"Of course, I can talk very well."

Sha Cheng smiled honestly.

Seeing Sha Cheng with a sunny smile, Mu En could only grin.

"Haha, thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm thinking about where I should explain it to you. Ah, I know, let's start with this stone statue. I heard Douzhen told you some of your experiences. You should know what the underworld of Heim is like. Let’s get it over with.”

Mu En nodded.

"I know something. Aren't you the god of the underworld of Heim?"

"Yes, I did rely on the power of the underworld of Helm to become a god, but I am not a god in this world."

Mu En trembled all over, as if he had been struck by electricity.

"Wait a minute, you are not a god in this world, so that means this is not the underworld of Heim that you control?"

Shacheng nodded and continued.

"I think you should know a lot about the two worlds. Because of the wear and tear of the boundaries, the rules between the two worlds have begun to become confusing. Just like the birth of the Kamen Rider in this world, so in our world Many superpowers were born.

This Heim underworld was also born under such an environment, and judging from its current specifications, it was just born not long ago. It was also because of the birth of this new world that I projected my consciousness here. "

"Wait a minute, what you have now is not your true body but a projection?"

"Yes, but that's not the point. What's important is that the characteristic of Helm's underworld is that it will assimilate one planet after another as it grows, and at the same time, snakes will set up trials to select people who can become managers.

It's just that this Heim underworld had a little accident. Not long after it was born, it was targeted by the great will of this world. "

"Is the great will the majestic figure trying to wear down the boundaries?"

Shacheng nodded.

"Yes, it has many names. I don't know what it is called, but we are accustomed to calling it the Great Will."

And Mu En also roughly guessed why the world became like this.

"So, the reason why the underworld of Helm turned into what I saw is because the great will took action on it, right?"

"Yes, but the underworld of Helm cannot be controlled so easily, so the snake turned himself into stone and called for help from the outside world, trying to find someone who could help him to save this world, and the person who heard his cry for help , it’s you.”

Mu En looked at the giant snake statue in front of him.

"So, I was selected? But I was still resisting the invasion of the earth by the underworld of Helm."

"So? Didn't I protect my city from being invaded as a Kamen Rider before?"

After listening to Sha Cheng's words, Mu En rubbed his eyebrows.

"How should I save it?"

"Actually, you know very well, don't you?"

"Golden fruit?"

"Yes, but it's not that simple."

Saying that, Sha Cheng stretched out his hand and pressed the head of the giant snake statue.

"Let him tell you the specific method in person."

As he spoke, a strange light shone, and a rich life energy was poured into the statue by Sha Cheng.

"Click~! Click~!"

The statue shook, and a pair of carved snake pupils turned into full eyes.

The giant snake slowly opened its eyes, revealing a pair of golden vertical pupils.

A childlike voice sounded completely different from the domineering giant snake statue.

"You woke me up!"

Shacheng nodded.

"Yes, the savior you are looking for has arrived, so I wake you up to talk to him and see what can be done to save you and the world."

The giant snake looked at Sha Cheng and said.

"I feel a similar aura in you. Are you the Beginning Man?"

"That's right, but I'm not from your world. It doesn't matter who I am. Let me tell you how to save you first."

Sha Cheng urged anxiously. His figure had begun to become illusory. It seemed that the time for projection was almost up.

But the giant snake didn't ask any more questions and looked at Mu En.

"There is a familiar smell on you too."

"Um..., maybe I've been here before."

Mu En said perfunctorily that the familiar aura mentioned by the giant snake should be the medium that Ancient One left in his body. After all, I can sense the emergence of Heim Underworld, so the will of Heim Underworld should also be able to sense me. The presence.

"Savior, help me. The power of alienation is eroding the origin of the world. I hope you can purify this dirty world..."

The giant snake used the tender voice of a child and the tone of an old man to start a narration that was like the opening of a classic Japanese RPG game.

The general meaning is that Mu En needs to find the golden apples, take over the management of the underworld of Heim, and then find several sources of pollution that the alien gods have penetrated into the world. After finding the sources of pollution, use the power of the golden apples to purify them, so that they can be saved. Helm's underworld.

After telling all this, the power that Sha Cheng poured into the giant snake was exhausted. He turned back into a stone statue again, motionless, but this time, because he found Mu En, the so-called savior, the voice calling for help also disappeared. Stopped.

"how do you feel?"

Sha Cheng asked.

Mu En rubbed his eyebrows.

"Siha~! This feels like playing a game. A brave man from another world purifies the devil's source of pollution and saves the world."

"Hahahaha, it does look a bit like it. Before I became a god, I played a lot of games of this type."

Sha Cheng laughed loudly, as if recalling the good memories of the past.

Mu En took a deep breath and asked.

"Hongtai, if I get the golden apple, will I be like you?"

"Of course, you will become the founder of this world and the new god. And wouldn't you already be doing this even without the golden fruit?"

Listening to Sha Cheng's words, Mu En frowned.

"What do you mean I'm already doing this?"

Sha Cheng patted Mu En on the shoulder and said.

"Aren't the powers contained in your body and the goals you are chasing towards becoming a god? And I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, you have laid the foundation for yourself, so even if you get Even after receiving the golden fruit, you will not lose your human senses."

"I am moving towards becoming a god!"

After hearing Sha Cheng's words, Mu En was momentarily distracted.

"Okay, the projection power is exhausted, and it's time for me to leave. Goodbye, junior. I hope to see a stronger you next time we meet."

After saying that, Sha Cheng waved his hand, and his figure turned into dots of stars and disappeared in front of Mu En.

"Wait a minute! I still have many questions to ask you. Where should I go to find the golden fruit? Will that great will come again..."

And the starlight dissipated, leaving only Sha Cheng's final answer in the sky.

"You are the person chosen by the underworld of Helm, and the golden fruit itself will meet you..."

Everything became calm again, and only Mu En was left in the hall.

"Siha~! It seems that things have become more troublesome."

I originally just wanted to see what was asking for help, but I was given the inexplicable task of saving the world. It was really outrageous.

"Forget it, I don't have any clue if I continue to stay here. Anyway, let's go back and think of a solution."

As he spoke, Mu En opened the door to space, but the other end of the door was not an underground base, but Kama Taj.

Gu Yi stood behind Mengdi and looked at Mu En with a smile.

"Come and sit."

Chapter 547: The whirlpool called fate

"Come and sit."

Facing the invitation of Master Gu Yi, Mu En did not hesitate and directly crossed the space gate and came to Kama Taj.

As usual, Gu Yi made a pot of tea on the coffee table and poured a cup for Mu En.

Mu En looked at the tea still swirling in the cup and asked straight to the point.

"Master Gu Yi, did something happen?"

Master Gu Yi did not answer Mu En's question, but said.

"You've become stronger again."

As he spoke, he took a sip of tea and looked up at Mu En.

"Reality, power, and soul, you already have three different powers in your body. Although it is not as good as a complete gem, it can be regarded as laying the foundation for yourself."

Mu En picked up the tea cup and said nothing. He was a little confused now about what Gu Yi meant.

After finishing the cup of tea, Gu Yi spoke.

"Today I saw something I haven't seen on this planet for hundreds of years."

"Oh, what is it?"

"The majestic figure of a god, and the aura of a god from another world."

Mu En thought that sure enough, Gu Yi's strength was far from that simple. He also saw the great will that appeared at that moment, and even sensed the aura of Silly Orange that appeared in the underworld of Heim.

But he didn't hide it, he said frankly.

"Yes, I have seen a lot of strange things, but this is the first time I have seen something as strange as today."

Gu Yi poured another cup of tea for Mu En and said while looking at the tea leaves swirling in the cup.

"The world is like this cup of tea, and the times are like a huge whirlpool. We are all like the tea leaves, drifting in the whirlpool."

Looking at the swirling tea leaves, Mu En spoke subconsciously.

"Can't even you escape from the whirlpool?"

Gu Yi shook his head.

"I can see it, but I can't get away."

As he spoke, he looked at Mu En.

"Remember when I told you that I had a peek into the future?"

Mu En nodded. He still remembered that Gu Yi said that it was not a wise idea to pry into the future.

"But, just before you came here, I tried to peek into the future one more time."

Mu En was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Gu Yi would take the initiative to peek into the future again.

"Oh, it was a bit unexpected, but I'm more curious, what did you see this time?"

After hearing Mu En's question, Gu Yi dipped his finger in tea and drew a shallow mark on the coffee table. Then he suddenly poured the entire cup of tea on the coffee table, drowning the shallow mark. .

"I didn't see anything."

Mu En was silent. Although Gu Yi said he didn't see anything, Mu En saw too many things from his actions.

As a time traveler, Mu En knows that Ancient One was once a staunch guardian. He firmly believed that guarding the earth was his duty, so even if he had the time stone in his hand, he would not use it to spy on or change the future.

But because of the appearance of the Great Will and Sha Cheng, he was a little shaken, so in order to need an answer, he once used the power of gems to peek into the future, but what he saw was just like what he just demonstrated. That way.

But this was not enough. Although Mu En roughly guessed the cause of the matter, he still did not understand what Gu Yi wanted to tell him. Regarding things like the future, Mu En is very clear that once the other party directly explains it, the future he sees may change, so he can only hint to himself in this way. However, this is somewhat elusive.

At this moment, Gu Yi suddenly spoke.

"Okay kid, you changed back. I think your friends are getting a little anxious waiting for you."

Now that Gu Yi has spoken, Mu En has no intention of staying any longer.

"I understand. Goodbye, Master Gu Yi, and thank you for the tea."

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