Just when Li Yue's mental power was about to enter the flower surrounded by twelve petals, he was blocked by a special energy.

The blocking power of this energy is not very powerful. If Li Yue wanted to, he could easily break through and force his way into it.

Of course, this is only for Li Yue, this blocking force is not very strong.

But for any other strong person who has not reached the multiverse, this force is very powerful and almost impossible to successfully break through.

However, Li Yue, who was able to easily break through this obstacle, did not forcefully break through the energy barrier in the end.

First of all, what made Li Yue feel a little worried was whether he would cause some damage to the lotus if he forcibly broke through the blockage of this energy.

Secondly, even if you force a breakthrough, it will not cause any damage to the lotus.

But thinking of the next plan to completely integrate this lotus, Li Yue still suppressed his strong curiosity.

In the end, he regained his spirit and did not make a tougher breakthrough on this lotus because of his strong curiosity about it.

At this time, it seems that Li Yue's careful choice was not wrong.

Because although he did not forcefully break through the energy protection of this lotus, after completely merging with this lotus at this moment, he had the opportunity to personally explore the secrets of this lotus.

Because at this moment, Li Yue could feel the gentle gravity guiding him to the destination, which was the most mysterious flower of the lotus.

Although, before entering the area wrapped by the twelve petals, Li Yue could still feel the inexplicable energy barrier.

However, now Li Yue has no need to use his own mental power to forcefully break through the defense of this energy.

Because, with his state of mind, he will follow the invitation of this lotus and directly enter the most mysterious petals.

He didn't know what kind of strange scene was waiting for him there.

Li Yue was full of questions and curiosity about this.

But he didn't show it, and the expression on his face remained very calm.

His mind just slowly followed the gravitational force released by the other party, slowly approaching the destination.

Although it only lasted a few seconds, to Li Yue today, it seemed like it lasted for decades, like a torment.

Fortunately, just a few seconds later, Li Yue's mind had slowly arrived in front of the huge lotus flower following the gentle gravity.

"From the outside, it doesn't look like there's anything unusual about it."

When Li Yue slowly came to the lotus, he began to look at the only blooming lotus with his naked eyes.

However, Li Yue did not see anything unusual about this lotus just by observing it with the naked eye.

No matter how you look at it, this lotus flower is not much different from a normal lotus flower.

Of course, except that it is a bit bigger than the ordinary lotus.

"No, the problem seems to be with these twelve petals!"

However, simple observation did not allow Li Yue to see anything unusual.

But when Li Yue's eyes inadvertently saw the twelve petals around the lotus, Li Yue instantly felt a special feeling.

It seemed that the problem he had ignored before appeared on these twelve petals.

Twelve petals surround this flower in an extremely harmonious state.

The petals are layered, and the central area seems to be wrapped in a mysterious thing.

Although the number of petals is small, only twelve, the overall look is still very full and round, as if it is very natural, consistent with the natural way of heaven and earth.

However, in Li Yue's feeling, these twelve petals seemed to have some very special arrangement.

The overlapping layers perfectly cover the center of the petals.

No one can pry into its secrets.

However, under normal circumstances, this flower has only twelve petals. Naturally, it cannot wrap the entire flower and cannot see the slightest scene inside.

But at this time, this extremely strange thing did happen.

And Li Yue also discovered that the culprit of all this was all because of these twelve petals.

Just like the lotus itself, the twelve petals also show a dazzling golden color on the surface.

It was precisely because of the absorption of Li Yue's golden energy that it changed from the previous pure white to the current golden color.

However, the color of these twelve petals is more gorgeous than other parts of the lotus.

The golden light seemed to be alive. Not only did it not make the lotus appear strange, it even made the lotus look particularly attractive.

However, these twelve petals completely covered the thing wrapped in its center, perfectly avoiding the attracted gaze.

Of course, if it were just these circumstances, it would not be enough to arouse Li Yue's strong curiosity and attention.

What struck Li Yue most strangely was that almost 80% of the lotus's energy was concentrated in these twelve petals.

Almost 80% of all the energy absorbed by this lotus, plus the energy released by Li Yue, was concentrated on these twelve petals.

So much so that, due to the gathering of extremely huge energy, these twelve petals seemed to be vibrating with some unique pattern.

The vibration of the petals left behind illusory afterimages, as if one petal suddenly split open and another petal appeared again.

If you don't observe carefully, I'm afraid many people will feel that this lotus does not only have twelve petals after seeing it, but has twenty-four petals, which is twice as many as it actually is. .

Perhaps, it is because this lotus flower has absorbed an extremely huge amount of energy, most of which is concentrated in these twelve petals.

That's why this strange scene was created.

However, Li Yue did not think that this matter was just that simple.

"I remember that in some novels, it was described that special spiritual creatures born from heaven and earth can continue to evolve on the basis of the original!"

Looking at this strange scene in front of him, Li Yue recalled in his mind the situation about this kind of spiritual creature in the world that had been described in some novels.

Such spiritual beings born from heaven and earth will naturally not remain in one form forever.

If the conditions are met, then they will evolve and become more powerful than originally.

And in the descriptions of those novels, the evolution method of these lotus species is that the petals double and evolve into the next level of spiritual beings!

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