Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 974: Inside the Space

Li Yue has also seen several kinds of the special abilities of this lotus.

For example, it can absorb various forms of energy freely, and it will change its own special abilities according to the characteristics of the energy.

For another example, after absorbing a lot of energy, it was able to intercept time and space fragments from the future, and even present them in front of Li Yue's powerful ability.

But now, this ability to derive a special space is somewhat beyond Li Yue's expectations.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that compared with the previous ones, it is not so unbelievable.

After all, Li Yue is not very clear about the origin of this lotus.

I don't know how many years have passed since this lotus was born.

However, Li Yue can also imagine that this should be a very long time.

Long enough to exceed Li Yue's cognition.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Yue was a little surprised by the special space in this lotus.

But it was easy to accept it.

And Li Yue's focus now is, what special things exist in this special space protected by this lotus in the most "firm" way?

In other words, what kind of secrets are hidden in this special space full of mystery?

Moreover, what made Li Yue most curious was why this lotus would "invite" him to this special space that it nurtured.

Could it be to show himself some special secret or information?

Li Yue was very curious about this, but this lotus flower disappeared after attracting Li Yue into this space.

With Li Yue's powerful perception, it is almost impossible to perceive its existence.

Or, it may have been completely integrated with this space, so Li Yue could not feel the exact location of the other party in this space.

Because the other party is almost everywhere.


However, Li Yue didn't know why the lotus was leading him to this special space.

But at this moment, he was not too entangled in this matter.

At this time, Li Yue completely focused his attention on this space.

Since this lotus is guided by a gentle gravitational force and attracts Li Yue to this special space, it naturally has its purpose.

Although Li Yue still can't know its exact purpose, he naturally won't be too obsessed with it.

At this moment, Li Yue focused more on this unique space.

Although to such a special space, Li Yue has also seen it many times.

However, this was the first time Li Yue had met this special space that was bred by special spirits, so it was inevitable that he would be curious about it.

And this space is indeed different from the space that Li Yue opened up by himself.

For example, in this space at this time, there is no thing that Li Yue knew existed.

It is not like a normal cosmic space, there are no dazzling stars, and there are no asteroids revolving around the stars.

However, although this space does not resemble a normal universe.

But it doesn't look too much out of the ordinary either.

The most abnormal thing is that this space is filled with special energy that emits golden light.

"These golden energies, although they seem to be of the same source as the energies I have, are not exactly the same."

Li Yue carefully felt this golden energy, but found that although this energy was of the same origin as the golden energy he controlled,

But it's not exactly the same kind of energy.

If it is true, I am afraid that such energy is just a simplified version of the golden energy possessed by Li Yue.

The characteristics it possesses are completely incomparable to the golden energy controlled by Li Yue.

It's just that although it can't be compared with the golden energy controlled by Li Yue, this is a very normal situation.

After all, the golden energy controlled by Li Yue is some kind of original energy that was born when he was building the universe of billions of cells.

Nature is not something that ordinary energy can easily imitate and match.

But now, the golden energy that fills this special space is just similar in color and some simple characteristics.

It is almost impossible to achieve the golden energy that is completely comparable to Li Yue's control.

However, the intensity of these golden energies should not be underestimated.

Much stronger than normal energy.

And now, these energies are flooded in this special space, almost covering the entire space.


This special space is almost completely enveloped by this golden energy.

The huge golden energy is like a layer of golden mist, blocking people's sight.

It also makes this space more mysterious.

However, for Li Yue, these energies were completely unable to stop Li Yue's mental power perception.

Li Yue's mental power spread to the surroundings in an instant, and he probed the area at a close distance of this space.

Li Yue's ability to detect spiritual power is very powerful. If it is fully released in the real world, it is enough to cover most of the multiverse.

In this space, although Li Yue at this time was just a clone of mind and consciousness, he did not control too much spiritual energy.

But according to normal circumstances, it is very simple to cover an area of ​​dozens of kilometers in an instant.

However, in this space, Li Yue's mental power seemed to be affected by certain circumstances, and the range covered by mental power was far from the theoretical limit.

Originally, it could easily cover an area with a radius of tens of kilometers, but after Li Yue released his mental power, he could only detect the situation within the area within a radius of less than one kilometer.

Moreover, the feedback from the probe made Li Yue feel a little fuzzy.

It seemed that something special was interfering with Li Yue's spiritual power to transmit information.

This is the first time Li Yue has encountered such a situation.

It seems that when Li Yue was a child, the old TV that he experienced often suffered from snowflakes after being interfered due to the weak antenna reception ability.

However, what was affected at this time was that Li Yue's reception of the information transmitted by his spiritual power was disturbed to some extent.

Let yourself not be very detailed about the situation around you.

This made Li Yue feel a little curious. Could it be that these golden energies covering the entire space possess a characteristic? Can you interfere with your own mental power transmission?

Li Yue couldn't help but have such questions.

However, Li Yue is not very inclined to this answer.

Because of this golden energy, although it may be a new energy created by this lotus by imitating the golden energy it possesses.

But its own level is not higher than the spiritual energy used by Li Yue.

Even if these energies really have the ability to affect the transmission of spiritual power, they absolutely cannot affect the spiritual power released by Li Yue!


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