"This is your last warning!"

Looking at these guys, Hela became more and more angry.

There seemed to be a voice in my mind.

"Kill them all. I don't need these wastes anyway."

"Kill them all. My truly dear subordinates are still waiting for me."

"Kill, die, let them feel real fear!"

But her subconscious was reminding herself that she couldn't do this.

The more I thought about Hela, the more irritated she became, and she finally let out a long sigh.

"Hey, I thought you would be happy to see me back."

The general pointed his sword, and the troops behind him simultaneously took a step forward.


For a moment, the will of the Asgardian soldiers connected together to create an overwhelming momentum.

Looking at the group of guys who were getting ready to attack, Hela touched her long hair and transformed the crown with claws and teeth again.

"Huh, okay,"

With a flick of his hands, the sharp blade emerged.


The general roared and rushed straight towards Hela.

Hela slashed out with a sword, and the terrifying death energy roared past.

The general swung his sword to break the death energy, but the next moment, a huge death energy ghost came directly towards him.


With just two moves, he knocked the opponent to the ground.

When all the soldiers saw this, they roared at the same time.

"Come on!"

Everyone rushed towards Hela at the same time, and the charging posture of thousands of troops was extremely shocking.

Seeing this scene, Skorchi hid quickly and couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

"Mom, this new queen I follow is too fierce. She can challenge the entire elite of Asgard by herself.

Forget it, I can't help much in this kind of situation, so I'll just wait for the final result. If I win, I'll continue to kneel and lick. If I lose, I'll just go back to mopping the floor. "

Skorchi is a person who is very capable of taking things and letting them go. In his eyes, although power and status are important, they are all external things, and only his own life is the most precious.

During the battle, a ferocious smile appeared on Hela's face. She was enjoying the feeling of fighting.

It's great, it feels like I'm back when I was fighting in the Nine Realms.

At first, Hela restrained herself, just knocking these stupid guys unconscious to teach them a lesson.

But when the thrill of fighting surged up, he suddenly became murderous.

The general who had been beaten away before returned to the battlefield and immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Everyone, retreat quickly! Get into defensive formation!"

Upon hearing the general's order, all the soldiers immediately retreated into a defensive formation.

"Hahahahaha! Die!"

Hela laughed wildly, raised the two swords in her hands, and then stabbed them towards the ground.


The violent death energy was released instantly, impacting in all directions.

Suddenly, wailings broke out, and the defensive array formed by Asgardian soldiers was vulnerable to Hela and was broken through in an instant.

Looking at the wailing soldiers around, Hela raised the sharp blade in her hand, but her face was filled with a ferocious smile.

“It’s great, it feels really great.

But you are so pathetic, your heroic warriors died meaninglessly. You could have died on the real battlefield, and could only enjoy the glory that belongs to warriors after death. But now you are dormant, all because of your short-sightedness! Let me give you another ride. "

After the words fell, Hela slashed out with her sword towards the wailing soldiers lying on the ground.


Just when everyone thought they were dead, a thunder beam suddenly fell and directly blocked Hela's attack.

"That's it! The God King's exclusive Rainbow Bridge!"

The general recognized that this falling beam of light was an exclusive rainbow bridge that could only be opened by Odin's Eternal Spear.

Everyone became excited for a moment, he is back, he is back, their God King is back!

Hahaha, damn intruder, you are in trouble, you will pay for what you have done!


Hela was a little surprised. Isn't this old guy dead? Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come out of the place of exile.

However, when the light beam of the Rainbow Bridge dissipated, a strange man appeared in front of the soldiers holding the Eternal Spear.

who is he?

Where is our God-King?

Is Odin’s Eternal Spear in his hand?

what is happening?

Everyone was confused.

However, only Hela became excited.

is it him? Is it really him?

Hasn't he already gone to the depths of the universe?

He is back?

Come back to find yourself?

And the man holding the Eternal Spear is Mu En.

After thinking for a long time, Mu En finally made a decision. Asgard cannot be destroyed yet. When real chaos comes, the earth needs a reliable ally.

Moreover, he also promised Odin and Frigga to take good care of Asgard and Thor.

Mu En pointed the spear in his hand.

"Hela, your revenge drama is over!"

Although they don’t know who Mu En is, the generals of Asgard know that the eternal spear Gangnir cannot be picked up by anyone without Odin’s approval, so this person may be reinforcements brought by their god king. .

After understanding this, he immediately summoned all the soldiers who were still able to move and gathered behind Mu En.

However, Hela seemed not to hear Mu En's words and just stood there looking at Mu En.

Like, so similar, the image of the horizontal sword standing on horseback is exactly the same.

In Hela's eyes, Mu En's figure perfectly coincides with a figure from more than a thousand years ago. The figure that Hela could not forget after being exiled for thousands of years. The figure that made Hela give up everything and go deep into the universe to pursue. people.

"who are you?"

It took a long time for Hela to ask.

Her voice was a little nervous and a little excited.

Mu En frowned and looked at the strange Hela, and said.

"I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, please remember it for me."

"Knight! Knight!"

Hela repeatedly chanted the word "knight", and her excitement could no longer be concealed.

"Ding Dong~!"

The two sword blades in her hands fell to the ground.

"It is you indeed, knight, my knight!"


Under everyone's surprised gaze, Hela directly put down all her weapons and dispersed her ferocious crown. If an ordinary girl ran towards Mu En.

"what do you want to do?"

Mu En raised the spear in his hand, and then Hela ignored Mu En's warning, stepped forward and hugged Mu En tightly.

He confided in a trembling voice.

"I have been exiled in the land of nothingness for thousands of years. The land of nothingness wears away my strength and my memory, but I have never forgotten you, my knight."

Everyone was confused as to what kind of development this was.

Even Mu En himself was confused.

He quickly pushed Hela away.

"What do you mean? More than a thousand years ago? I didn't even exist at that time."

"No! Time is completely meaningless to a truly strong person."


Deep in the universe, a place of nothingness.

A pair of old eyes suddenly opened.

"Oh, child, you shouldn't do this, directly interfere with the trajectory of your destiny, and I can't condone you anymore."

"Jie Jie Jie! Old thing, the boundaries are about to be broken. For the sake of our future, it's time for us to become one again!"

The old eyes looked towards the direction where the sound came from, the last trace of emotion in his eyes quietly passed away, and those eyes became neither happy nor sad.

Chapter 689: Mu En more than a thousand years ago?

My name is Fandral and I am the acting general of the Asgardian Army. I am very confused now.

A woman who claimed to be the Queen of Asgard invaded Asgard. She was so powerful that she defeated our elite Asgard warriors in an instant.

But we don't panic, because a warrior comes to support us with the eternal spear of the God King.

But now the situation is a little complicated. The woman who invaded Asgard and the warrior who came to support us are hugging each other.

The whole situation is a bit delicate now. As the acting general, do I think I should do something?

The Asgardian warriors all looked at Fandral, hoping to get some instructions from Fandral.

Fandral was a little nervous, he didn't know what to do.

"No, time is completely meaningless to the truly strong."

Mu En frowned but did not push Hela away.

"Sorry, I don't know what you mean, and I don't even know you."

However, Hela didn't seem surprised.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you don't know me now. I have a way to prove that everything I said is true. The fate between us was forged more than a thousand years ago.

Come, let's go to the palace, where all the truth will be known. "

Finally Fandral mustered up the courage to stand up.

"No, the palace is the important place of the Asgardian royal family, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

When Hela saw that this reckless guy dared to stop her, murderous intent arose immediately.

Fandral suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck when he felt the eyes full of murderous intent, but for the sake of Asgard's face, he gritted his teeth and looked directly at Hela's eyes that seemed to be able to directly kill people.

Suddenly Hela sneered.

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