Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 979 The Nemesis of Mental Power

The information previously transmitted back by energy was very detailed.

After Li Yue's processing, a detailed map like a holographic projection was formed in his mind almost instantly.

However, as the new information came back, it appeared in Li Yue's mind.

But he discovered that among the information passed back this time.

The description of the surrounding situation was not as detailed as before.

Of course, most areas are depicted in great detail and are not much different from before.

However, there is almost no detailed information transmitted back to a small area in a huge area.

It's like a world that was originally full of fog is slowly being unveiled by Li Yue.

But there is an area that is still shrouded in fog even after all the surrounding fog has been dispersed.

This is undoubtedly a very conspicuous situation. No matter how confused Li Yue is, it is impossible not to notice such an obvious abnormality.

What's more, Li Yue is not a stupid person, how could he not discover such an obvious anomaly.

Therefore, when Li Yue processed the latest information passed back, he instantly discovered this very abnormal situation.

I also noticed this special area where even if energy was used instead of mental power, it was still impossible to detect the situation in detail.

Since Li Yue used energy to replace the disturbed mental power before, he was able to detect the detailed information of this space without any influence.

That means that if nothing unexpected happens, the method of using energy to explore this space can be used normally.

But now, the reason why there is such an area where detailed information still cannot be explored.

Then it's definitely not the problem with Li Yue's method of using energy to explore.

It's that this area that cannot be detected by energy is quite special. It has some very special abilities and can ignore the energy detection method used by Li Yue!

"Now that the anomaly has been discovered, no matter what, I naturally have to go to that area to see what it is that can shield energy detection!"

Li Yue naturally became very curious about the area that could shield his own energy exploration.

Moreover, after more than ten minutes passed, he only discovered this abnormal situation.

Therefore, Li Yue naturally had no reason to ignore this area where he could ignore his energy exploration.

At this time, all Li Yue can do is to go to the area that can shield his energy exploration in person to see what special situation is causing that area to ignore his own exploration.

And since the decision had been made, Li Yue naturally did not hesitate at this time.

While he continued to receive information from the surrounding energy, he himself quickly flew towards the strange area he felt.

Because at this time Li Yue is only the reason why his mind manages the body of mind and spirit, and also because his mental power cannot be used freely in this space and will be interfered with.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue could only rely on his own speed to go to that special area, but could not directly travel through space and reach that area directly.

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However, this doesn't make much difference.

Because Li Yue was very fast at this time.

Although it can't really be compared with traveling through space, it is definitely fast enough.

It took more than ten minutes for the energy fluctuations to spread outward to the mysterious space.

At this time, Li Yue did not spend so long traveling to that area.

In less than a minute, Li Yue was almost approaching the mysterious area.

In the process of getting infinitely close to this mysterious area, Li Yue also felt a very strange message.

It seemed that there was something hidden in this mysterious area that surprised even Li Yue.

What surprised Li Yue even more was that the powerful spiritual power contained in his body seemed to be severely oppressed as he continued to approach this mysterious area.

It was as if his mental power had encountered a powerful nemesis for the first time.

Although Li Yue in this space at this time is not his true body, he is just a spiritual body transformed from his mind.

However, the powerful mental power contained in Li Yue's body is not much different from Li Yue's true body.

But even so, Li Yue could still clearly feel it at this time.

After approaching this mysterious area, the mental power in his body that had been disturbed seemed to have encountered his biggest nemesis, causing him to feel oppressed.

This is the first time that Li Yue has encountered a situation where his mental power has been completely restrained since he started cultivating his mental power.

Even now, he is trying to release his mental power with all his strength, but he can only barely cover an area less than a hundred meters around.

For Li Yue, who had unleashed his peak mental power, this would have weakened him countless times.

You know, under normal circumstances, if Li Yue releases his mental power with all his strength, he can cover most of the universe with his mental power in a very short period of time.

Compared with the current situation, which can only cover an area of ​​nearly a hundred meters in radius, there is almost a huge difference between heaven and earth.

"What kind of thing exists here? Can it restrain my mental power like this?"

At this time, Li Yue was also extremely shocked by this situation.

To put it bluntly, in addition to the space energy in the body, there is also the golden energy that has just been obtained.

What Li Yue felt was the most powerful and what he used most frequently was definitely the powerful spiritual power contained in his mind.

In a certain situation, Li Yue could no longer leave his mental power at this time.

If his mental power could not function normally, a situation like today would occur, making it very troublesome for him to do anything.

The existence of mental power facilitated many things for Li Yue.

Moreover, because Li Yue insists on focusing on strengthening his mental power almost every moment.

That's why his mental power is so strong.

At this time, for Li Yue, mental power has become an indispensable and important energy for him.

However, during the period of time when he had spiritual power, today was the first time that Li Yue's mental power suffered such a huge blow.

First, his mental power was affected by some inexplicable interference, and he was unable to properly transmit the detailed information around him.

Then, at this moment, his mental power directly encountered the most powerful nemesis.

It can't even be released normally to cover a relatively huge area like before.

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