The Titan roared, swinging a pair of iron fists and slamming them down towards the spider demon.

Faced with such power, the spider demon had to raise all its arms at the same time to defend itself.


Two arrogant forces collided together, and the two sides began to wrestle again. This was a duel of pure strength.

The muscles all over Titan's body tightened rapidly, like a steel fortress.

The spider demon did not give in at all. The six thick arm muscles swelled rapidly. You must know that the original little spider was a hero with both strength and agility, but now the spider demon has given up all agility and transformed all advantages into gained strength.



The roars of the two monsters echoed in the Colosseum.

Suddenly, the spider demon exerted force and threw Titan away. Of course, Titan refused to accept it. The anger made Titan's skin change more vividly. Because of the use of Hulk's DNA sample, Titan also has the talent to transform anger into power.

With a quick step, the Titan rushed towards the spider demon.

The spider demon directly raised his hand and sprayed several threads of spider silk towards the Titan. However, the role of the spider threads was only to slow down the opponent's movements. With such power as theirs, basically nothing could trap them.

Chapter 608: The battle ends and Parker falls into the hands of Hydra

Accompanied by thrilling roars and earthquake-like tremors.

The battle between the Titans and the Spider Demon further escalated, and the Colosseum, which was originally built specifically to target the Spider Demon, was now in pieces.

"Sir, the Colosseum has been damaged in many places. If we continue to fight, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold on."

But Whitehall remained expressionless, just staring at the surveillance screen. Although many surveillance cameras had been scrapped due to the aftermath of the battle, Whitehall had spent a lot of money to get that power.

"Don't worry about this. Your task is to subdue one of them after the other falls. The rest is your business."

"Yes, yes sir."

When the other end of the phone heard this, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree.

"Pure power, perfect power, but why are you all so uncontrollable?"

Whitehall stared at the picture on the screen and muttered to himself, but then a strange smile appeared on his face.

"But it doesn't matter, I will use my own way to control you. The real power never belongs to those who are naturally powerful, but to me.

Now, let me speed up this fight. "

As he spoke, he pressed a button on the table.

In the Colosseum, a red smoke filled the air.

This is a special pheromone developed by Whitehall based on the characteristics of Amazon cells. Its main effect is to awaken the most primitive instinct of the Amazon who inhales this pheromone, a violent and bloodthirsty desire.

Sure enough, a few seconds after the pheromone is released.

Titan let out a terrifying roar, and his skin began to swell, gradually turning from dark green to blood.


The spider demon also let out an unprecedented roar, and his bodies began to collide, becoming more and more like a giant spider.

Their violent instincts made them look at each other more and more unpleasantly. The Titan bared his ferocious fangs and rushed towards the spider demon. The spider demon showed no weakness and rotated his six thick arms.

The final fight to the death began.

Punch for punch, Titan's blow landed heavily on the spider demon's body. Unfortunately, he suffered the disadvantage of having fewer hands.

The spider demon withstood the Titan's attack, then grabbed the Titan's arm with his backhand, and then moved his fist.

"Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! Boom..."

A sound like a landslide came from the Colosseum.

The special response team ambushing in the periphery was frightened when they heard the sound. What kind of fight between monsters could cause such a noise.

They dare not think that no matter who survives in the end, it will be an extremely tragic existence, and they are just cannon fodder who go to die, but they have no room for regrets, because they have been brainwashed since they joined Hydra. From that moment on, their lives no longer belong to them.

Finally, with a roar that shook the world and made people cry, the ground trembled. You must know that this is the lowest level of Daniel Biotechnology Company. At the moment when this movement appeared, the surrounding buildings shook obviously, as if At that moment it was like an earthquake.

"The battle is over, it's your turn."

The cold and emotionless voice came from the communicator of the leader of the special response team.

He just waved to the team members expressionlessly.

"Everyone, start taking action! All for Hydra!"

"All for Hydra!"

They picked up special weapons and rushed out from the ambush site.

In the dilapidated Colosseum, the battle came to an end. Spider Demon had three of his arms shattered as a reward for killing the Titan.

Half of Titan's head has been corroded away, and there is a huge hole in his heart. The entire heart has been taken out by the spider demon.


The seriously injured spider demon looked at the little mice that suddenly came out from all directions and roared.

Although such a roar is terrifying, it is meaningless to this group of people who have given their lives to Hydra.

"Lock the target and prepare the nerve-breaking bombs!"

Yes, Hydra is indeed a Hydra, and even the hunting team's nerve-breaking bombs were copied by them.

Everyone quickly locked onto the spider demon.


"Bah, bah, bah~!"

In a volley, the specially-made nerve-breaking bullets easily penetrated the spider demon's tough skin.


The spider demon wailed for a while, and his movements obviously slowed down.

Seeing that the specially-made weapons were effective, the special response team was overjoyed. After all, even if they were brainwashed, no one would want to die like this.

But the spider demon is not a vegetarian after all. In the final analysis, he can be regarded as a hybrid Amazon. As long as he is an Amazon, he can eat people.


The remaining three arms shot out spider silk and directly caught the two unlucky guys.

"Ah! Help! Help me!"

"Help me! I don't want to die yet!"

However, no one else responded to their teammates' calls for help. To them, their teammates were just victims that could be abandoned at any time.

"Keep firing! Keep suppressing fire! Don't stop!"

Suddenly their firepower became more ferocious, and they didn't even care about the two unlucky guys who were caught. They were the first to be killed by their own people before they became the spider demon's rations.

Seeing that the food that was about to reach his mouth was actually killed by other food, the spider demon was very unhappy.

Although he really wants to put all of you directly into his belly, his limit has also been reached.

The battle with the Titan was too exhausting. Coupled with the effect of the nerve-breaking bomb, his movements were severely restricted. Moreover, because of his attempt to eat people just now, another self in his body began to wake up. .


With an unwilling cry, the spider demon fell backwards.


The movement, like a landslide, left everyone with lingering fears.

Whitehall stood up excitedly when he saw this scene.

"Finally! Finally this power belongs to me!"

He grabbed the communicator and yelled at the people.

"What are you doing, you losers? Go and catch him! Go!"

The special response team received the order and quickly moved towards the spider demon to surround them.

And during this process, they actually discovered that the size of this behemoth was actually shrinking.

Soon, the giant spider demon disappeared and was replaced by a thin young man.

But they don't care who this person is, their only mission is to capture him and hand him over to Whitehall.

Whitehall looked at Peter's young face and suddenly felt a little familiar.

"Is this man...Richard Parker? No, or rather, his son.

Haha, you and your family can't escape my grasp after all. "

Chapter 609: Watcher of the Abyss

This was a dark time for Sha Yu. Because of the failure of Sigma's plan, Whitehall took away all her information and locked her in a dark research room.

During this period, all he had access to were cell samples sent by other Hydra members and experimental requirements.

The only spiritual sustenance is the exhaust fan that can see the sky outside.

Just yesterday, the entire base was shaken violently, but Sha Yu didn't care.

She would rather have a huge earthquake and bury everything here deep underground, along with his sins.


Sha Yu, who was huddled in a corner and staring blankly at the vast starry sky outside the exhaust fan, suddenly heard someone calling her.

"Are you here for today's mission materials?"

Sha Yu is used to it. Someone will send her new mission materials almost every day, asking her to use the knowledge she learned from Connors to serve Hydra.

During this period, she created many terrifying creatures according to Whitehall's requirements, and the Titan was one of them.

But this time she did not receive new mission materials, but listened to the man outside the door.

"Shadow, there will be a reconstruction surgery tomorrow morning. Mr. Whitehall asked you to perform the surgery. This is the experimental subject's information. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with it. Remember, tomorrow's reconstruction surgery is the only way you can regain Mr. Whitehall's attention. You must seize the opportunity."

After that, the man outside sent in a piece of information.

Sha Yu picked up the information and smiled.

Who cares about regaining the attention of Whitehall?

No matter what they do, everyone here is just a pawn of Hydra.

Sha Yu has seen clearly that Hydra is just a criminal group that serves a certain person's ambition. The so-called doctrines, ideals, and for Hydra are just slogans and methods of brainwashing tool people. .

It is better to stay at ease in this dark laboratory than to please Whitehall with a flattering tone.

As for escaping from Hydra, she had long since given up hope.

Sha Yu knew very well what would happen if she betrayed Hydra, and she also knew very well what would happen if the things she had done for Hydra were known to the outside world.

However, the reconstructive surgery that Whitehall attached great importance to had to be decided by himself, which made Sha Yu feel a little interested.

She opened the file, and the contents quickly attracted Sha Yu's attention.

Giant spider hybrid Amazon, Spider-Man, son of Richard Parker, Peter Parker.

This series of words made Sha Yu's eyes freeze.

"Peter Parker, Spider-Man."

She remembered, isn't this Peter the most proud student Connors said? He is actually an Amazon, and a special hybrid.

However, how was he captured by Hydra.

With doubts, Sha Yu continued to read back, but the subsequent information clearly did not contain what she wanted to know. It was all Whitehall wanted to know for himself.

After reading the information in her hand, Sha Yu had a complicated expression.

"Peter Parker, Spider-Man..."

She kept mumbling Peter's name repeatedly. She had heard of this young hero as early as when she was an undercover agent in SHIELD.

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