"You are very good. It seems that Asgard is not all useless and idiots. Then let me try to see if you are really as loyal and brave as you show."

As he spoke, a sharp blade exuding death energy was once again condensed in his hand.


The spear in Mu En's hand paused, and Fandral shrank his neck and lowered his head.

Hela also restrained her murderous intention.

Mu En looked back at Fandral.


Fandral said knowingly.

"This is Fandral, the acting general of the Asgardian Legion."

"General Fandral, can I go to the palace and have a look? If there is no problem, I will be responsible."

Mu En was doubtful about Hela's words, but combined with Odin's previous statement that he saw a being very similar to himself more than a thousand years ago, Mu En also wanted to go to the palace in Asgard to see what Hela said. The truth said.


Fandral hesitated for a moment, looked up at the Eternal Spear in Mu En's hand, and finally nodded with gritted teeth.

"Yes, your ability to pick up Gangnir means that His Highness the God-King recognizes you, but as the acting general of the Asgard Legion, I need to be responsible for Asgard in the absence of the God-King and His Highness the Princes. , so I also need to go in with you."

Mu En nodded. He also admired the center and Asgard's general Mu En very much, so he turned back to look at Hela.

Hela glanced at Fandral.

"Okay, it just so happens to let them know the true history that was covered up by Odin."


Finally, with Mu En's mediation, everyone followed Hela towards the palace.

Along the way, the Asgardian warriors subconsciously picked up their weapons when they saw Hela, the 'invader'. However, after seeing the Eternal Spear in Mu En's hand, they all put away their weapons and threw it at them. A look of respect.

I have to say that the Eternal Spear is really useful. It is not only a top-notch weapon, but also a symbol.

And Hela was a little angry.

"Doesn't anyone remember me? Don't you all study history?"

Fandral did not speak, but stood respectfully behind Mu En.

Finally, everyone came to the main hall of Asgard Palace. The magnificent hall had some historical pictures painted on the walls and dome.

On the mural, Odin, the god king of Asgard, is kind and benevolent, and has signed a peace contract with the nine realms, creating a scene like the Garden of Eden.

And Hela snorted disdainfully.

"Hmph, look at all these lies. He is really a hypocritical guy. Garden party, alien races exchanging cups and cups, peace treaty?

Odin, you are so proud of having everything, have you forgotten how you got it?

I'm so ashamed of your hypocrisy! "

After speaking, he flicked his hands, and several sharp knives pierced directly into the murals on the dome, causing the murals to crack instantly.

"What are you doing!"

Fandral immediately couldn't sit still for a long time, and drew his sword to protect the glory of Asgard.

However, Hela just put the sword back with just a look.

"Look carefully at this hidden historical truth. Asgard has never been a benevolent dynasty. We are a symbol of strength!"


The murals on the dome have fallen off, revealing the truth hidden under the prosperity and beauty.

The bloody sky was filled with flames of war, horns, swords, war horses, and Asgard's cavalry sweeping across the nine realms.

Leading the charge were Odin riding an eight-legged horse and Hela riding the giant wolf Fenir.

Hela looked at the past history and said with emotion.

"I am Odin's daughter, the princess of Asgard, Odin's vanguard, and the leader of the Asgardian Legion.

We conquer the nine realms and are invincible. We single-handedly created the glory of Asgard, and the world fell at our feet one after another.

And just when we were ambitiously preparing to push Asgard to a higher glory, an unknown crisis suddenly came. Under the trend of an unknown force, those conquered worlds actually united.

Blessed by that unknown power, Asgard's cavalry failed for the first time. In the end, he was defeated and returned to Asgard. "

Mu En looked at the murals on the dome and walls. A black shadow opened its big hands. Under his direction, the coalition forces that had been beaten by Asgard began to counterattack.

Hela looked at Mu En and continued.

"Later, you appeared out of nowhere."

Looking along the portrait of Hela, Mu En saw a scene where his scalp was numb.

"Dark Kiva! wizard! Eternal!"

Although these murals were full of Asgardian characteristics, Mu En still recognized the three different sets of knight armor at a glance. After all, the three belts were too conspicuous.

"Is that really me? At some point in the future, I went back to the past?"

Mu En felt that the development of things was getting more and more weird. You must know that time travel is feasible in the Marvel Universe, and among the Kamen Riders, there are also knights with the ability to travel through time.

Did something really happen in the future that required me to go back to the past? But even so, why did he return to Asgard more than a thousand years ago and help Odin conquer the Nine Realms?

Chapter 690, Odin’s Treasure House

Mu En continued to look at the remaining murals with doubts.

In the mural, even Odin, the King of Gods, finds that unknown existence troublesome.

Not just because that guy is powerful, but because he can strengthen those miscellaneous fish and make ordinary soldiers grow to a powerful level.

During a great battle, a beam of light fell, and ‘Mu En’, who crossed time and space, came to the battlefield.

Then the 'Muen' joined the war and helped Asgard win one war after another with the power of the knight.

As an outsider, 'Mu En' was also recognized by the Asgard soldiers and became an honorary general.

With the joint efforts of 'Mu En', Odin, and Hela, the coalition formed by the unknown existence was finally defeated.

But the similar appearance of the mural behind made Mu En frown.

I saw the unknown existence painted in the dome fleeing towards the depths of the universe, with Mu En following closely behind, and the two of them disappeared into the starry sky together.

"After you leave, in order to follow in your footsteps, I propose to lead the army into the depths of the universe.

But Odin thought that I was blinded by glory and blinded by ambition and desire, so he banished me and imprisoned me. Trapped me in a deserted place, like a wild beast.

And before that, my most loyal subordinate is also the most heroic warrior in Asgard, and he is the foundation of this throne. "

As he spoke, Hela looked at Mu En and said softly.

"Of course they are also your most loyal warriors, Your Majesty the Honorable General."

Mu En ignored Hela, but stared at the unknown existence above the mural.

"Existence in that position, what exactly is he?"

"I don't know either. He appeared suddenly just like you, but it seems that you came just for him."

Listening to Hela's words, Mu En probably understood.

In other words, I went more than a thousand years ago to capture that guy, but what exactly was he and when did he appear?

Mu En had no clue about these issues, but he had a vague guess in his heart that everything was most likely related to the dilapidated boundaries.

After all, in Mu En's impression, there are no such things on the murals in the movie.

At this moment, Fandal found it difficult to accept the buried truth.

The crazy-looking woman in front of me is really the princess of Asgard, and everything he said is true, which means...

"Your Majesty the Warrior."

Fandral asked Muen in a trembling voice.

"Excuse me, our God King..."

"Odin has returned to the Hall of Valor."

Mu En's words were like a bolt from the blue, and Van Dal suddenly froze on the spot.

Hela snorted coldly.

"I have already told him, and this idiot still doesn't believe me. Odin is dead, and now I am the master of Asgard.

By the way, Mu En, I am going to wake up my loyal subordinates now. Do you want to come with me? I think they will be very excited to see you. "

"You mean the army of the undead buried under Odin's hoard?"

"Yes, they were all once the most elite warriors in Asgard."

Saying that, Hela walked straight towards the location of the treasure house, and Fandral had no intention of stopping Hela.

Mu En followed after a moment because he needed to know more about the past to deal with possible crises in the future.

With the death of Odin, the incantation on the treasure house door also lost its meaning, and Hela easily pushed open the treasure house door.

"Oh my gosh, Odin's treasure."

Skorchi, who had been following Hela, looked at the treasure in the treasure house and exclaimed.


Hela came to a huge glove and pushed him.

Mu En recognized it. It was an infinity gauntlet, but the gems inlaid on it were not real infinity gems. It seemed that Odin had also tried to collect the infinity gems scattered throughout the universe, but he didn't know Gave up for whatever reason.

"Most of the stuff here is either fake or useless."

Mu En looked at the treasures in the treasure house, many of which he did not recognize.

Hela evaluated the collection as she walked around.

“Trash, this one is also Rachel, this one is even more trash, an inferior imitation.

Wow, isn't this Surtur's crown? It's much smaller than I thought.

Oh, Cosmic Cube, this is pretty good. "

When Mu En came to the universe, his expression changed slightly. He felt that the power of space resonated with the power of other infinite gems in his body. Mu En subconsciously reached out and picked up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Hela noticed the slight change in Mu En's expression.

"Do you like this? Well, it's indeed good. If you like it, just go and give it to you."

"This is the treasure of the God King!"

Fandral didn't know when he followed him, and as soon as he came in, he heard that Hela was going to give away Odin's collection.

Hela was not used to him at all, and her infinite majesty was instantly released.

"Now I am the Queen of Asgard!"

Suddenly Fandral felt that he was about to suffocate, but he still gritted his teeth and stared at Hela. Skorchi beside him quickly whispered.

"Brother, please listen to my advice. She is the biological daughter of the God King, and she is and is the first in line to succeed her. Now that the God King and the princes are gone, we might as well admit it."

"No need, I have no use holding this thing."

With the experience of the previous few gems, Mu En easily assimilated the power of the space gems and put the Cosmic Cube back to its original position.

Now he has assimilated five of the six powers of the Infinity Stones, leaving only the power of the Soul Stone unrecorded.

Mu En had a hunch that when he synchronized the last kind of authority, he might undergo some changes. How about taking the time to go to Vormir and let the paternity test expert of the Red Skull take a look at his life experience.

After all, there are still many mysteries in his body that have not been solved, and Mu En also hopes to get an answer to these mysteries.

"Found it, the eternal fire."

Hela quickly came to a pot of burning rootless fire, raised her hand to explore, and a ball of flame fell into her hand.

Holding the eternal fire in her hand, Hela walked to the center of the treasure house.

"Witness the resurgence of a legend."

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