The evaluation given by SHIELD at the time was that he was a rare little hero with a promising future.

He was also a target of recruitment by SHIELD, but before he could recruit him, SHIELD disappeared first.

As for Peter Parker, Sha Yu learned more about him from Connors. He was an excellent student and a somewhat shy little boy.

After thinking for a moment, Sha Yu seemed to have made some kind of decision.

"I have fallen into the abyss and cannot escape, but I cannot let the people behind me also fall in, so let me be the watcher of the abyss and guide the way to the light for those who come after me."


The next day, it was time for the reconstructive surgery.

The iron door that closed Sha Yu was opened with a clang.

"Shadow, come out, get ready to start the operation."


A slender voice came out of the closed laboratory, wearing a neat and capable white coat and sharp eyes.

The originally decadent Sha Yu has disappeared. Now she is an agent of Hydra, codenamed Shadow.

The cadre responsible for picking up Sha Yu nodded. Judging from Sha Yu's mental state, she was well prepared.

"Let's go, others are already waiting for you in the laboratory."


Without saying anything, she just followed the man.

In the laboratory, several Hydra experts specializing in human body modification have been waiting for a long time. When it comes to human body modification, it must be said that Hydra is professional.

Decades ago, super tool killers like the Winter Soldier were created, and now, after acquiring Amazon cell technology, a large number of hybrid Amazons have been created.

Today, what they are going to do is a transformation experiment that surpasses all their previous works.

Combined with Sigma technology and using Peter Parker's extraordinary body, they will create a super soldier belonging to Hydra.

On the cold experimental table, Peter was still in a coma, and the shadowless beam of light from the operating lamp shone on him.

Sha Yu stepped forward and put on special gloves and goggles.

"The transformation surgery is ready to begin!"


"Body function test."

"Heart and lung function are normal."

"The organs are functioning normally."

"Muscle tissue is normal."

"Neuron activity is normal..."

"Amazon Cell Viability Assay."

"Amazon's cell activity technique is low."

"Stimulates cell activity."


"Activity inducer injection completed."

"Amazon cell activity starts to rise."

"Thirty-six percent..."

"Forty-one percent..."

"Activity meets standard."

"Okay, the transformation surgery has officially begun."

Whitehall stood in the observation room high up, watching the transformation operation that was about to change the fate of Hydra.

"Finally, the time when Hydra will rule the world is coming."

And similarly, from this moment on, the fate of Spider-Man Peter Parker completely deviated from its original path.

In the universe, the dormant great will suddenly opened its eyes. He crossed the boundless universe and looked at the blue planet.

"Another original destiny has been changed."

As he spoke, he looked to the other side of the boundary.

"Did your people do it? Or..."

Chapter 610: The warrior returning from hell, Kamen Rider Spider

An inhuman transformation operation is really going on. The person who is presiding over this operation is Connors' last student, and the one who is being transformed is Connors' most proud student.

On the cold experimental table, it seemed that the young man's hands and feet were tightly bound to the test table by thick shackles.

He already possessed extraordinary strength, but after undergoing transformation, his strength was once again pushed to another extreme.

Hydra researchers were busy nervously.

"The main body transformation is completed."

"Prepare to connect to the second-generation drive."

Just as Sha Yu was about to connect to the second-generation drive, a Hydra researcher grabbed her hand.

"Wait a minute, I think it's inappropriate to plug in the second-generation driver now."

Sha Yu gave him a cold look.

"what do you mean?"

the man said.

"I think the target should be brain-modified first, so as to ensure that he becomes a warrior of our Hydra."

But Sha Yu said coldly.

"Tell him, what is the body index of the transformation target now, and what is the difference between it and death?"

A researcher responsible for monitoring Peter's overall vital signs said after taking a look at the data.

"The transformation target's overall vital signs are now low. His body is very weak now and he may be on the verge of death at any time."

Sha Yu continued.

"If you are determined to try brain modification surgery on a dying target, then I will leave the position of surgeon to you."

Saying that, Sha Yu had an air of saying, "I'm not going to do this anymore. If you have the ability, come and do it."

"I would like to remind you that Mr. Whitehall is very fond of this experimental subject. If something happens to him, all of us here will not end well.

Just a few days ago, we used a large number of experimental subjects to capture and transform the target. What do you think will happen if we fail? "

Listening to Sha Yu's words, many people suddenly broke into cold sweat on their backs.

The man also drooled and said tremblingly.

"I'm just making a suggestion, I don't mean anything else."

"Any suggestions? So after all, are you questioning my level?"

Don't be joking when you question Sha Yu's level. Who doesn't know that the entire hybrid Amazon project in the Hydra base was established because of Sha Yu's existence.

Even after Sha Yu offended Whitehall in person, Whitehall, who was so decisive in his killing, only chose to lock Sha Yu in the laboratory instead of killing him directly. Now, you question Her level?

"No, no, I definitely didn't mean that."

This time, the man completely lost his previous momentum.

Sha Yu snorted coldly when she saw this.

"If you don't have that level, just keep your mouth shut and continue the experiment. Prepare to connect to the second-generation drive."


This time no one dared to question Sha Yu's decision.

A scarlet red belt shaped like an eye was placed around Peter's waist. Through a special transformation surgery, the belt and Peter's body were completely connected.

"First activation attempt begins!"

As Sha Yu's order was conveyed, the researcher on the side pressed the button and began to inject energy into Peter's body.

The originally weak body began to activate after receiving the injection of energy.

"Dr. Shadow, the target's vital signs are beginning to recover."

Sha Yu nodded.

"Keep it up."


Energy continued to be injected, but Peter's body was like an endless black hole, no matter how much energy he had, he could swallow it up.

"He is indeed the most perfect warrior."

Whitehall, who was standing in the elevated observation room, couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Peter who was devouring energy.

However, the researcher who just wanted to stop Sha Yu from carrying out drive transplantation jumped out again.

"Shadow, that's enough. His vital signs have returned to a level where he can continue to transform."

"Shut up! Keep pumping energy!"

The researcher in charge of energy injection glanced at Sha Yu and chose to continue injecting energy without hesitation.

"That's enough! Shadow, what are your intentions? If you continue like this, the experimental target may be revived early. Do you want to kill us all?"

"Shut up! I'm the one in charge."

"Shadow, I suspect you have betrayed Hydra!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire laboratory became solemn.

Sha Yu raised her hand and stopped the energy injection.

She looked coldly at the guy who interfered with her again and again.

"Do you know what you just said?"


The man was speechless for a moment. The words he just blurted out were really a little anxious.

"Do you think I don't know you?"

Sha Yu looked at him and said.

"You think you are the most talented researcher among us, and you should be the one who can lead this transformation operation. Why did Mr. Whitehall choose me who was imprisoned? So you rushed to me You are very dissatisfied, so you interfered with me again and again during the reconstruction surgery, right?"

"No, I didn't, that's not the case."

The man waved his hands repeatedly, but apart from saying no and no, he couldn't find anything to refute Sha Yu, because everything Sha Yu said was true.

"Haha, since you want me to fail so much, then fine, I will satisfy you."

Sha Yu raised her hand.

"Get ready to start brain modification surgery!"

Suddenly all the researchers were shocked. They knew that if they failed, everyone present would not have a good ending. This idiot was jealous of Sha Yu and why he would implicate them.

For a time, that idiot became the target of public criticism.

"Dr. Shadow, ignore this idiot."

"That's right, Dr. Shadow, Mr. Experimental Subject is very important to us. We can't have any accidents."

"Dr. Shadow, you don't need to pay attention to him. Just follow your own ideas."

Sha Yu looked at the crowd and sneered, a group of cowards who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Huh, let's continue the experiment."

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