The files in the archives are just pretentious things, and there is nothing of practical use in them.

After all, they are Hydra, so why would they put really important things in such a conspicuous place?

"It's strange. The documents here are quite complete, but why is there no file on my father?"

After searching for a long time, Peter also realized that something seemed wrong.

The files here are sorted by year and file name, but I searched through the shelves of all years and couldn't find what I wanted.

Just when Peter was about to search carefully to see if he had missed anything, there was a sound of footsteps outside the archives room.

"somebody is coming!"

Peter immediately put all the archive documents in their place, and before the door of the archives room was opened, he got into the ventilation duct again, and carefully closed the iron window, for fear of making the slightest sound.

Soon, the lights were turned on and two people walked in.

"Was there anyone here just now?"

"No, who would come here at night? Don't scare yourself."

"Yeah, okay."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and grab your things and leave. The gentleman is still waiting for us."

One of them urged the other to work quickly.

Peter was lying next to the bars and saw that the two people actually opened a hidden file shelf, which was full of documents that he had not read.

"There are so many, do you want to send them to the basement?"

"Yes, sir, I said these are important documents and it's not safe to leave them here. Let's go, let's stop rambling."

The two of them packed the documents and took them out of the archives room as they spoke.

"Basement? Important documents?"

Peter seemed to have heard some keywords, but he was still a little confused as to what kind of documents needed to be placed in the basement.

After the two left, Peter climbed out of the ventilation duct again.

I followed the operations of the two people just now and opened the hidden file shelf, but unfortunately it was already empty.

Peter hesitated for a moment. He planned to go to the basement that the two people mentioned. Maybe what he wanted to know was down there.

Fortunately, Peter had done enough homework before coming. He found the structural diagram of Daniel Company in advance, and soon he found the fire escape to the underground.


Arriving at the door of the fire escape, Peter found that the folding door was locked.

"You really have no sense of safety at all. What should you do if your gadget catches fire?"

After looking around to make sure no one noticed, Peter grabbed the door and used brute force to open the lock, while trying his best to control his strength to avoid making too much noise.

Quickly enter the fire escape and walk underground.

From the moment he entered this company, Peter has always had a strange feeling in his heart.

This feeling became even more obvious after he entered the underground passage.

"It's really, really weird."

Peter came to the door of the basement floor, carefully opened the door and looked outside.

After taking it, he was stunned when he saw everything in front of him. Good guy, this is the basement. This is where the main body of the company is.

People were coming and going in the hall on the underground floor. Everyone was wearing special uniforms. It was already past midnight, but the people inside were still busy with something.

Bi carefully closed the door. It was definitely not possible to go in just like that. It seemed that he had to rely on the old method of drilling through the ventilation passage.

However, just when he started to look for the ventilation passage, a sharp alarm sounded.

"Alarm, alarm! Everyone has found the intruder! The intruder has been found!"


Peter was startled, but when he calmed down he realized that he was not exposed.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, those people were heading in another direction.

"Could it be that there are others?"

Peter felt that this possibility was very high. Although he didn't know who the other intruder was, it was a good opportunity for him. The attention of those people was attracted to him, which was convenient for him to do things.

On the other side, Craven, who took the elevator directly down from the three underground floors, was exposed the moment he stepped out of the elevator.

A good infiltration turned into a forced break-in.

"Tch, is this the current Hydra? It's not good enough!"

Kraven made a sound and looked at the disdain on the faces of the Hydra members who were placed at his feet.

He was originally going to the bottom floor, and took over the idiot whose identity card he had robbed. He only had permission to go to the third floor. After taking him, he came out, and then something unharmonious happened.

Straight past these unlucky people, Kraven walked towards the depths. He planned to dig out Hydra's secrets directly like this, and let them know that not everyone could be touched by them.

However, at this moment, a cold voice came from the radio.

"Hunter Kraven, if my information is correct, your name should be this."

"That's right, it's me. Who are you?"


Facing the rude Craven, Whitehall just sneered.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but it's important that you broke into my territory."

"Your territory? Are you the boss here? Just get out of here right now and let me teach you a lesson. You were the one who let people kidnap Maria twice, right?"

"It turns out that you are here for Professor Maria. I just wanted to invite Professor Maria to discuss scientific issues, but she was a little uncooperative, so I used a more forceful approach. .”

"Stop talking nonsense, do you think I can't find you if you hide away?"

Whitehall's voice remained cold and calm.

"I don't have much. This is my territory, and it's you who should hide. Let's do this. I'll give you a chance. If you enter the fourth underground floor, I'll give you a chance to see me."

Chapter 604, Trap

Kraven is not a fool. Who knows how many people you have ambushed on the fourth floor, or how many traps you have arranged.

Whitehall also thought of this and spoke.

"Of course, you don't have to come to the fourth floor, but in this case, not only will you not be able to see me, I'm afraid you will never see Professor Maria again."


I saw monitors appearing one after another around Craven, and a person appeared on the monitor, who turned out to be Professor Maria.

"Maria! What did you bastard do to her?"

"Don't worry, I invited Professor Maria to come over to conduct academic research, but I don't know what will happen to you."



The dagger in Kraven's hand flew out instantly, directly piercing the monitor.

"I understand. You'd better wash your neck for me on the next floor and wait. I will personally pick off your head and hang it on the wall at home as a trophy."

"Haha, let's wait until you can do this."

Whitehall's voice fell, and the elevator to the fourth underground floor opened.

Kraven pulled out his dagger from the wall and walked into the elevator.

On the underground floor, people were still coming and going just now. After the alarm sounded, everyone disappeared in just a few minutes.

Peter carefully searched for the confidential files that had just been sent down.

"It's really strange. Where have those people gone?"

Looking at the empty surroundings, Peter felt something was wrong. There were so many people just now, how could they disappear in just a few minutes.

If it weren't for the lack of prompts from the spider senses, Peter would have thought that he had entered the enemy's trap.

"found it!"

Finally, Peter found the trolley that the two people used to transport files in a room.

Peter opened the door to the room, made sure there was no problem inside, and then walked into the room.

This is a fully enclosed room. Except for a door leading to the outside, there is no window in the room. There is a whole wall of safes on both sides of the room.

"Is this where the files are hidden?"

But there were a lot of safes here, and he didn't know where to start looking for them.

"No matter what, let's start from the beginning."

However, just as he stepped into the room, the spider sense alarmed frantically.


There was a muffled sound and the door closed instantly.

"No, it's a trap!"

Peter immediately wanted to hit the door and leave, but the ground collapsed instantly after he took it. Peter instinctively shot out two strands of spider silk to grab the safes on both sides, and then fell down with the safe.


There was a muffled sound, and two huge safes fell heavily to the ground. Peter somersaulted, barely holding on, and landed on top of the safe.

The impact of the fall directly caused the doors of some safes to crack, but Peter discovered that there was not even a single file in the safe.

"Welcome to Spider-Man!"

A cold voice sounded, and Peter understood that he had fallen into a trap.

Looking at the empty surroundings, surrounded by smooth walls, it was obvious that this was a trap that Zhen had set for himself.

Whitehall looked at Peter who had fallen into the trap and felt extremely happy.

"Are you surprised? In fact, you don't have to be surprised wherever you go, because we have been observing you Spider-Man for a long time."

"Observe me?"

"Yes, you have surprising abilities and coveted power. Your existence is very special. But your current appearance makes me a little dissatisfied."

"What do you mean!"

Listening to this guy's words, Peter felt a little creepy.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to see your real face, so come and say hello properly."

"Click click click~!"

There was a mechanical buzzing sound, and a heavy door slowly opened.


A hybrid Amazon burst out from behind the gate and headed straight for Peter.


Peter was a little surprised, but there was no time for him to relax.

The ferocious bloody mouth was already in front of him.

Peter hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it, and the smelly mouth passed by him.

But this was far from over. A black hook poked out from behind the hybrid Amazon. The sharp hook was dripping with venom and stabbed directly towards Peter's heart.

"No, you are looking down on me!"

Peter immediately shot out two strands of spider silk, grabbed Amazon's hook, turned over and threw the opponent away.

Whitehall, who was behind the screen, watched the fierce battle between the hybrids plummet.

"It's not enough. It's not enough to force out the guy I want. Now I'm releasing two experimental subjects."

"Yes, sir."

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