Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 973 Special Space

The inside of Li Yue's body was a special space of its own, boundless but without real dimensions.

It's like a special pocket universe, exclusively under the control of Li Yue. Without Li Yue's consent, no living thing can enter it.

At this time, this lotus flower was completely integrated with Li Yue, and naturally had the authority to enter the space inside Li Yue's body.

In fact, the space where the lotus flower is located at this time is also inside Li Yue's body.

However, when Li Yue passed through the vortex of golden light and came to another place, he was surprised by the situation in front of him.

How to carve out another space within an already special space?

This is a very complicated thing.

At least, within the body space controlled by Li Yue, a special space has been opened up again, and it is naturally impossible to ignore Li Yue.

If Li Yue himself did not agree to do this, then almost no one would be able to open up another space inside Li Yue's body.

However, what surprised Li Yue was exactly the same.

When he passed through the golden vortex and was originally prepared to see the hidden area in the lotus, he was surprised by the sight that appeared in front of him.

What appeared in front of Li Yue was not an area of ​​only a few hundred square meters.

Li Yue could tell with just one glance that this was not just the hidden snow area of ​​the lotus.

It is an extremely huge space, a huge space that cannot be completely covered even if Li Yue releases his mental power.

And it is a special space in a different dimension from the real world.

This space is so huge that even Li Yue feels boundless to this space.

However, this is just a feeling. In fact, although this space is very huge, it is also very limited.

The reason why Li Yue can feel as if he is boundless is that this space only has an area in the center, which is a real and completely opened space.

But all around, there is still nothingness, a land of nothingness that has not yet been completely developed.

Perhaps, this space is constantly expanding outward, but it is still far away from true infinity.

The so-called special space is a unique space similar to the dream world that Li Yue built before, or the special space that he created by himself, etc.

None of these spaces belong to the spaces that exist in the real world.

There won't be any living things in this kind of space.

It does not fall under the jurisdiction of some universes. It is just a special space opened up by some kind of existence with powerful abilities, relying on its own powerful abilities, and only for himself to enter and exit.

To put it simply, this is like the Sumeru mustard space described in fantasy and fairy tale novels.

If someone recognizes the owner, the owner's mental power and even himself can be freely entered and exited, and some dead objects can also be stored in it. More advanced ones can also store living objects with life.

Although, the current cultivation system that Li Yue follows is somewhat different from his own Chinese cultivation system.

But in some aspects, we can still find some commonalities.

For example, whether you are cultivating immortals or Li Yue, you must cultivate the power of spiritual power.

Cultivation of immortality is naturally divided into body training, which is not much different from Li Yue's strengthening of physical strength.

In short, as the saying goes, different paths lead to the same goal, even if different systems focus on different cultivation directions at the beginning.

But to the end of practice, you will find that you are basically cultivating the same power.

Back to the topic, talking about this special space, the two systems have very similar characteristics.

However, what Li Yue encountered now was probably not a special space created by man, but a unique space created by the spiritual beings of heaven and earth on their own.

And this special space breeder,

Naturally, it is this lotus flower with mysterious origins.

It has to be said that the origin of this lotus flower that can create a special space on its own is really extraordinary.

Perhaps, as Li Yue had guessed before, it is a special spiritual creature born at the beginning of the world. It has powerful abilities and can even carve out a special dimensional space by itself.

Of course, although Li Yue couldn't help but be very surprised by the special space he saw.

At the same time, I was also surprised that this lotus flower was so powerful that it could carve out a special space on its own.

Although, this space, both in terms of size and solidity, cannot be compared with the space opened up by Li Yue.

However, you must know that this space is just created by a plant that does not seem to have any intelligence.

It was not developed by a creature like Li Yue who not only possesses extremely high intelligence but also possesses powerful abilities.

Li Yue could imagine that this special space might not actually be created by the lotus flower.

But after a long period of time, this special space was finally formed.

Then, this special space was surrounded by the twelve petals of the lotus, and was regarded as its most mysterious and important area.

This special space that was finally opened up after a long period of accumulation naturally has extremely important significance.

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Li Yue also had to admire that perhaps everything in the world had its own way of strengthening itself.

Creatures with powerful intelligence like humans rely on self-cultivation to continuously strengthen themselves, but they are also going against nature.

On the road of continuous cultivation, various difficulties and obstacles will eventually appear as tests.

Just like the people who defy heaven and earth in the novels about cultivating immortals, every increase in strength often means that they will face the next disaster of heaven and earth more quickly.

Everyone is happy to get through it, but they still have to prepare for the disasters that will continue to come in the future.

And if you can't make it through, at least half a lifetime of cultivation will be lost in one day, or at worst, your body and soul will disappear, and in the end it will be nothing.

Although some spiritual beings born in the earth do not have as powerful wisdom as humans, they cannot cultivate and grow as quickly as humans.

But it also has the benefits of being free and different from humans.

For example, they may have stronger vitality. As long as they have sufficient energy as nutrients, they can survive for an extremely long time.

And as time goes by, they will be nourished by heaven and earth, and simple wisdom will be born.

Finally embarked on the path of self-cultivation.

Moreover, often this kind of special spiritual being born and raised by heaven and earth will always have special abilities that are much more powerful than human beings.

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