"Just now, something happened in the Mage Temple, and he needs to go back and deal with it."

"Something happened in the Mage Temple? Then should I go back? They may need the help of this genius."

Mu En's eyebrows were pointed. Haha. Although Gu Yi said that he should try not to take action, he did not say that Stark would not be allowed to go.

"It's up to you, but I have to remind you, don't use the black magic I taught you in front of those old-fashioned people."

Stark put away the belt and keys on the experimental table, clapped his hands and said.

"Don't worry, I understand all these things. Besides, I only learn black magic to do research on my new key."

As he spoke, he casually drew a space door.

"Then I'll go first. It's time for this genius to show off his skills. Just watch."

Looking at the disappearing portal, Mu En sat on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"It's so interesting. I wonder what Casillas's expression was when he saw the dark energy in Stark."


"Hello, is anyone there?"

Stephen came to a place like a museum, where display cabinets were displayed one after another. Magic props were placed in the cabinets in various shapes. Stephen was dazzled by the dazzling array of items.

However, he was not very interested. The only thing he found more pleasing to the eye was a cloak that could fly on its own, but he was not here to visit.

He turned around and left this floor, and soon he reached the top of the building. On the window, the special logo of the New York Temple was particularly conspicuous.

At this moment, there was a movement downstairs.

Could it be that someone is coming?

Stephen walked quickly downstairs. Finally, he wandered around and finally saw someone.

I saw a mage holding a long stick in his hand and staring at the door warily, but the door actually twisted.

Stephen quickly hid in a corner and quietly observed.

Soon, the twisted door opened, and Casillas entered the temple with his two younger brothers who also wore smoky makeup.

Casillas said to the mage.

"Daniel, it's been a long time. It seems they have made you the mage of this temple."

The mage named Daniel frowned and returned with a serious expression.

"Then you should understand what this means."

"Of course, it means that you will fight to the end for the temple, but in my opinion, your only end is death!"

Chapter 659, Magic Cloak

At Casillas's signal, the two younger brothers rushed towards Daniel. However, being able to be named the guardian mage of the sanctuary, Daniel would not be defeated so easily by the two younger brothers.

After a fight, Master Daniel actually gained the upper hand and beat the two younger brothers.

Casillas couldn't stand it anymore. Aren't you slapping yourself in the face? He used magic to condense an invisible blade and rushed forward.

While Daniel's attention was focused on the two younger brothers, he stabbed Daniel in the stomach.


Stephen couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward to stop Casillas.

Casillas looked at Stephen and smiled evilly.

"I've seen you before, at the transit station in the Holy Land."

As he spoke, he pulled out the blade and knocked Daniel to the ground with one kick.

"How long have you been in the Holy Land? My dear..."

Casillas's words were full of sarcasm, because he knew that such a number one figure did not exist before he defected from Kamal Taj.

So this guy is probably a new apprentice, not even a mage.

"Doctor, I'm a doctor, you can call me Dr. Strange."

Casillas was a little surprised. He didn't expect someone to introduce himself seriously at this time.

"I see that your brain circuit is indeed quite strange. What do you want me to call you?"

After saying that, he turned back and stabbed Master Daniel's heart with a knife, ending the guardian of the sanctuary.

"Why are you doing this!"

Stephen questioned, then used magic to summon a magic chain.

Casillas didn't like him either. He came here to destroy the sanctuary. Naturally, it was impossible for everyone in it to stay, regardless of whether you were a mage or a doctor.

He and his younger brother immediately changed their own gravity and rushed towards Stephen from the walls on both sides.

After a fight, Stephen, who had been enthusiastic just now, realized that he was no match for them at all, and then turned around and ran away.

"Haha, where do you think you can run away?"

Casillas raised his hands, and the space around him began to change.

Stephen ran forward crazily in the aisle, but then he found that he had not moved forward at all. It turned out that the entire aisle was stretched wirelessly by Casillas' magic, and no matter how hard he ran, he could not reach the other side.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Stephen immediately opened his stance and summoned two magic discs to prepare for a counterattack.

However, an embarrassing thing happened. His spells worked intermittently, and one of the spell disks failed as soon as he summoned it.

Looking at this half-baked mage, Casillas smiled disdainfully, and immediately rushed towards Stephen from the walls and ceiling on both sides with his younger brother.

Stephen was in a state of being beaten the whole time. After all, he had only studied for a few days. Most of what he knew was theoretical knowledge, and there was not much magic that could be used in serious combat.

But he still seized the opportunity, took advantage of one of them being unprepared, canceled the magic disk, took out the chain with his backhand and whipped him away with a whip.

Looking at this guy who only knew two spells, Casillas decided to give him a long memory so that he would never meet him again in his next life.

As his hands waved, the gravity in the entire aisle was changed.

Stephen was tossed around by the chaotic gravity in the corridor, but he still struggled to get up, trying to escape from this area controlled by the spell.

Naturally, Casillas would not let him succeed, and directly changed the gravity to make him fall in the direction where he was.

Stephen grabbed the window to prevent himself from falling.


Looking at Stephen clinging to the window, Casillas directly doubled the gravity. He wanted to see how long this guy could hold on.

Stephen clung to the window, his brain running rapidly. He noticed that at the end of the corridor were the glass doors he had seen before, and he suddenly noticed something.

"watch out!"

He directly released the window, and under the influence of several times the gravity, Stephen quickly kicked Casillas.

Casillas hurriedly dodged, but the younger brother behind him was not so lucky, and was kicked directly into the desert outside the door by Stephen.

At the same time, the gravity effect had also recovered. He wanted to quickly switch the space connected to the portal, which would at least save him one opponent.

But Casillas obviously would not let him succeed so easily, and he and the remaining younger brother rushed towards Stephen.

During the chaotic fight, Stephen successfully grabbed the knob and switched the scene instantly.

At the same time, he threw the other boy out on his back, and the panting Stephen quickly changed the scene.

Seeing that this rookie mage actually solved his two younger brothers, Casillas was also a little surprised, but in his opinion, this guy was just too lucky.

In order to avoid any accidents, Casillas decided to kill this guy immediately.

Stephen looked at Casillas who took out two magic blades, swallowed and said.

"Well, if you don't stop, should you go and get your two little brothers back now?"

Casillas rushed directly towards him.

Stephen turned around and ran away.

He runs, he chases, he can't fly.

Stephen had nothing to do with this guy who could run on the wall as if he was hooked, and he was soon caught up by Casillas.

The two of them bombarded the Magical Artifact Exhibition Hall together.

Casillas slashed directly at Stephen's head, and Stephen quickly pulled out a spell to defend himself.

The two fought for two rounds before Stephen was directly knocked back with a kick.

Seeing that he was no match for the opponent, Stephen immediately picked up the magic weapon on the display shelf nearby.

"Don't come over here, or I'll give you a good look."

Looking at the magic weapon in Stephen's hand, Casillas was also frightened, but he quickly reacted.

"You don't know how to use it."

Stephen froze, and then directly used the magic weapon as a brick and threw it at Casillas.

Then it entered the stage of Casillas' personal show. Stephen was beaten all the way, and the whole person was picked up and thrown out like a sandbag in front of him, and then picked up and thrown out again, breaking one after another. A display stand.

"Enough fun, it's time to finish Doctor."

Just as Casillas was about to kill Stephen, a cloak blocked him.


Casillas was stunned for a moment, then broke away from the shackles of the cloak, intending to give him a blow, but was blocked by the cloak again.

"damn it."

He knew that the magic weapons here were very special and could not be destroyed easily. The master grabbed Stephen and punched him, then threw him down the stairs with his backhand.

However, the next moment, the cloak that was originally hanging in the display cabinet flew out.

Then he saw that with the blessing of the cloak, Stephen slowly flew up, and the sun shone down from behind. At this moment, Doctor Strange officially appeared.

Stephen formed a seal with his hands and summoned the magic chain again, and the second round began.

Chapter 660, Philosopher Casillas? Invalid mouth escape

Feeling the support of the cloak on his shoulders, Stephen felt happy.

Hey, I'm getting excited.

Immediately threw out the magic chain in his hand and attacked Casillas.

Casillas raised his hand to block, and the chain wrapped around his magic blade. The two were in a stalemate for a while.

"The Lord is with me."

Casillas shouted, his strength suddenly increased, and he directly threw Stephen out.

Before Stephen could recover, Casillas slashed at him with a sharp blade.

Seeing that the knife was about to fall, the magic cloak immediately pulled Stephen back.

"Wow, that was so thrilling, thank you very much."

After narrowly escaping from death, Stephen exclaimed and thanked the cloak on his shoulders.

Casillas, who was holding a magic man, walked towards him again.

Stephen glanced at the battle ax and shield on the wall, and immediately ran over to get them.

However, the magic cloak grabbed him tightly and dragged him in the other direction.

"Hey man what are you doing, I need a weapon!"

It's a pity that the magic cloak can't speak.

Looking at Stephen who was frozen in place, Casillas sneered.

"It seems like your new pet is not very obedient, doctor."

He mocked and charged towards Stephen with the blade in his hand.

The magic cloak tugged hard, forcing Stephen to avoid the blow, and then dragged him to the wall.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

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