After bidding farewell to Peter, Connors also chose to leave. He still had his own things to do. As long as Amazon does not become extinct for a day, his journey of redemption will not stop.

After Connors left, Craven also put on his own animal skin suit.

"Kraven, where are you going?"

Kraven said with murderous intent on his face.

"Of course I am going to do what I should do. My purpose of returning to New York has not been achieved yet."

This time he returned to New York, partly at Maria's invitation, and also for the purpose of settling the score with the organization that intended to kidnap Maria.

Looking at Craven in front of her, Maria was also a little embarrassed.

"Kraven, let's forget it. They won't succeed anyway. After all, they are an organization with a complete team structure and weapons, and you are only one person."

"What do you mean forget it?"

Craven was a little angry, because it was Maria who said this. If it were anyone else, Craven would definitely tear his mouth apart to show him what he said.

"Even if they don't succeed, if they do succeed, will you still be able to stand here properly? As for the advantages in numbers and weapons."

Kraven laughed disdainfully.

"Even if the prey travel together and are armed to the teeth, they are still prey, and I am the best hunter."

After that, Kraven left with his weapons and equipment.

Maria was a little helpless, she knew very well that this guy had a stubborn temper.

Moreover, she did not dare to say that there was a potion in the hands of those people to transform humans into monsters. Telling Craven this would only arouse Craven's competitive spirit.

She had no choice but to send a message to Connors. I am afraid that only Connors could help with this kind of thing.

In order for Connors to help Kraven, Maria told him about the potion.

"A potion that can transform humans into monsters?"

Connors frowned slightly when he saw Maria's message. The message also included a picture taken by the surveillance of the Palm Research Institute, which was a picture of the hybrid Amazon.

This immediately caught Connors' attention. He had known for a long time that the existence of Amazon must have been known to many organizations, and maybe someone would use Amazon cells to conduct some inhuman sight to achieve some purpose.

At first he wasn't too worried, because this couldn't be done without the reverse transcription gene decay equation and the corresponding technical means.

But now it seems that the situation is not that simple.

After reading the message, Connors recovered two words, concise and clear.

Looking at the brief reply, Professor Maria also breathed a sigh of relief. At least with the help of Connors, Craven would not appear so alone.


"Aunt Mei~!"

Peter opened the door carefully and called out.

"Peter, is it you? You are finally back."

Hearing Peter's voice, Aunt May came out of the kitchen excitedly and hugged Peter.

Peter also hugged Aunt May tightly.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Mei, for making you worry."

"It's okay. I know everything about you. Young people should work while studying. How have you eaten? You must have been very busy these two days. Have you had a good meal? I happened to bake some muffins. , come and try it quickly.”

Seeing Aunt Mei who cared so much about him, Peter felt sad. He vowed that no matter what, he would never let Aunt Mei get hurt in the slightest.

But there are more important things to do before that.

"Aunt Mei, is there anything left by my father and mother? I met my father's former colleague in the university's laboratory, and he talked to me about my father's research, so I wanted to look for it. What information is left behind.”

Hearing Peter's question, Aunt Mei thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there really was something left by Richard.

Chapter 602, Daniel Biotechnology Company

In the old warehouse, Peter found some experimental materials left behind by his father.

However, it is obvious that in order not to involve Uncle Ben and Aunt May, these leftover materials were processed by Richard, and they are all ordinary research reports that cannot be included.

Moreover, there are no substantive research results, and their basic nature is similar to that of college students who randomly piece together a perfunctory graduation thesis in order to graduate.

"Phew~! It seems like there's nothing useful."

Peter looked at the paper reports scattered on the ground. These report papers were a little yellowed due to time, as if they would be completely broken if someone touched them lightly.

In order not to miss any clues, Peter transcribed the paper materials into electronic files one by one. He planned to use a computer to search to see if he could retrieve some brand-new information.

But while he was transcribing the information, he suddenly noticed a detail.

That is, among these leftover reports, many of the report papers used to write experimental reports are of the same style.

This special style of report paper is generally reserved for a certain research institute or experimental unit.

Just like the laboratories of Osborn Group and Stark Industries, their experimenters use their special report paper when writing the experimental reports.

As if he had found a clue, Peter began to investigate whether these report papers were exclusively supplied by research units.

After excluding some report papers sold in ordinary stationery stores, Peter found that a large part of the report papers came from a research unit, Daniel Biotechnology Company.

"Daniel Biotech."

Peter entered the name of the company on the computer, and soon the computer retrieved a series of relevant information.

And Peter unexpectedly discovered that this was actually a company with a certain age. They were established more than 20 years after the end of World War II.

You must know that at that time, biotechnology was basically still firmly in the hands of the federal government, and Daniel Biotechnology Company was a private enterprise from the beginning.

Peter, who had a sharp intuition, immediately felt that this company might not be that simple, and he planned to investigate it carefully.

But before that, he still needed to make a new suit. The suit he had was completely shattered when he lost control and ran away.


As night fell, Kraven crouched on a tree like a beast crawling in the darkness. His orange pupils reflected a green light under the moonlight, even in a dark environment where he couldn't see his fingers. Even below, Kraven was still able to clearly capture every move of his prey.

"This is it."

He investigated some information through his special intelligence agency. The organization that tried to kidnap Maria and seize the new technology was hiding in the building in front of him.

It's just that in order to hide their true identities, they got themselves a vest from a biological company.

And this biological company is Real Daniel Biotech.

Craven carefully sneaked into the company building and learned from the intelligence that the boss of the company was there. Below the building, there is a huge underground building.

This underground building is their real home base, and due to the traditional skills of the villains, their underground base is also connected to New York City's complex underground drainage system through this underground drainage system, making it easier for them to reach every corner of the city.

Not long after, the little spider swung its silk thread to the outskirts of Daniel Biotechnology Company. Looking at the company building that was still brightly lit at night, Peter looked solemn under the mask.

His intuition told him that this operation might not be smooth sailing.

But the more I feel like this, the more I am reminded to Peter that you may have what you want here.

"What kind of place is this?"

Staring at the brightly lit building opposite, Peter used spider silk to lurk in the darkness and sneak towards the opposite side.

After Peter entered Daniel Biotechnology Company, the company welcomed his third visitor tonight.

Connors rode his motorcycle and stopped not far away, standing in the distance and looking ahead.

"Sure enough, it also smells like Amazon here."

Although the smell is very light and there are obvious traces of masking, it cannot fool Connors, who has sharp senses.

"Daniel Whitehall."

Connors frowned and muttered.

Back then, this person had extended an olive branch to him and wanted to recruit him to join his company.

However, he was rejected by Connors for a very simple reason. Richard's disappearance may have had something to do with them. After Richard's death, attention was drawn to him. It is difficult not to make people suspect that they are Not planning something.

But after Connors refused, they stopped making trouble, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

Richard's incident may be related to him, Maria's kidnapping may be related to him, and now even Amazon may be related to him. This seemingly ordinary biological company suddenly seems not so ordinary.

"What is the truth? Is everything a coincidence, or are you really planning something?"

As he spoke, Connors narrowed his eyes slightly and walked in the direction of Daniel Biotechnology Company.


Daniel Biotech, Whitehall's private office.

Whitehall sat back on the sofa, squinting his eyes slightly and pretending to be asleep.

But he never really fell asleep.

"A little mouse snuck in."

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at the surveillance screen on the computer screen.

From the beginning, Peter and Craven's infiltration plan was exposed. Although they had extraordinary reach and talents, who were they? Hydra, they were the most slippery in undercover infiltration.

If you infiltrate in front of Hydra, aren't you just trying to trick your squad?

"Sir, do you need someone to deal with them?"

The chamberlain who had been standing aside asked in a low voice.

Whitehall waved his hand.

"No, just play with them and guide them down, just in time for them to try out the latest batch of experimental products."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, that's right!"

Whitehall called out to the chamberlain again.

"Catch this Spider-Man alive for me. He will be the test subject for our latest signal."

"Understood sir."

Whitehall stared at the screen on the computer with his eagle eyes, and there was a document beside him, which was the report of the runaway Peter tearing up the hybrid Amazon.

"Such power, if it can be used by me... hum hum ha ha ha ha -"

Chapter 603: Sneaking becomes harder and harder

Daniel Biotechnology Company, in the company building, security personnel patrolled back and forth between floors.

Peter hid in the dark and looked at the situation outside through the window of the ventilation duct.

After confirming that the security personnel had passed, Peter pushed open the iron window of the vent and entered the corridor.

Around the stock exchange, after confirming that there was no surveillance, he confirmed the direction and ran towards the archives room.

It can be said that the journey was smooth, because there was basically no one at this point, and the only ones who stayed were researchers working overtime in the laboratory. It can be said that Peter's 'infiltration' was very smooth.

"Huh~! I didn't expect that this company is not big, but it has a lot of files."

Looking at the rows and rows of file racks in front of him, Peter couldn't help but complain, but thinking about it, it was an old company after all, and it had naturally accumulated a lot of files over the years.

While Peter was looking through his father's files, Craven also sneaked into the company. Unlike Peter, he was more like breaking in than sneaking in.

It was just a face-to-face meeting with two security guards, without even giving them a chance to make a sound.

Craven pulled off the ID tag of one of the security personnel, then walked around to make sure that no one noticed him, and then left in a swagger.

Taking the stolen ID card, Craven entered the elevator directly, and then inserted the ID card into the identification slot on one side.

"Identification successful!"

With the rising sound, the elevator slowly closed the door and started running.

However, everything they did was under Whitehall's supervision from beginning to end.

Seeing that one had gone underground and the other was still in the archives, Whitehall picked up the communicator.

"Go, make some noise in the archives room on the second floor, drive out that little bug, and guide him underground."

"Yes sir."

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