"Click click click~!"

The heavy steel door opened again, and with angry roars, two more hybrid Amazons rushed out of the cage.

"What! How many such monsters have they created!"

Peter couldn't believe that the other party actually released two more of these monsters. He didn't dare to think about what kind of terrifying things were hidden under the ground of such a company.

On the other side, the elevator door slowly opened, and Craven arrived on the fourth floor. But when he walked out of the elevator door, he realized that it was empty.

"Pah pah pah~!"

Just when Kraven was about to get angry, a crisp round of applause came.

A projection appeared in front of Kraven, and Whitehall sneered and taunted.

"Hunter Kraven, I admire your courage. I didn't expect you to actually dare to enter here."

"Asshole, you despicable guy, you don't even keep your word!"

"Credit? What use can this thing have? Only those who achieve their goals by any means necessary can become the final winner, while losers will only be submerged in the dust of history."

Whitehall said this not only to Craven, but also to his colleagues. Whether it was Pierce or Carlson, they were all losers, and he was the one who led the Nine Heads. Snakes conquer the world.

As for that Asian guy, haha, he doesn't deserve to compete with me at all.

"Okay, you reckless guy, I won't let your death be in vain. You will be very honored to be our experimental subject, have fun."

After that, the image disappeared.

Waves of low roars came from all around.

However, Kraven, who had rich hunting experience, was confused at this moment as to what kind of beast's roar it was.

The next moment, a black shadow struck towards him.

Kraven dodged, and a sharp claw passed in front of his eyes.

And he finally saw clearly what kind of monster it was, a beast-shaped hybrid Amazon.

"A monster I've never seen before?"

Kraven moved his arms and held the dagger in his hand a little tighter.

Chapter 605: Opportunity to escape

On the fourth underground floor of Daniel Biotechnology Company, Kraven fought with a hybrid beast-shaped Amazon using only a dagger.

"Tch, what an interesting creature."

Craven kicked away the brutal Amazon and analyzed the current situation.

"This monster is not only surprisingly powerful, but also has the body of a lion, the speed of a leopard, and the endurance of a hound. This guy is simply a hunting machine made up of various beasts."

As he spoke, not only was Kraven not afraid, an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

"It turns out that you are a top hunter just like me. This is great. I want to take your head off and hang it on the wall of my home as my best trophy!"


The hybrid Amazon roared and rushed towards Kraven again. Kraven did not dodge, but rushed forward to face it, using his own body to fight the craziest "beast" head-on.

"This guy."

In the office, Whitehall couldn't help but frowned as he looked at Kraven, who was able to fight the beast-shaped hybrid with the strength of his own body.

He didn't understand why, why these miserable guys had such extraordinary power, but he, who had strategy, forbearance, and was able to control the overall situation, couldn't get the same power as these guys.

The more he thought about it, the more dissatisfied he became with this world.

"It's not that big of a deal. It doesn't matter if you have power. It's not just me playing around with you."

As he spoke, he switched the screen to Peter's side.

In the secret room, even when faced with three hybrid Amazons, Peter was still holding on. Even though he was exhausted and about to collapse soon, he gritted his teeth and persisted. He wanted to stay rational and not let the other party suffer. Succeed.

After such a long period of fighting, Peter also discovered some problems, that is, these hybrids are violent and chaotic. They have no reason and only have the instinct to kill all enemies.

He also discovered this, and used these hybrids to restrain each other, so he persisted. If the other party had a little sense and knew how to cooperate, he would have been torn apart long ago.


With an angry roar, a tail sting attacked Peter's heart.

Peter gritted his teeth and rolled over to dodge.


The hard sting pierced the floor, leaving a deep hole in the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough, it feels so uncomfortable, it feels like my bones are about to crack!"

Peter clenched his teeth. He knew that due to overdrafting his strength and using his own abilities, the genes in his body would begin to mutate again. If the serum injected into his body had not had a certain effect, he would have lost control long ago.

"No, I can't stop here yet. There must be some way to get out of here."

Peter dragged his tired body and looked around, constantly looking for opportunities to break through this trap.

Suddenly, he noticed the deep pit on the ground that was smashed by the Amazon hybrids, and then he looked at the steel gate where these hybrids were released.

"Yes! Maybe, we can take a gamble!"

Thinking of this, Peter immediately rushed towards the steel gate, while not forgetting to look back and taunt.

"Hey! You three idiots, come here and catch me."



The effect of taunting is very good. These guys are like dynamite barrels, which basically explode at one click.

"Can't hit, can't hit, can't hit, hahahaha!"

Peter dodged left and right, pulling the opponent to his limit.

However, this move was also very dangerous. Several times, the sting dripping with venom brushed past him. As long as he deflected a little further, the sharp sting could penetrate his body, even if it penetrated him. Even if it is not fatal, the poisonous venom can send Peter to see God.

"Come on, come on, come and hit me, you idiot!"

Finally, Peter arrived outside the steel gate and stood by the door, taunting wildly.


A black tail sting pierced the air and stabbed directly towards Peter's head.


Peter did a split squat, and with a bang, the dark tail sting was deeply embedded in the steel not far above his head.

The extremely poisonous venom emerged from the tail sting, and the venom dripped on the steel plate, making bursts of corrosive sounds, which made Peter's scalp tingle.

"What a risk, what a risk, I almost lost it."

Before Peter could recover, another hybrid Amazon pounced directly on him.

"Ah, don't, don't, don't!"

Quickly getting up to dodge, the hybrid hit the steel door directly.

"I said goodbye, but you still didn't stop. You didn't break it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean your brain. You didn't break the door."

Even death can't stop Peter from talking dirty words. He is Peter Parker.


The hybrid Amazon is extremely angry. This little red and blue bug is really annoying.

But their anger was exactly what Peter wanted. Although doing so was undoubtedly dancing on the edge of a knife, he had no other choice.

If you fight hard, you will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent, and you can only use their brute force to find a way to escape.

In the office, Whitehall's face darkened. He watched Peter under surveillance continue to use these brainless bastards to break down the door, and the special door had begun to loosen.

"What a bunch of trash!"

Of course he knew that these guys were brainless, because this was their design flaw, they were brutal but uncontrollable.

If it was controllable, he wouldn't need to plunder Professor Maria's technology to create a new Sigma.

Looking at the crumbling door, Whitehall picked up the communicator again.

"Since this little bug wants to open the door, let him see what real hell is. Release all experimental subjects, notify the emergency forces, and prepare to recover Spider-Man's body."



"Come on, keep going, we're almost there!"

Peter looked at the crumbling steel gate as if he saw a glimmer of hope.


The hybrid Amazon roared and punched out.



Cracks appeared on the dilapidated steel gate corroded by the venom.

"Great, it finally worked. Thank you very much."

Peter seized the opportunity and shot out several threads of spider silk, temporarily trapping the three hybrid Amazons. Then he clenched his fist and punched the tattered steel door with a sharp fist.


The dull sound echoed in the secret room, and the cracks on the door quickly expanded.

Peter also became excited, but the next moment, his spider senses alarmed frantically.

The moment the door shattered, a huge pliers came out and grabbed Peter directly.

Chapter 606: Spider Demon appears again

A huge pliers smashed directly into the tattered steel door and grabbed Peter.

If the spider senses hadn't met him in advance, Peter might have been turned into meat.

"What is this!"

Peter, who was hiding in the distance, looked at the monster slowly walking out from behind the door with disbelief.

A giant scorpion made of flesh and bones, and the upper body of this scorpion was actually a skinless humanoid monster with white teeth, protruding eyes, and a set of huge pincers.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Peter would never have dreamed that this kind of monster would actually appear in life. Generally, wouldn't this kind of thing only appear in science fiction works or games?

But what made Peter's scalp tingling even more was that behind this monster, there were dozens of Amazons of different kinds.

"Oh my God, I'm not having a nightmare. This is simply the most terrifying nightmare of this century."

Peter covered his face and opened his mouth. If he wasn't wearing a mask, you would definitely be able to see his frightened expression. So this is why superheroes wear masks, because you can't see them even if they are scared. ,Ha ha.

Okay, just kidding, that's definitely not why the hero is wearing a mask.

"What should I do?"

Now Peter is like the Tang Monk who fell into the monster cave. He seems to have seen the words "eat him" written on the faces of these hybrid Amazons.

"No, cheer up Peter, you can't fall here yet, think about Aunt May, think about Gwen, you still have to go back."

Peter patted his face and tried to comfort himself.

But when he saw the number of monsters, Peter also knew that these words were simply his last words.

"What should I do now? I feel like I can't hold on anymore."

The bone-gnawing pain of thousands of ants was getting stronger and stronger. He could feel that he was about to mutate. Perhaps if he mutated again and went on a rampage, he could fight his way out.

But what the other party wants is to mutate themselves, which means that they have prepared the means to subdue themselves, but if they don't do this, they may not even have a chance to survive.

Peter held the serum tightly in his hand. He didn't know whether he should inject this serum now or let himself mutate.

However, these monsters would not give him any time at all.

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