Stephen explained nervously.

"I, I'm just doing what the book teaches me."

As the administrator, Wang also arrived in time and asked dissatisfiedly.

"What did the book say? Didn't he tell you that it was dangerous?"

"I haven't seen it there yet."

Modu warned still angrily.

"Time manipulation is very dangerous. He can create time branches, and these branches are very fragile and very dangerous!

If you are not careful, you will fall into a time paradox and an endless time loop!

You will be trapped in infinitely repetitive time and will never be reincarnated! "

Stephen defended weakly.

"But shouldn't such a dangerous reminder be placed in the front and most conspicuous position?"

The king put away the magic book and the Eye of Agamotto that Stephen was reading.

"Do you know that what you just did was not manipulating the time beam, but destroying it.

As mages, we should not mess with the laws of nature, but should defend them. "

Modu continued to ask.

"Where did you learn the magic spell just now? You can actually understand such a complicated and complicated spell."

Stephen replied.

"I have a photographic memory. Otherwise, how do you think I got my doctorate in medicine and science?"

"But those things just mentioned cannot be accomplished by memory alone."

Suddenly Mo Du remembered what Gu Yi had said about the specialness of the person in front of him.

"You are a born mage."

Regarding Modu's evaluation, Stephen shook his head disdainfully.

"But my hands won't work."

"That's just temporary."

"No, it's permanent. Even magic can't heal my hands."

"How can you be so sure? None of us are prophets."

"Then when are you going to tell me the truth?"

Stephen asked dissatisfiedly.

Wang and Modu looked at each other.

"What truth?"

"The truth about mages, their purpose, the meaning of existence, and the dark world."

Seeing that Stephen already knew these things, Wang and Modu remained silent for a while, but finally took Stephen to another hall.

Wang said as he walked.

"Just like the Avengers protect the earth from those ambitious people, we mages are also protecting the earth from the magic of other dimensions.

The name of Supreme Mage has been passed down from generation to generation, and the current Supreme Mage is none other than the Ancient One.

The previous Supreme Mage thousands of years ago was Agamotto, the founder of the mysterious mage. The Eye of Agamotto you use was made by him. "

Speaking of this, everyone looked at the Eye of Agamotto hanging around Stephen's neck.

Then the king continued.

“Agamotto established three sanctuaries around the world to build barriers to protect the earth from invasions from other dimensions.

These three sanctuaries are in New York, London, and Hong Kong. "

As he spoke, a shadow of the earth appeared in the hall, and the positions of three sanctuaries shone above the shadow of the earth, corresponding to the three different doors in the hall.

Mordo added.

"These three are directional portals. Their function is to connect the Holy Land and three different Mage Temples, so that in the event of an emergency, we can quickly reach any Holy Temple."

Wang continued to introduce.

"The barrier formed by the three sanctuaries protects the earth, and our mages' mission is to protect these sanctuaries."

Stephen asked stupidly.

"So someone's going to cause trouble?"

"It's hard to tell. It could be other living things, or it could be non-living things."

"For example, Dormammu?"

Wang and Mordo glanced at Stephen, and then continued to introduce specific information about Dormammu.

"Dormammu is the lord of the Dark Dimension, the devourer and destroyer of worlds.

His purpose is to devour universes one after another and pull them all into darkness, and the one he wants to devour most is the earth. "

Stephen felt something bad.

"Um, what about those pages that Casillas stole?"

"It is a ritual to summon Dormammu and draw power from the dark world."

Hearing this, Stephen's face froze, and then he laughed awkwardly.

"Hahaha, haha, OK, okay.

Well, I'm here to heal my hands, not to participate in some mysterious war.

Haha, what, it’s getting late, I’m going back to rest. "

Just when Stephen was about to run away, and then thinking about finding a chance to leave here tomorrow, there was a strange fluctuation on the earth's shadow.

Wang glanced at it and immediately frowned.

"It's the London Sanctuary. Something happened in the London Sanctuary!"

At this moment, the door connecting the Holy Land to the London Sanctuary suddenly opened. A mage stationed in the London Sanctuary ran towards this side desperately, and behind him stood a man with smoke drawn on his face. People wearing smoked makeup.


Chapter 658, Casillas’ attack, New York Sanctuary

Casillas saw Wang and Mordo, sneered, and directly killed the fleeing mage with a killing magic. Then, before Wang and Mordo wanted to take action, he fired a blast directly at the Holy Land transfer station. magic.


There was a loud noise and a huge impact swept through the entire transfer station, and Stephen's whole body was thrown out.

When he reacted from the impact of the explosion, he discovered that he was pushed into a teleportation gate by the impact of the explosion, and the transmission channel was disconnected due to the impact of the Sanctuary transfer station.

"King! Modu! Are you okay?"

Stephen tried to call Wang and Modu, but no matter how he shouted, there was no response.

He could only shake his head and stumble towards the back.

According to Wang and Modu's introduction, he should have been sent to a certain sanctuary by the impact of the explosion.

Passing through the sanctuary hall, he came to the main door and unlocked it.

What comes into view is an ordinary street. There are cars and cars on the street, and there are not many pedestrians, but there are also quite a few.

He noticed the house number next to the sanctuary door.

177 Bleecker Street.

"Bleecker Street? This is New York?!"

Stephen looked into the distance in disbelief. Sure enough, the iconic buildings in New York were standing in the distance.

I'm really back in New York!

A hint of surprise flashed through Stephen's heart. He had been looking for a chance to leave Kama Taj, so wasn't now a good opportunity?

But soon, Stephen's heart warned himself that he couldn't do this.

He gritted his teeth and returned to the sanctuary again.

Since the king said that the mage's duty is to protect the sanctuary, there must be other mage here, and he should be able to let them open the door and help.

"Hello! Is anyone here?"

Stephen shouted this loudly in the sanctuary, but no one responded at all.

He looked for traces of the mage everywhere, but it seemed like it was empty, there was no one.

After searching, he came to a room with three glass doors, and behind the doors were three completely different scenes.

Behind one door is a tropical rainforest, in the middle is a roiling sea, and behind the last door is a mist-shrouded mountain.

Stephen opened the middle glass door curiously, and a salty smell immediately blew into his face, and the waves rolled and roared against the rocks.

He quickly closed the door, then turned the knob next to him. The scene in front of him suddenly changed quickly, and the originally rolling sea turned into a hot desert.

He understands this. The Holy Land connects these three sanctuaries, and these sanctuaries are connected to all corners of the world, so that they can quickly respond to problems that occur around the world.

However, it is obvious that these portals cannot be connected to the sanctuary.

"Is anyone there? I need help!"

Stephen turned and left, shouting while looking for the mage in the sanctuary.

But it's really strange. It's really strange that there is no one in such a big sanctuary.


Valentin, Mu En Guyi and Stark began to study the power obtained by Stark after Stark signed the contract with Mu En, and they couldn't stop from the beginning.

Suddenly Gu Yi raised his head and looked into the distance.

"What's wrong, Master Gu Yi?"

Mu En noticed Gu Yi's movements and asked.

"They're starting, it's time for me to leave."

"Oh, has it started?"

Of course Mu En knew what he meant by starting. Casillas and the others should start attacking the three major sanctuaries.

"Okay, let's stop here for the research on magic. It's time for me to go."

"Well, I understand, do you need help?"

"It's not needed yet, Stephen needs a growth experience."

Mu En glanced at Stark who was obsessed with the new key and asked back.

"Does it have to be Stephen? Didn't you say before that Tony might be able to do it too?"

Ancient One smiled and shook his head.

"But now he's on a new path, his own path."

Hearing this, Mu En nodded clearly.

Yes, after Stark signed a contract with himself, he was supported by the energy of the dark dimension, which allowed him to use magic without any scruples.

At the same time, he also found his own path, a new path that integrates technology and magic.

"Well, in that case, I can only wish you good luck."

"Thank you very much. It's really nice to be blessed by a god."

Ancient One joked, then drew out the portal and left Valentine.

Only after Ancient One left did Stark react from the joy of research.

"Hey, why did Master Gu Yi leave? When did he leave?"

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