Mu En didn't say anything, and stretched out his hand to hold the soul gem.

At that moment, a gentle force poured into Mu En's body from the palm of his hand. It felt like a tired man sitting in a hot spring.

For a time, all the fatigue and pain were dispelled, leaving only a sense of comfort and comfort that penetrated deeply into the soul.

At the same time, with the injection of soul power, the power of other gems in Mu En's body was also awakened, and merged with the power of soul gems to adjust and complement each other.

"Is this the power of six gems combined?"

Feeling the power in his body, Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

He could feel that the powers that originally belonged to him had also been improved. The Heim Underworld had the biggest change. The Heim Underworld, which had evolved from a demi-plane to a divine realm, had changed again and began to develop towards an independent and complete world.

In the end, Mu En released the Soul Stone, and the power he needed was obtained.

The soul gem also looked at Mu En curiously.

"It's really rising. I can feel it. Obtaining, recording, assimilating, and feeding back. Is this how you gain power?"

"Oh, is this how you feel?"

Mu En also found it very interesting. Although it was not the first time that he had assimilated the power of the infinite stones, it was the first time that he heard about the process of gaining power from the mouths of the infinite stones.

The soul gem also recalled the feeling just now and said.

"Yes, my first feeling just now was that part of my power was sucked away by you, and then that part of the power was recorded and assimilated by your body, and finally fed back to me.

Interestingly, the quality of the strength that was fed back was actually higher than my actual strength. "

Mu En felt that as the power of the last gem was replenished, his own power was undergoing a series of changes, but it would take some time for this change to be completed.

"Okay, now that I've got what I want, it's time for me to leave."

Mu En stood up and turned the sofa back into stone.

"I have now begun to wonder what choices you will make in the future and what changes you will bring to the universe."

"Oh, then just keep an eye on it."

Mu En waved his hand and turned to leave.

The soul gem sank into the abyss once.

Only Red Skull Schmidt looked at Mu En’s leaving figure, and then looked at the abyss.

There was one thing that neither Mu En nor the Soul Gem noticed just now, that is, after Mu En completed the power assimilation, the Soul Gem's voice became emotionally unstable, and was no longer as cold, stiff and lifeless as before.

But it's none of his business, he's just a humble guardian who has lost his freedom.

He left Vormir and returned directly to Earth. Just when he was about to return to Valentine, a gray dimensional curtain appeared in front of him.

Brother Xiao Ming walked out and waved to Mu En.

"Alala, it's really not easy to meet you. I've chased you to other planets without seeing you."

Mu En was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Brother Xiao Ming, who had always ignored the beginning of the dragon, would actually take the initiative to come to him.

"Kadoya Shi, are you looking for me? By coincidence, I also have some questions that I want to ask you. I don't know where to find you."

"Wait a minute, just stand still."

Brother Xiao Ming suddenly spoke, then picked up the camera in his hand and took a photo of Mu En who was standing in front of Valentine's door.


As soon as the shutter clicked, a photo came out.

"That's great, what a perfect photo."

After putting the photo away, Brother Xiao Ming looked at Mu En and smiled.

"Since you also want to have a good talk with me, why not come sit here with me."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation to Mu En.

Mu En didn't think much about it. Although Brother Xiao Ming was naughty, he was a good person.

Chapter 701: Brother Xiao Ming’s true purpose

After passing through the dimensional wall, Mu En came to a fortress built on an island. After a closer look, he recognized it. Isn't this the same fortress where Nissen and the others met Richard?

However, the fortress at that time had been destroyed, and the current fortress was obviously rebuilt and renovated.

"Please come in, you are the first person to come to my place as a guest."

As he spoke, Brother Xiao Ming opened the door of the fortress.

After passing through the gate, a hall full of technology appeared in front of Mu En. It seemed that a lot of thought was put into this fortress, but this was probably not done by Brother Xiao Ming. After all, it is impossible for him to love to cause trouble like this. He would put so much thought into decorating the base.

Well, Ivan Vanke next to him is somewhat possible.

"Come in and sit down. If you want something to drink, we can chat while we drink."

Brother Xiao Ming led Mu En to the reception room of the fortress, showing off his host style.

Mu En sat down on the sofa nearby.

"I'm casual. I'm more curious about what you want to do with me than these."

He didn't pay attention to Mu En's words, but snapped his fingers. Two mechanical creatures came in pushing a cart. There was everything to eat and drink on the cart. It seemed that Brother Xiao Ming was living a very happy life here.

Brother Xiao Ming picked up a piece of cake and said while eating it.

"You should have met Douzhen and Hongtai before, so you should know about boundaries."

Mu En nodded.

"So, what you're talking to me about is about boundaries?"

"That's right."

Brother Xiao Ming took a big bite of cake and continued.

"I think you should also know that what is connected to the other side of that boundary is the world where our Kamen Riders live."

"So, what do you want to say?"

Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly. He still doesn't know the purpose of Brother Xiao Ming coming to the Marvel Universe.

Brother Xiao Ming put down the cake in his hand and picked up a cup of milk tea and smiled.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

"What is the purpose of coming here? Travel? Others may not know, but I know that you are also nicknamed the Destroyer of the World."


This is all in the past, the destroyer of the world, I have stopped doing this kind of thing a long time ago. "

Brother Xiao Ming smiled and shrugged.

"Do you know what it would mean if boundaries were completely destroyed?"

Mu En thought for a moment and expressed his thoughts.

"Will the two worlds merge together?"

"Okay, don't lie to yourself, you should have figured it out a long time ago."

Mu En took a deep breath.

"So, the two worlds will go to war because of this, right?"

Once the boundary is completely broken, the two worlds will become one world. However, the will of each world will never allow such a thing to happen, so there will definitely be a war between the two parties and they will annex each other and become the only one in this new world. .

"You're right, but it's more than that."

Brother Xiao Ming put down the milk tea in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Actually, before coming to this world, I also traveled to other worlds."

"Are you talking about the Yalang World?"

Mu En remembered the vest that Brother Xiao Ming had used before. Wasn't that the armor used by Shenya in Yalang?

"Yes, but that's not all. I also went to the origin world where knights and superheroes don't exist."

Upon hearing these words, Mu En's body trembled suddenly.

A pair of black eyes stared straight at Brother Xiao Ming.

Brother Xiao Ming looked at Mu En's reaction and continued to say with a smile.

"There I saw many, many flat universes being born in the origin universe. Although in the eyes of people in the origin universe, everything did not exist and was fictitious, but I could feel that there were universes one after another. Born in their hands.

However, the boundary separates the origin universe and other universes.

But if there is a limit that is worn out, it will be broken..."

Mu En frowned.

"Once the first boundary is broken, there will be a second one, and even a third one...

Eventually all universes will descend into chaos. "

Brother Xiao Ming leaned back and sat on the sofa.

"Yes, you are very smart and guessed the worst ending in just a few words."

"But, I still don't understand, does this have anything to do with your coming to this world?"

"Who do you think is actively wearing down the boundaries between our world and this world?"

In an instant, Mu En's mind trembled again.

"You mean, the cosmic will of the Marvel Universe?!"

He recalled the image he saw when Kurokami Toma took him back across time, the image of the great will attacking the boundaries of the world.

"But I don't understand. Once the boundary is broken, both worlds will fall into chaos. Is this any good for it?"

"Then you have to ask it."

Brother Xiao Ming picked up a piece of cake again and said while eating.

"And the purpose of my coming to this world is to prevent the will of the world from wearing down the boundaries."

Although he believed in Brother Xiao Ming, he still asked with some doubts when he recalled the good things he had done in this world.

"So, the way you stop the will of the world is to interfere in various major events?"

Brother Xiao Ming explained patiently.

"You should know that everyone in this world has their own destiny trajectory, and these trajectories are the key to supporting the will of the world.

The reason why I intervene to change what is supposed to happen is to interfere with the will of the world. "

As he said this, Brother Xiao Ming looked at Mu En and smiled.

"It's just that what I have done is nothing compared to you."

"Well, that is to say, I have invisibly weakened the world's will to wear down the boundaries."

Brother Xiao Ming snapped his fingers.

"Congratulations on getting the answer right, and thank you for your contribution to peace in the two worlds.

In fact, I am also a little confused. I have to be careful when I interfere in the affairs of this world, for fear that I will be discovered and expelled by the will of the universe.

But you seem to have nothing wrong with you, but you are particularly loved by the world. "

Mu En scratched his head.

"Have it?"

"Isn't it true? Think about your own experience, and then look at the power you gained."

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems like this. Infinity stones, dark book, dark dimension...

"Not only that, but even the power of our knight world seems to be particularly fond of you.

Demon King's power, magic, heavy acceleration factor, Heim's underworld..."

Brother Xiao Ming crossed his legs and looked at Mu En and continued.

"Seeing the power you have reminds me of one of my descendants, and I am becoming more and more curious about who you are."

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