Why do I feel a little disappointed?"

It felt like he had waited for nothing. He shook his head and threw these messy thoughts away, and Mu En began to explore the temple.

The temple is very primitive, so primitive that there is not even a single mural. After passing through the outer hall, Mu En came to the real main hall.

Here, Mu En finally made a new discovery. A huge snake-shaped stone statue stood in the center of the hall, and a pair of snake eyes were staring at Mu En, as if the whole snake was alive and ready to go at any time. They will all wake up.

What surprised Mu En the most was that the voice calling for help came from this statue.

"It's really strange. I have killed vampires, fought aliens, and beaten so-called gods, but this is really the first time I have received a request for help from a statue. It is really strange. Could it be that it is alive? of?"

Looking at the statue in front of him, Mu En couldn't help but complain, this is simply too strange.

"You are right. He is indeed alive. He just turned into a stone statue because he was too weak."

A strange voice suddenly sounded, and Mu En instantly became vigilant. Magic surrounded him, and he could launch an attack instantly as long as there was the slightest sign of something wrong.

"I'm sorry that I scared you with my sudden voice. I didn't mean any harm."

A blond man wearing a white robe walked into the hall with a gentle smile on his face.

And when Mu En saw that face, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Are you! Silly Cheng? No, Kuzu Ye Hongtai?"

Chapter 546: Gods from the world of knights, come and save the world, Saonian!

Hongtai was not angry, but smiled gently.

"Haha, Silly Cheng, an interesting title. You are indeed as interesting as Douzhen said."


Hearing him mention Douzhen, Mu En thought of the mysterious black-haired man, and then looked at Sha Cheng in front of him, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Douzhen, which black god are you talking about?"

Shacheng nodded.

"Yes, you should have met him, but his god's name is not Black God, well, it's just a title, and he probably won't care."

Mu En felt that his scalp was a little numb. Black God Toshin and Kamen Rider Yajita were among the creation gods. No wonder he felt familiar the first time he saw him, but he didn't remember who he was. I’ve seen him there. After all, Yajituo’s incident was too long ago.

But a new question came again. Why did god-level figures like Heishen and Shacheng come to this world? Is it because of the fraying of boundaries?

Brother Xiao Ming said that due to the wear and tear of the boundaries, the rules between the two worlds have begun to become confusing, so it is not strange for gods-level existences like them to enter other worlds, but their purpose is What? Could it be that like the majestic figure in the Marvel world, it also wants to annex the other's world?

Mu En's mind is now in a state of confusion. Every time things escalate to this level, Mu En will feel helpless and weak. Although he has been desperately chasing, trying to give himself a little protection before the storm comes. The power of the people I care about, but...

Now Mu En looks at the kind-faced Sha Cheng in front of him, but he can feel how huge the gap between him and himself is. After all, the other party has already become a god who can dominate the world, and he is just a court official. Mortals running with all their strength up the mountains, even though they have surpassed many people now, are still extremely small in front of them.

Moreover, Mu En could feel that the storm was coming, and he did not have much time left.

As if he could see through Mu En's thoughts, Sha Cheng smiled.

"Well, young people, don't put too much pressure on me. You've already done a good job."


Mu En is a little helpless. These gods are really annoying. They can see through other people's thoughts at every turn. Can they still communicate well?

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