Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 971 Let go of defense

Recalling the situations described in some novels he had read before, Li Yue couldn't help but feel that this lotus might be about to evolve.

However, even if evolution does occur, it may take a long time.

Li Yue even had a feeling that perhaps it was the absorption of a large amount of energy provided by him that pushed the lotus flower to the edge of evolution.

Of course, Li Yue has no way of knowing at this time whether this is actually the case.

However, Li Yue was still very curious about whether this lotus was about to evolve.

After all, this lotus flower has been completely integrated with him at this time, and it can be said that it is a special community of destiny.

This lotus can evolve, and it will naturally bring some unexpected benefits to Li Yue.

However, Li Yue could also feel that although the lotus flower might be on the verge of evolving because of the energy it provided, it was not enough to directly evolve.

In Li Yue's impression, the evolution time of a spiritual creature of this level is calculated based on years!

Therefore, even if it appears that it is about to evolve at this time, it may still be decades or even hundreds of years before it truly evolves completely.

This is why Li Yue was a little surprised that the lotus was about to evolve, but he was not very excited.

Although, what is happening to this lotus flower at this time seems to be that it is evolving from having only twelve petals to a higher level with twenty-four petals.

But for Li Yue, this is still something that he doesn't know when he will be able to complete.

Moreover, this is not something that can be compensated for by using energy.

Energy can only promote the evolution speed of this special spiritual creature, but it cannot completely evolve such a spiritual creature solely by relying on energy.

Therefore, whether the next step can truly evolve and produce an essential transformation is a special journey that the lotus flower itself needs to go through.

Even Li Yue, who was completely integrated with him at this time, could not help.

"I didn't expect that the process of fusion could actually meet the conditions for the evolution of this lotus!"

At this time, Li Yue couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he looked at the lotus with blurred petals.

He had never thought before that the process of merging himself with this lotus flower could indirectly promote the evolution of this lotus flower.

"However, we don't know when this lotus flower will truly evolve, so this matter may need to be considered in the long term."

However, although this lotus flower does show that it is about to evolve.

But just as Li Yue thought, there is still a long way to go before this lotus flower can truly evolve completely.

Li Yue naturally didn't pay much attention to this matter at this time.

The mysterious area surrounded by the twelve petals in the center is what Li Yue cares about most at this time.

Not only Li Yue's mental power, but also all the energy from the outside world that wanted to explore its interior were blocked by these twelve energy-filled petals.

Specifically, these twelve petals are like a special barrier that blocks all eyes and energy from the outside world.

And because these twelve petals contain more than 80% of the energy of this lotus.

To put it bluntly, the barrier built by these twelve petals is almost the strongest barrier that this lotus flower can build.

If you can break through this barrier and enter the inner space of the petals, it means that the lotus has lost its final protection.

At this time, Li Yue was attracted to the front of the lotus by the special gravity released by the lotus.

And judging from its undiminished attraction, it seems that the attraction that attracts Li Yue comes from the inner space surrounded by twelve petals.

It was as if this lotus was about to let go of its self-defense against Li Yue, allowing Li Yue to freely enter its most mysterious area.

This situation made Li Yue very surprised.

After all, since this lotus flower has created a self-protection with twelve petals as a barrier.

He once blocked Li Yue's mental exploration. Why now, he completely let go of his defense against Li Yue, as if he suddenly became very trusting of Li Yue?

"Could it be that because it has completely integrated with me, it is no longer as wary of me as it was before?"

Soon, Li Yue could only think of the only answer, and that was because the lotus flower had now completely merged with himself, so it also lost its guard against him.

Completely letting go of any precautions against myself.

Even before, an "invitation" was issued to Li Yue.

At this time, Li Yue followed the other party's invitation, did not resist the very gentle attraction, and slowly came to the most mysterious area of ​​the lotus.

The mysterious area that was originally built with a strong defensive barrier was completely opened to Li Yue, allowing Li Yue to enter freely.

More than that, following the final direction of the attraction, Li Yue could feel that the destination seemed to be in this lotus.

Although the lotus flower was only tens of meters in size before, the area surrounded by petals in the center of this blooming lotus flower may only be a few meters in radius at most.

Even if there is something hidden in it, it may just be a very small mysterious thing.

But now, because of absorbing Li Yue's energy, this lotus flower has become tens of thousands of meters in size.

The only lotus flower in full bloom is also several hundred meters long.

The area wrapped by petals is estimated to be several hundred square meters in size.

There are naturally more things that can be let go of.

Of course, this was not the most important reason why Li Yue was extremely curious about the inside of the lotus flower.

What made Li Yue most curious was that he had an inexplicable feeling that this mysterious area wrapped in twelve petals in the center was not just as simple as he expected.

Perhaps there is something far beyond one's expectations.

Li Yue didn't know where he had such an inexplicable feeling.

However, perhaps it was because this lotus flower was full of mystery from the moment it appeared in front of Li Yue.

Its origin is unknown, and why it grows in the endless void is also unknown.

What puzzled Li Yue the most was why it was trapped in the dream world he had constructed at will.

Although this dream world is a special space opened up by Li Yue in the void space by releasing his energy.

Maybe it just covers the area where this lotus originally lived.

However, if this lotus really has the ability to survive in the void, then it is naturally very likely to have more powerful abilities.

It shouldn't be that difficult to escape from a space that has just been formed!

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