"No, Stephen, what did you say just now? We are on full alert. What happened? Do you know what it means to be on full alert?"

Stephen said seriously.

"Of course I know that full alert means that a large-scale dimensional invasion war has broken out. But what I am going to tell you next is more serious than a dimensional invasion war. Listen, man, quickly call all high-level mages outside. "

Wang was silent for a moment, and finally chose to believe it.

Soon Kamal Taj entered a state of full alert, and all high-level mages rushed back to the holy land.

After Stephen told them about Thanos, everyone's expressions became solemn.

At the same time, outside the Earth's atmosphere, a fleet of satellites arrived near the Earth.

On the main battleship, Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand stood on Cambridge and looked towards the earth.

"The final Infinity Stone is right before our eyes."

Chapter 719: The battle for gems begins

Ebony Maw stood respectfully behind Thanos and asked for instructions.

"Great Thanos, the two gems are in different locations on the earth. Which one should we seize first?"

"Which one?"

A contemptuous smile appeared on Thanos' big purple face.

"It's just a backward place that has not yet stepped out of its own planet. It has no resistance in front of my army. Give me the order to launch a full-scale attack."

In order to achieve his goals, Thanos can do whatever it takes. He has already killed two planets in order to obtain the Power Stone and the Reality Stone, and now he doesn't mind one more.

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice sounded in Thanos' head, and Thanos suddenly frowned.

"You don't need to command me. I know what to do. They are just a few mutants that have evolved in advance. They are worthy of being called heroes in front of my interstellar army."

Then he suddenly roared and clenched his fist with the Infinity Gauntlet's right hand.

"That's enough. Although you did help me, it's not your turn to command me."

Looking at Thanos talking to himself, the remaining four black generals could not help but lower their heads and did not dare to look at Thanos.

Not long ago, their leader Thanos suddenly started talking to himself, but at the same time Thanos' power also became several times stronger, and his ambitions were no longer restrained.

He directly started the infinite gem plundering plan, and more flowers bloomed, and wireless gems flowed into his hands one after another.

This makes them respect Thanos even more. A leader who is ambitious, capable, and powerful will definitely achieve something great.

Thanos argued with himself for a while, and then suddenly spoke.

"Ebony Throat."

"My subordinate is here."

"You and Black Dwarf go and bring me the Time Stone."

"As commanded."*2

Ebony Throat took Black Dwarf one step ahead.

Then Thanos looked at the other two subordinates.

"Death Blade, you and Proxima Centauri go and bring me the Mind Stone."

"As commanded."*2

General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri looked at each other and set off quickly.

Thanos glanced at the last two empty grooves on his Infinity Gauntlet.

"It's coming soon. Soon I will be able to bring this universe back to balance. Only by maintaining balance can the universe have a future."

Thanos, who was talking to himself, clenched his fists again.

The two sub-ships separated from the main fleet and flew in different directions around the earth.


"WARNING, WARNING, UFO detected approaching Earth!!! WARNING, WARNING!"

Alarms sounded simultaneously in Valentine's underground base and Stark's laboratory.

"Jarvis, calculate the landing point of the UFO."

"Sir, one of the UFOs targeted the Valentine Welfare Home, while the other UFO targeted the Kama Taj shrine."

"Valentin and Karma Taj!?"

Stark was shocked at first, but quickly realized that the only thing these two places have in common is that they both hide an infinity stone.

"Jarvis, come with me."

Without much thought, Stark drew a spark portal leading to Valentine in the air.

First of all, this is the place that Mu En cares about the most. Secondly, Kama Taj has a large number of magicians and secret treasures to protect, so he needs to take care of it.

"Everyone, how's the situation?"

Stark walked through the portal and found that everyone in the underground base had gathered together.

Banner, Izzy, Frank, Eric, Nissen and Richard, as well as the three auspicious three treasures, Pasha.

Everyone gathered in the conference room, and Kurim stood in the center, holding the Mind Stone in his hand.

Regarding the Infinity Stones, Kurim has told everyone with Mu En's permission, and they already know that they are here for the Mind Stone.

Cullom, who was sitting in the center of the formation, said.

"Valentin's defenses have been fully deployed, and people from outside can't attack for the time being.

Ahilya and the bishop are organizing people to send the children to the underworld of Helm. "

At this Stark nodded in relief.

"Fortunately, Mu En had the foresight to upgrade the defenses. Now Valentine is probably the safest place in New York."

Kurim said.

"This is not enough. Although the defenses can protect Valentine from threats, we cannot leave the ordinary people outside alone."

Everyone nodded. They could huddle in the fortifications to protect themselves, but they were unable to do so.

"I know, so I'm here. Just tell me what you need me to do."

If it had been a time when the Avengers had not disbanded, then it would have been Stark who explained the battle plan to the Avengers, but there was no need to do so here.

"The plan is very simple Stark, Mu En said that you can also use the magic to pull the enemy into the mirror space. I need you to pull the alien battleship into the mirror space, so that we can fight freely."

"No problem, but we have to have someone guarding the outside. After all, none of us know whether the other party has reinforcements."

Kurim nodded and said.

"Of course we know this, so this is the detailed plan I will talk about next..."

Kama Taj, Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf controlled the circular spacecraft and slowly landed in the sky above Kama Taj.

"Start scanning."

A curtain of light swept across, and Kama Taj, who was protected by an invisible magic barrier, was instantly found to her exact location.

"Turn on the teleportation beam, and the combat troops will set off with me."

As a beam of light fell, Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf led the army to the ground.

"Masters, the time has come to guard the Holy Land!"

The King of the Holy Land shouted loudly, and all the mages responded and gathered together.

"Mage Supreme, the time has come for you to issue your order."

Wang looked at Stephen aside and said respectfully.

At this moment, his successor of the Ancient One, the contemporary Supreme Mage, must shoulder the important responsibility.

Stephen looked around, looking at the mages in formal attire.

"Masters! For Kama Taj and for the earth, we will fight to the end!"

"Fight to the end!"

The cries of the mages were like a tsunami.

Stephen nodded upon seeing this.

"Everyone, open the door!"

A huge spark portal opened, and the mages faced Ebonmaw and their army.

Stephen and the king walked side by side to the battlefield.

Ebony Maw stood in front of the army and spoke to the mages like a missionary.

"Listen to me and be happy. We are the most loyal supporters of the great Thanos. You will sacrifice your lives for the balance of the universe. This is noble and glorious. Don't resist, just accept your destiny. The most correct choice.

You should be grateful that we can be there for you personally. "

After listening to Wumuhou's words, Wang couldn't help but speak.

"You noseless guy, why don't you commit suicide first to dedicate your life to the balance of the universe? You only talk big words here!"

Ebony Throat glanced at Wang, and then said to Stephen.

"Guardian of the rough stone, is this cylindrical guy your spokesperson?"

"The cylindrical guy?"

Wang took a look at his figure.

"Am I that fat?"

Stephen glanced at Wang without commenting, but took a step forward, raised his hand and summoned a magic aperture.

"I don't care what your purpose is, you are illegally invading the earth now, so now, immediately, leave the earth for me!"

Seeing that these ignorant guys refused to accept their fate, Ebony Throat exchanged a few words in alien language with the Black Dwarf on the side, and the Black Dwarf walked directly towards Stephen with his weapon in hand.

Wang immediately shouted loudly.

“For Kamal Taj!”

“For Kamal Taj!!!”

All the mages shouted in response and rushed out together with the king.

Ebony Throat pointed his finger, and the army behind him roared out, and a battle broke out instantly.

Chapter 720, Knights VS Thanos’ Army, Thanos Arrives

Outside Valentine, the circular spaceship hovered in the sky, and General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri led the army to the ground.

Looking at Valentine, who was as solid as a fortress, General Deathblade directly signaled the spacecraft to launch an attack.

However, the attack that could easily destroy a space battleship could not shake Valentine's barrier at all.

General Deathblade snorted coldly and signaled that the spacecraft was firing on all cylinders. He still couldn't believe how powerful the defenses created by a planet that couldn't even do space navigation could be.

However, Proxima Centauri waved her hand to signal General Deathblade not to take action yet. She stepped forward and spoke through the language translator.

"People inside, listen, don't think you're safe if you hide inside. I advise you to hand over the Mind Stone quickly, otherwise we will massacre the city."

After saying that, she signaled her men to disperse and prepare to start massacring the city.

Just then Valentine's door opened.

Curim took the lead and walked out, followed by Stark, Frank, Eric, Banner and Neeson.

Kurim raised the Mind Stone in his hand.

"The gems you want are here, don't attack innocent citizens."

Seeing the Mind Stone, General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri looked at each other and smiled.

In their opinion, this mission is too simple. After all, it is just a backward and primitive planet. Although there are two outstanding beings, they are not enough to see it in front of them.

Proxima Centauri spoke.

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