"Damn it, who dares to attack the children at this time?"

"Mu En, calm down and see if the child is OK first."

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Mu En came to Xiao Chengzi.

Little Chengzi was lying on the bed, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed, looking as if he had a nightmare.

After checking several children in succession, they were exactly the same as those of Little Chengzi.

"How's it going? Do you see what the problem is?"

Ahilya asked anxiously.

"Sure enough, dark magic, if nothing else, it should be the sleeping spell."

The Sleeping Curse was recorded in Sisol's magic book. It is a relatively unorthodox form of dark magic. After all, when most people think of black magic, the first thing they think of is curses, death, etc. I will not let you fall into a deep sleep for any reason, and I will attack you while you are asleep.

But Mu En also happened to know that there was such a guy who liked to use this magic, and he also had the subsequent matching magic power.

This guy is the Nightmare Lord, the devil in the dream dimension, a being who likes to play with other people's dreams.

"Master, I have your phone number. It's from Nick Fury."

"Black braised eggs?"

Mu En was a little surprised. This guy had never contacted him since SHIELD went underground. However, the good old Coulson came to see him several times. Coulson took over Nick Fury's affairs in the United States and hoped that Get your own help.

Mu En answered the phone, and Nick Fury's voice came from the bracelet.

"Dean Mu En."

"Hei Braised Egg, you better have something to do with me. If you dare to waste my time, I will skin you."

Mu En said with a dark face.

I was already in a bad mood, and now that I was angry, this guy had better find trouble with me.

"Dean Mu'en, I do have something to do with you, and it's very serious."

In a safe house somewhere in New York, Nick Fury looked at the report in his hand with a dark face and said.

"Intelligence shows that just now many people in New York City fell into a sleep that they could not wake up from, and now the entire city has fallen into chaos.

Based on our experience, we speculate that this is a supernatural incident. You are the only person I know who has the ability to solve this matter. "

Listening to Nick Fury's words, Mu En's expression became more serious. It turned out that it was not just the children in the orphanage who fell asleep, but the entire New York was affected by the sleep curse.


"Understood Master."

Izzy quickly called up the current situation in New York City, and sure enough, many people fell asleep on the street, and the city's traffic was paralyzed for a while.

Seeing this, Mu En restored.

"I know the matter, and I will do my best."

Seeing that Mu En agreed, Nick Fury also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Pastor. On behalf of the citizens of New York City, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

"Haha, come on, don't do this. Don't you think that doing things for you that time was a matter of course?"

After complaining about Mu En, he hung up the phone.

"Mu En, the situation seems to be getting more and more serious."

Aixilia noticed that some staff at the orphanage had also fallen asleep.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with me here."

After speaking, Mu En raised his left hand, and a shining ring appeared in his hand.


"Hen Shin!"

The shining magic light illuminated the entire room. Mu En summoned the Wizard's armor, reached out and snapped his fingers in front of Little Orange, and a shining magic circle appeared.

"Ahilia, I have informed the bishop to come back. During my absence, protect the orphanage."

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect everyone."

Mu En nodded and jumped into the magic circle.

Chapter 718, Dream Dimension

After passing through the magic circle, Mu En landed smoothly.

"Is this the dream dimension?"

Mu En looked around and saw the strange and chaotic sky, the uneven earth, the black river flowing upstream, and the upside-down city suspended in the air.

Everything looks so weird and absurd, but it is indeed very dreamlike, like a dream, except that it is a nightmare.


While Mu En was observing the world, a low barking sound came.

Black, hound-like monsters surrounded Mu En. They roared, their red eyes full of confusion and ambition.

"Magic creation?"

Mu En smelled the smell of dark magic from these guys. It seemed that someone should have used magic to create them.

"Haha, low-level means."

With a disdainful chuckle, he waved his hand casually, and the magic on his palm sparkled. In an instant, these strange hounds exploded and shattered, turning into black gas and floating in one direction.

Nightmare is one of the more classic villains. He is one of Doctor Strange's mortal enemies and hopes to control all mankind through dreams.

But basically every action will fail miserably, and the nightmare of this world was mentioned by the Ancient One before at Kama Taj. It seems that it had been sealed by the Ancient One a long time ago.

It seems that this person should have escaped by taking advantage of the frayed boundaries and chaotic rules of the world. Of course, it is also possible that he was released by direct will.

But it doesn't matter anymore. What Mu En has to do is to find him quickly, then get rid of him and wake up the sleeping people.

"If you come out to make trouble at this time, I have to suspect that you are being taken advantage of, Nightmare."

Mu En said to himself while walking towards the direction where the black energy disappeared.

Every time he walked, Mu En saw a familiar figure.

A guy in a red cloak held two magic discs in his hands and fought with the dream monsters summoned by the nightmare.

This guy is none other than Stephen, the successor of Ancient One.

New York City was affected by dream magic. Naturally, Karma Taj discovered the situation immediately, and Stephen took the lead and entered the dream dimension.

"Hey, Stephen."

Mu En greeted him from a distance.

Stephen looked back at Mu En.

"Dean Mu En, you have also entered the dream dimension. Wait a moment until I deal with these guys before I talk to you."

After speaking, Stephen gathered magic with both hands and pushed it out suddenly, instantly scattering several dream monsters in front of him. With his backhand, he used several magic chains to strangle the necks of the remaining monsters, and pulled hard to finish the strangulation in an instant.


Stephen breathed a sigh of relief.

“Did Stephen make any special discoveries?”

Mu En looked at him and asked.

Stephen shook his head.

"No, I have only entered this dimension not long ago, and the only thing I discovered is these monsters made of black magic."

Mu En suddenly noticed that Stephen did not have the Eye of Agamotto on his body, and asked immediately.

"Where's the Time Stone? Why don't you bring it with you?"

Stephen spread his hands and explained.

"The power of the Eye of Agamotto is too powerful and dangerous. I think I still have the ability to control it, so I left it in the Holy Land. I will wear it when I think I have enough power."

Hearing this, Mu En rubbed his eyebrows.

"So, you left the Time Stone at Karma Taj? Who is guarding it?"

"King, there is a king who will protect the Holy Land while I am away."

"No, this is not enough. Stephen, please go back now and keep the time stone."

Stephen scratched his head in confusion.

"What happened? The Eye of Agamodor is safe in the Holy Land."

"No, it's not that simple."

Mu En told Stephen about Thanos. When Stephen heard that two planets had been destroyed because of Thanos' army, his expression became serious.

"Thanos, he wants to collect all the gems, and he also wants to destroy half of all life in the universe?"

Mu En nodded.

"Yes, I don't know how many times I have repeated this sentence."

"But, nightmare..."

"Why are you still worried about me being here?"

While the two were talking, a large number of dream monsters came back to surround the two of them.

Mu En raised his hand and waved it, and the bright magic in his hand shone.


A shining magic circle instantly expanded from Mu En's feet, and all the dream monsters were enveloped in the magic circle.



With a snap of his fingers, under the light of the magic array, the dream monster was wiped out in an instant.

Stephen originally wanted to say something, but after seeing this scene, he swallowed the second half of his words and said instead.

"I understand, then I'll leave this place to you. I will protect the Eye of Agamotto."

"Remember, if you can't, just take the Time Stone and run away. Do you understand?"

Stephen nodded, picked up the hanging ring and opened the spark portal out of the dream.

Watching Stephen leave, Mu En was actually very confused.

He understood that this nightmare lord was most likely the one sent by the universe to contain him. As long as he was not around, the biggest variable would be gone.

Although there are other variables, they are not important anymore. As long as it pushes from behind, the gears of destiny will be able to get back on track again.

But if Stephen is expected to solve the nightmare, a movie has already been made, and there is not enough time. When Thanos invades, will he have to guard a city of sleeping people to fight Thanos?

So what he can do is to get rid of Thanos as quickly as possible.

"Huh~! Nightmare, you'd better get out of here yourself, your mind is very angry right now."


Karma Taj, a spark portal appeared, and Stephen rushed out in a hurry.

"King! King! Where are you? King!"

"What's wrong Stephen?"

Wang also ran out quickly when he heard Stephen's voice.

"Why did you come back so soon? Did you kill the Nightmare Lord instantly?"

Stephen shook his head.

"No, no, I met Mu En in the dream dimension, and he took over this matter. But now, hurry up, notify all sanctuaries and put them on full alert."

Wang was also stunned when he heard Stephen say that he would be on full alert.

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