"Is there a huge disaster in the future?"

Although Sol was a little surprised, he had no doubt about Mu En's words.

"Don't worry, I will protect Asgard and the Earth. Asgard and the Earth have been the closest allies since ancient times. With us here, there will never be any problems on the Earth."

Listening to Sol's answer, Mu En nodded.

"Okay, then I can rest assured. I still have things to deal with, so I won't stay here any longer."

"I'll give it to you. With the Rainbow Bridge, I can send it to any place in the Nine Realms."

"No need, I can do it myself. What you have to do now is to appease the people of Asgard, and then get into construction work as soon as possible."

After speaking, Mu En raised the Eternal Spear in his hand, and a beam of light fell down and Mu En disappeared into it. With the dual blessing of the eternal spear and space authority, Mu En can reach any corner of the universe.

And Hela watched Mu En leave.

"The coming catastrophe."

She seemed to have thought of something.

"Could it be the things I saw in the Exiled Land?"

Thor watched Mu En leaving with the Eternal Spear and sighed with emotion before turning back to look at Hela.

"Okay, sister, please come with me next."

Hela nodded.

"I see."

On the planet Vormir, on the extremely desolate land, a beam of light fell, and Mu En walked out of it.

He took a look at his surroundings.

"Is this where the Soul Stone is hidden?"

As soon as he landed on the ground, Mu En felt that there was a force calling him, and there was no doubt that it was the soul gem.

Chapter 699: The Soul Gem with Self-Awareness

Mu En, who has assimilated five gems, is also very curious about this last gem. After all, the soul gem can be said to be the most mysterious one among the infinite gems.

First of all, his power has not been directly displayed, and the way to obtain him is to sacrifice the person he loves most.

The most important thing is that the rumored Infinity Stone directly gave birth to its own consciousness. It is not known whether it is true or false.

With questions and curiosity, Mu En walked towards the depths of the wasteland following the feeling that called him.

This is a lifeless planet, but Mu En saw traces of suspected civilization, and the atmospheric conditions and gravity environment here are very close to those of the earth. Logically speaking, life should be nurtured here.

Soon Mu En walked through the wilderness, climbed a peak and came to a cliff.

Suddenly a black shadow slowly fell from the sky.

Before Red Skull could speak, Mu En looked at him and smiled.

"Hello Schmidt, your old friend Stephen asked you to say long time no see for him."

The red skull in black robe looked at Mu En and frowned.


It's really strange why my ability failed.

Since becoming the guardian of the soul gem, Red Skull has gained the superpower of "paternity testing", but why can't he see through the life experience of the young man in front of him.

Mu En was also curiously waiting for Red Skull's next words, but after he said the word "you", there was no movement for a long time.

"Speak, don't make people's appetites exciting. What does it mean to say a word and then stop saying it?"

But the Red Skull finally shook his head.

"I can't see clearly your life experience. There is a powerful force protecting you."

"Strong power, you mean this?"

Mu En raised his right hand, and five balls of energy of different colors surrounded his palm.

Seeing this energy, the Red Skull was numb. Every ball of energy represented the power of an infinite gem. The man in front of him had actually gathered the power of the other five gems. No wonder I couldn't see through him. I just gained a little bit of the power given by the gem.

"How about I dissipate the power of these gems first, and then you can help me take a look? To be honest, I'm still quite curious about who my family is."


The Red Skull has black lines all over his head. What kind of person is he?

Just when the Red Skull was in trouble, a voice that could not distinguish between male and female and had no emotional fluctuations sounded.

"You don't have to make it difficult for him. Your existence is very special. No one can know your past, and no one can quickly predict your future."

"Who is talking? Is there anyone else here besides you?"

Red Skull shook his head.

"It's the soul gem. It already knew it when you came to this planet. It specifically asked me to wait for you here. Now please come with me."

"You are here to pick me up, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Red Skull glanced at Mu En, and then he really didn't know what to say.

He originally came to pick up Mu En to see the soul gem, but he was taken to Mu En's rhythm before he even spoke.

"Come with me."

He didn't say anything more, just said hello and turned towards the other side.

Mu En followed and thought to himself at the same time.

"It seems that the soul gem has indeed given birth to its own consciousness. It's really interesting. I don't know what the soul gem wants to do when it offers to see me."

Soon Mu En followed Red Skull to an abyss. The huge canyon was daunting. A strong wind blew by from time to time, as if he would be sucked into the abyss accidentally.

"Here we are."

"Um, where's the soul gem?"

Looking around, Mu En did not see the soul gem.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to see the soul gem, you have to sacrifice the person you love most, right?"

As he spoke, Mu En looked at Red Skull and smiled evilly.

"Schmidt, to be honest with you, I have admired you for a long time after I learned about your deeds."

Looking at Mu En's smile, Red Skull felt chills all over his body.

"He is just one of my guardians. Don't make things difficult for him anymore."

The voice just now sounded again, and a gem slowly rose from the abyss. The gem exuded extremely mysterious energy.

"Is this the soul gem? Tsk tsk tsk..."

Mu En looked at the soul gem and smacked his lips twice.

"You said you broke your own rules by coming out like this. How about I sacrifice something? What do you think of this planet?

Although it looks a little desolate, I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Otherwise, I will sacrifice this planet to you. "

The corners of Red Skull's mouth twitched as he listened to Mu En's words.

Mu En glanced at Red Skull.

"Is there any problem? Are you trying to say that the planet is too big to be thrown into the abyss? It's okay, I just chop the planet into pieces. I am quite experienced in cutting stars."

After all, I had destroyed a planet once when I was competing with Brother Xiao Ming a long time ago. Although that planet was smaller than Vormir, I was much stronger than that time. There was no problem in exploding stars or anything like that.

Red Skull silently took a step back. As the guardian of the Soul Stone for so long, he has seen many awesome people in the universe.

But this was the first time he had seen a ruthless person like Mu En who was ready to cut stars at every turn, and he had the power of five kinds of gemstones in his body. Let alone cut stars, he would believe it even if you said he could cut stars with his bare hands.

"Okay, I know what you are thinking. Of course I took the initiative to come out to see you because I have something I want to tell you."

"Oh, is this right? Both people and gems should be more honest. Look, I can tell you directly. I am here to take your power. If you have anything to say, you should tell me directly, right? ?”

Mu En casually reshaped a sofa with rocks nearby and sat down.

"Come, let's sit down and talk. Oh, I forgot that you are a gem and don't have to sit down, so just float like this."

The original serious expression of the Red Skull was almost unbearable. Are all the awesome people these days thinking so out of the box?

In fact, Mu En didn't know what was wrong with him, but he just felt that Pi was very happy.

The soul gem spoke.

"Human, you are very special. I know that you have seen the future even without the power of time."


Mu En raised his eyebrows. The future mentioned by the Soul Stone was naturally the Avengers movie series that Mu En had watched before.

“You should know that the universe has its own development trajectory and laws. Once the development trajectory is disrupted, the future of the universe may become chaotic.

In the past, many destiny trajectories have been disrupted by you, but fortunately those before were only limited to the earth. "

Mu En put away his playful expression and asked in a serious voice.

"So what do you mean?"

"What is going to happen in the future is a major event that will affect the entire universe. I hope you will not interfere."

Chapter 700, Brother Xiao Ming’s proactive invitation

Mu En raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the soul gem to confirm.

"You want me not to interfere?"

"Yes, although the trajectory of fate has deviated to a certain extent, some things are still destined to happen.

If you forcefully intervene against the will of the world, it will not be a good thing for yourself. "

"The will of the world."

Mu En stared at the soul gem for a long time before speaking.

"So in what capacity do you come to say these things to me? Are you yourself, or are you following the will of your mouth?"

"I know what you are thinking, but don't get me wrong. I want to say these words to you entirely out of my own volition."

The soul gem knew what Mu En was thinking, and it continued to explain.

"Although I gave birth to my own consciousness, I am still essentially an infinite gem. Like my other brother gems, from the moment I was born into this world, we are the initial embodiment of the power of this world. We cannot be destroyed.

Even if the world dies, we can still continue to exist, although such an existence is very unfree.

But you are different. Your existence is very special. It can be said that you are the only one who can jump out of this whirlpool of fate. I don't want you to be obliterated before you get to that point. "

Mu En had many thoughts for a while. Gu Yi was the first to tell him the theory of the vortex of destiny. Death also said similar words to him. Now the soul gem said the same thing to him again, and Mu En also guessed some things. s things.

In the Marvel Universe, everyone's destiny is planned.

Just like Stark will become Iron Man and Steve will sleep under the ice, even if they have extraordinary power like the Infinity Stones, they will still fall into the hands of Thanos in the end, and then help Thanos destroy Half of all life in the universe.

Even if the soul gem has given birth to its own wisdom, this ending will not change. This is what the soul gem calls unfreedom.

Everyone has their own place in this universe, and everyone has their own destiny.

But Mu En did not, because he was a time traveler, the one who escaped, the variable that no one could determine.

Because of his own appearance, many people have deviated from their original fate. If these deviated fates would affect one person, or a certain existence, who would it be?

Thinking of this, Mu En looked at the sky. The sky on Vormir was particularly clear. When Mu En looked around, he saw the vast sea of ​​stars.

"Okay, I know, I'll pay attention, but..."

Mu En looked at the infinite gems and said.

"But I will not watch life pass by before my eyes. No innocent life should be abandoned."

"I'm just reminding you that as for what you want to do, that's your own choice. Even if you end up being an enemy of everything in the world, that's your choice."

As he spoke, the soul gem slowly fell from the air and landed in front of Mu En.

"Okay, now take the power you need."

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