Chapter 702, Returning the Power of Death, Sister Thalia’s Clues

Looking at Brother Xiao Ming's curious look, Mu En also smiled bitterly.

"Don't look at me like that, I also want to know who I am.

I only remember growing up in an orphanage and being adopted by my teacher when I was six years old. I don’t know anything else. "

Speaking of which, my teacher also thought he was ruthless.

Rick Sanchez, a man who can travel across the universe regardless of any rules.

Moreover, the teacher also said before he left that he adopted and taught him because he had an agreement with a certain person, but who could make an agreement with such a person and let him stick to it for ten years?

Although it may have been a few days or hours before Rick returned to his own world after spending ten years in the Marvel Universe, the ten years here were a complete decade.

"Okay, no matter who you are, as long as you know who you are, that's all."

Brother Xiao Ming said while drinking milk tea.

"Perhaps I should introduce Zhantu to you someday. He should be able to chat with you quite well."

"Build? That's fine, I'm quite interested in him too."

Originally, Mu En still had many questions to ask Brother Xiao Ming, but after some exchanges, many of the questions had been answered.

"By the way, you need to be more careful in the next period of time."

Brother Xiao Ming suddenly said.

"I'm afraid what you have done has exceeded its tolerance level. Even if the world favors you, it is still very easy for the will of the universe to target you, so you have to be careful."

Listening to Brother Xiao Ming's words, Mu En's expression became serious.

The soul gem also told me before that I should choose carefully in the next period of time. It seems that something big is really going to happen.

According to the development of the original plot, the next big event for the Master should be Avengers 3, where Thanos will end personally.

But in the current earth, can he really get in?

"I understand. I had a great time chatting today. I look forward to our next meeting."

As he spoke, Mu En stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Brother Xiao Ming suddenly stopped Mu En, and then he opened the drawer next to the sofa, took out a blank dial and handed it to Mu En.

"Take this, Zhuangwu asked me to bring it to you. I think you will need it in the future."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and suddenly everything came together. It turned out that the dial he handed to Hela came from here.

Taking the blank dial, Mu En took out the death dial that had not been returned to the goddess of death.

Although the two dials are different, Mu En can feel that they are the same dial.

"Oh, you've already got the dial that records your strength."

Brother Xiao Ming raised his eyebrows and looked curiously at the death dial in Mu En's hand. He could feel that there was a very powerful power in that dial.

Mu En asked after putting away the dial.

"Can I ask which Zhuangwu asked you to give me this dial?"

"Is this important? No matter which Zhuango it is, Zhuango will always be Zhuango, right?"

"Okay, I understand, then goodbye."

Mu En turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the reception room. He planned to exchange the death dial for Uncle Ben's soul now.

Watching Mu En disappear in the beam of light, Brother Xiao Ming sat back on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future of this world and the world of knights will look like."

While talking, a portal made of golden clock gears appeared in the living room, and a young man walked out.

"Senior Shi, is he gone?"

"Well, the dial has been handed over to him. It's unfortunate that you came here. If you had come earlier, you could have met each other."

The little devil smiled slightly and sat in the position that Mu En had just occupied.

"It's okay, we will meet one day."

"That's true. Don't you have to resist the wear and tear of your boundaries? You still have time to come to me."

The little devil picked up an orange and peeled it while saying.

"That guy just calmed down for a while, and I can take a break with the help of Future Me."

As he spoke, he put a piece of orange into his mouth and looked at Brother Xiao Ming.

"Senior Shi, are you really planning to do that? This is very dangerous."

"No matter how dangerous it is, someone will always do it, right? And don't forget, I will never die."


Where the soul returns, Mu En comes here again. Different from the last time, this time there is no obstruction by fog, and there is no need for dead souls to lead the way.

Mu En, holding the death dial in his hand, seemed to be able to clearly perceive this world.

"Is this the power of death? Even if I just hold it in my hand."

With a sigh, Mu En came to the Bone Hall again.

"Lord Death, I have come to fulfill my promise."

Stepping into the main hall, Mu En shouted.

"You came."

The sound of death came from deep in the hall, and she had sensed Mu En as early as the moment he arrived at the place where his soul returned.

"I didn't expect you to do it so quickly. It's really surprising."

As he spoke, Death, wearing a black robe, appeared in front of Mu En.

She looked at Mu En with her empty eyes.

"Oh, you have gathered the power of the last gem. It is really not easy."

"It's nothing, it's mainly because the soul gem is easier to talk to."

As he spoke, Mu En took out the death dial.

"This is the power of death you asked me to retrieve for you."

The goddess of death took the dial and looked at it curiously.

"This dial is really interesting. Isn't it a capability that belongs to our world?"

"Well, it's just a small trick. You can turn the cover of the watch first, and then press the button on it to get your power back."

The goddess of death turned the cover of the dial as Mu En said, and then pressed the button.

"DEATH! (Death!)"


With an echo, the dial in the hand of the goddess of death turned into a point of light and disappeared.

At that moment, she felt that the power of death she possessed was finally complete.

"After all these years, my power is finally complete."

Looking at the excited Goddess of Death, Mu En felt a strong sense of oppression.

"I have done what I promised you, so can you return Uncle Ben's soul to me?"

"Of course, I always keep my word."

With that said, with a casual move, Uncle Ben's soul appeared in the hall.

"Lord Death."

Ben saluted respectfully to the goddess of death, and then saw Mu En beside him.

"Mu En! You're back so soon. Have you already fulfilled your agreement?"

Mu En nodded and said excitedly.

"That's right, Uncle Ben, we can go home!"

"Can I finally go home?!"

For a moment, Ben was so excited that he began to wonder if he was dreaming.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Ben, I still have something to ask Mr. Death."

Mu En seemed to have remembered something and spoke to the goddess of death again.

"Lord Death, can I see someone's soul again?"

Death, who had replenished his strength, was in a good mood.

"Seeing that you have completed the task so well, I can agree to your request again. After all, who do you want to see?"

Mu En said with some excitement.

"I would like to meet the previous director of Valentine's Home, Sister Thalia."

After so many years, Mu En still cannot forget that dark day. Therefore, even if I can't bring back the nun's soul, just meeting her once can be regarded as making up for my regret.

However, the goddess of death remained silent for a moment.

"What's wrong, Lord Death? Is there any problem?"

The goddess of death spoke slowly.

"I'm sorry, although I really want to fulfill your wish, but her soul is not with me."

Mu En was stunned for a moment.

"How is that possible! Sister Thalia has obviously...!"

"Calm down, Mu En."

The goddess of death spoke again.

"I am the God of Death. I control the death of all living beings in the universe. No matter where their souls end up, I can clearly know. However, the nun named Thalia is not found within my authority. soul.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one possibility, and that is that her soul itself does not belong to our world just like you. "

Immediately, Mu En's mind seemed to explode.

"Sister Thalia, like me, is not of this world."

Chapter 703: Uncle Ben is resurrected and becomes a big brother?

After learning the news, countless thoughts flooded into Mu En's mind.

Sister Thalia's soul does not belong to this world, is she also a time traveler?

But this is unlikely. If she is also a time traveler, there is no way I can't see it.

But if Sister Talia's soul doesn't belong in the Marvel Universe, where does it come from? Knight world?

But apart from the two gods and Brother Xiao Ming, there are no other people in the knight world who can come to this world.

Could it be that!

A bold idea came to Mu En's mind.

Suddenly, Mu En's shocked expression gradually calmed down. He seemed to have guessed the answer, but he still needed some time to verify his guess.

"Thank you for telling me the news, but it's time for me to go back now."

"It seems that you have already figured out something, so I won't say anything more. Just feel free to do whatever you want. We will keep an eye on you."

Mu En nodded and returned to Earth with Uncle Ben's soul.

In the hospital, Mu En walked quickly towards the ward he had reserved for Uncle Ben.

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