Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 972 The mysterious space

Just as Li Yue thought, judging from the mystery displayed by this lotus, this lotus should have many special and powerful abilities.

Moreover, being able to grow in the endless void without any nutrients to support itself is a very powerful ability.

Even at this time, Li Yue would have been in endless void without any energy replenishment.

So even Li Yue, who has reached the multiverse level, is completely unable to support his survival forever.

Maybe it will be thousands of years later, maybe it will be tens of thousands of years later. Even if he is a little bolder, Li Yue can stay like this for hundreds of millions of years.

However, after a long period of time, the last trace of energy in Li Yue's body will be completely exhausted by the power of nothingness, and then he will be swallowed up by the endless void and disappear into nothingness.

These are very normal situations. Even Li Yue at this time cannot escape the fate of losing energy support and becoming a "dog leash"!

However, this lotus has done it and can survive in the endless void.

This naturally made Li Yue very curious about the mysterious origin of this lotus.

Of course, this may be a coincidence.

It's just that this lotus flower is not able to survive in the endless void without absorbing any energy, as Li Yue thought.

But it didn't originally live in the void, but came to this endless void only because of some chance and coincidence.

And the lotus flower itself is also trying to find a way to escape from this endless void, but it can't find a way to escape from here at all.

What's even more coincidental is that just when the lotus flower had lost its energy support and was about to be annihilated by the endless void, Li Yue happened to open up a special space in the area where it was located.

And this lotus, which was about to be swallowed by the endless void, was sucked into this special space as if it had grasped the last straw, and then quietly recuperated.

However, he finally met Li Yue. Although he avoided the fate of being swallowed by nothingness, he was controlled by Li Yue and lost his freedom.

This is just a very absurd guess in Li Yue's heart.

In fact, Li Yue didn't believe that such a coincidence could happen.

After all, there are so many coincidences in the world, all of them happening together.

Moreover, the mystery of this lotus made Li Yue subconsciously ignore the fact that it might not be able to survive in the endless nothingness forever.

In Li Yue's view, this lotus flower has the ability to grow normally in the endless void.

Moreover, perhaps only in this way can Li Yue's strong interest in exploration be aroused.

However, the topic is a bit far off topic.

At this time, Li Yue was full of curiosity about this lotus.

But at this moment when all the secrets were about to be fully revealed by himself, Li Yue felt a very special feeling, which made him hesitate.

However, the hesitation did not last long in Li Yue's heart, and was thrown out of his mind directly.

He no longer stood still.

Facing the most mysterious area of ​​the lotus, Li Yue directly followed the other party's attraction on his mind and slowly "walked into" the lotus, opening it up to him. This was also the most mysterious area of ​​the lotus.

The barrier originally built to block the entry of all energy and things also completely lost its effect on Li Yue at this moment.

And Li Yue's mental body followed the attraction from inside the lotus and flew straight towards the lotus.

Soon, Li Yue's spiritual body arrived in front of the flower.


The petals that formed a special barrier did not open a passage like a "door" because of Li Yue's arrival.

"So, how do I get in now?"

Li Yue was a little confused, how should he enter it at this time?

Just when Li Yue was wondering about this, he soon got the answer to this question.

Since Li Yue didn't know how to enter it, he simply let go of his control over his mind and body.

Let your mind drift forward slowly with the gentle gravity.

And as Li Yue completely gave up control of his mind and body, his mind was gradually attracted by the gentle gravity and continued to float forward.

Even though he was about to hit the huge lotus flower in front of him, there was still no sign of stopping.

Although Li Yue felt strange, he guessed that since the other party had "invited" him to come, such an unexpected situation would not happen.

So Li Yue didn't care that he was about to bump into the lotus flower in front of him.

Instead, continue to relax the control of your mind and move forward with that gentle power.

What happened next was not beyond Li Yue's expectation.

Although that gentle force did not stop acting on Li Yue's mind, it continued to pull Li Yue's mind forward.

It even almost hit the surface of the huge lotus flower, but it still didn't stop.

At this time, Li Yue was a body of mind and spirit, and was not afraid of collisions.

What's more, even if this barrier made of petals can really prevent Li Yue's mind from entering, a collision will not have any impact on Li Yue.

What's more, Li Yue always believed that since the other party "invited" him to come, he should not do anything inappropriate to him at all.

And the result of the matter was indeed as Li Yue thought.

When he was pulled by the gentle gravity to the huge lotus flower, he was already less than a few dozen centimeters away from the flower.

The golden lotus petals in front of him suddenly changed.

The golden petals seemed to become a little blurry in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the original golden petals disappeared, replaced by a vortex of golden light.

This vortex shimmered with golden light. Although the whole had no other color, it still made Li Yue feel that it was like a whirlpool, slowly rotating.

This vortex looks full of mystery, as if it is constantly attracting people to come closer to him.

Although Li Yue was very surprised by the sudden appearance of the whirlpool.

But I felt that gentle gravity, as if it came from the whirlpool, and was attracting me to continue moving forward and enter it.

So Li Yue had nothing to hesitate.

His mind followed the gentle force without hesitation, passed straight through the golden vortex, and entered the vortex.

The moment Li Yue disappeared into the whirlpool, the whirlpool also disappeared with Li Yue's figure and returned to its original petal appearance. There was no abnormality at all in appearance.

What's even more unimaginable is that Li Yue followed this and entered a special space.

At this time, Li Yue, who had passed through the whirlpool, was also a little surprised by what he saw.

At this moment, he seemed to have arrived in another special space!

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