Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 975 Interference with Mental Power

Since Li Yue can feel that it is not these golden energies that are affecting his mental power to transmit information.

So at this moment, there is definitely a special thing hidden somewhere in this space that is affecting Li Yue's mental power and interfering with the information transmitted back by his mental power.

Li Yue has encountered some exploration situations that can affect his mental strength.

But in that case, when Li Yue used his mental power to explore certain areas, he would encounter some kind of special energy barrier that blocked his mental power from entering.

But like this, his mental power has been released normally.

But after getting the surrounding information and then returning, there is something special that is affecting the transmission of his mental power and interfering with the information transmitted back by his mental power.

This was the first time Li Yue encountered a situation where the mental power released by Li Yue and the information transmitted back were weakened.

Therefore, although this situation did not surprise Li Yue, he was very curious about what was affecting his mental power transmission.

However, at this time, his spiritual exploration was somewhat affected, and he did not know very detailed information about the surrounding situation.

What's more, since that special thing has such a strong impact on his mental power, the information transmitted back by the mental power released by Li Yue naturally cannot have detailed information about such things.

Even at this time, Li Yue didn't know which direction the source that could affect his mental power transmission was located.

Of course, if the average person encounters this situation, they may become helpless.

For others, the only ability they have to explore their surroundings is limited, and for them it is like losing their "eyes."

If we use modern technology as a metaphor, it is as if the bomber has lost the information transmitted by the radar and cannot find the target area at all.

However, this loss of "eyes" also happened to Li Yue.

But Li Yue will not completely lose his observation ability like others.

After all, Li Yue never said that he only had the ability to use his mental power to explore the surrounding situation.

In fact, Li Yue's exploration methods are naturally not only about releasing his mental power to explore his surroundings.

For Li Yue, the reason why he has only used mental power to explore the surrounding situation is entirely because using mental power to explore is the most convenient situation for Li Yue.

However, this does not mean that Li Yue only has this method of exploring the surrounding situation.

In fact, Li Yue also has many means to explore the surrounding situation.

It's just that these methods are much more complicated and troublesome than using mental power to detect.

And compared to the mental power that can transmit information with almost no delay, these detection abilities have a certain "delay".

Although this "delay" is very short, it only lasts for a few milliseconds within a range of several kilometers.

But for a person of Li Yue's strength, a few milliseconds is enough to do a lot of things.

Just like the Flash, one second is probably no different to him than one day.

If his speed force is enough, he can make an instant become eternity.

It is not impossible to stop time completely in an instant.

Of course, in addition to the above reasons, there is another more important reason that makes Li Yue always use his mental power to explore the surrounding situation.

That is, only the power of mental power can cover the widest range.

If Li Yue releases his mental power with all his strength at this time, he can cover most of the universe with his mental power in a very short period of time.

This is an ability that Li Yue's other detection methods absolutely do not have.

Therefore, Li Yue, who likes convenience and speed, has naturally used mental power as his primary means of investigation before.

In fact, for such a long time, mental probing can be regarded as the only probing method used by Li Yue. His hand was broken.

After all, Li Yue had never encountered a situation where his mental energy would be disturbed like this before.

Naturally, there is no chance to use other means to replace mental power exploration.

At this time, his mental power exploration was affected by the unknown for the first time, which also meant that Li Yue would have to use other means to replace his mental power to detect the surrounding situation.

Speaking of other means that can be used to explore the surrounding situation, Li Yue naturally has many more.

Of course, there is no need for him to show them all at this time.

Anyway, all it takes is one ability to replace mental power to explore the surroundings.

Moreover, his main purpose of investigation at this time was just to find the reasons that affected his mental exploration.

In this case, even if his other exploration methods have a delay in writing time, and even the area that can be explored is very small, it will not have much impact on Li Yue at all.

After all, in this special space, Li Yue could still be sure that he would not encounter any danger.

Although his mental exploration ability is hindered by unknown obstacles.

But in Li Yue's view, this may be just an accident. It is not this space, or even these lotus flowers, that has premeditated interference with his exploration of spiritual power.

It's even possible that this was a coincidence.

The kind of unknown things that can affect one's own mental power may not even be known to it before, and it will have such an impact on one's own mental power.

Although, this situation may sound strange.

However, this situation is still very likely to happen.

Especially under such circumstances, this lotus flower has been completely integrated with Li Yue, and their fates are also tied together.

Therefore, if it weren't for these lotus flowers, they would be impatient to survive in this world and want to end their lives.

Then he would never do anything outrageous to Li Yue.

Judging from the previous "invitation" to Li Yue by this lotus flower, it seems that this lotus flower does not have any hatred towards Li Yue, and it will not deliberately do such a thing to anger Li Yue.

Therefore, combining these reasons, it seems that only coincidences and accidents can explain what is happening now!

Perhaps even the lotus itself didn't know before that certain things in this space could directly affect Li Yue's mental power transmission.

Or, there is another possibility that this unknown thing has a special ability that originally affects the transmission of certain energy!

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