Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 980 The scene in the mysterious area

Li Yue was not only shocked when he encountered this situation for the first time, but also became very curious about what was hidden in this area.

After all, this was the first time Li Yue felt that his mental power was completely unable to function normally.

In order to figure out why the situation occurred at this time, Li Yue entered this mysterious area without hesitation.

However, at this time, he does not have the mental power to act as his "eyes" to observe the surrounding information on his behalf.

Li Yue could only rely on his own eyes and his powerful perception to perceive the surrounding situation.

However, his perception can only perceive the situation within a few tens of meters around him.

However, with the complete loss of mental assistance at this time, this situation can be regarded as better than nothing.

At least, if there is any special situation around him, Li Yue can still sense it in advance and respond accordingly as quickly as possible.

At this time, Li Yue did not continue to move as fast as before.

But for the first time, like an ordinary person walking in the fog, moving forward step by step.

However, Li Yue's perception was operating at full capacity, and he carefully felt the surrounding situation.

Of course, Li Yue was using all his powers of perception at this time, not because he was afraid that he would encounter any special danger.

But to prevent myself from missing any abnormal situation.

After all, after losing the mental assistance, Li Yue was no longer able to fully understand the surrounding situation as before.

Therefore, at this time, he could only rely on his relatively strong perception to sense the surrounding situation as much as possible to discover some special situations hidden in this area.

The details of this space have been described before.

Almost any area in the entire space is filled with a large amount of golden energy.

However, at this time Li Yue discovered that that was not accurate.

Because there is no trace of golden energy in this mysterious area.

At this time, Li Yue finally understood why the previous energy detection method could not detect the details here.

After all, there is no golden energy here at all, and it is even less possible for golden energy to explore the details of this area.

However, it was precisely the inability of the golden energy to explore here that attracted Li Yue's attention here.

So sometimes, it is really a blessing in disguise.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue was not very concerned about whether what was about to greet him here would be a blessing or a curse.

Because at this moment, Li Yue's strong curiosity about what kind of special thing existed in this area surpassed everything else.

No matter what, Li Yue must make this matter clear and clear.

With such a determined heart, Li Yue began to walk slowly in this mysterious area like an ordinary person.

As mentioned before, there is no golden energy here.

But this does not mean that there is no energy of any kind in this space!

On the contrary, this area is filled with a very special energy.

Although, in Li Yue's feelings, this kind of energy is very special.

It doesn't seem to be how energy should behave under normal conditions.

It's more like some kind of special atmosphere existing between heaven and earth.

Moreover, what made Li Yue feel even more strange was that this breath seemed to be resonating with this space in some special form all the time.

And it is this special resonance that prevents any other energy from existing here.

Even in Li Yue's opinion, the reason why his mental power is so strongly suppressed here.

It is entirely because of this special resonance between breath and space.

Li Yue didn't know whether his guess was correct.

But the aura resonance he felt at this moment really gave him a very depressing feeling.

It was as if there was an invisible net in the sky above this space, completely covering this space.

Moreover, there are countless sharp knives hanging under this big net. I don't know when, they will suddenly fall and pierce the people in this space instantly.

In short, the special atmosphere filled in this space makes people feel like thorns on the back.

Although it didn't make Li Yue feel creepy, it still made Li Yue full of curiosity about why such a situation happened here.

And although there is no visible energy envelope here.

But it doesn't mean that people's eyes can function normally in this space.

Even though the light here is not dim, it is not so dark that you can't see your fingers.

However, it is as if there is a pair of invisible hands stretching out from behind your back, blocking your eyes.

You can feel a trace of light in front of you through those hands.

But no matter how hard you try, you just can't fully see what kind of scene is ahead.

And now, Li Yue, who has no mental support as a support, is in the same situation as the manager.

However, in addition to spiritual power, Li Yue also possesses very powerful perception.

No matter what the mysterious atmosphere in this area is.

However, although this kind of aura can block Li Yue's mental exploration, it cannot suppress Li Yue's innate powerful perception.

Everyone has a very special feeling, which is generally called the sixth sense.

Because this is another special perception besides the five human senses.

Some people with strong sixth sense are almost indistinguishable from real superpowers.

They can perceive many situations related to him with their powerful sixth sense.

For example, some people foresee an impending danger and happen to avoid the crisis.

And some people can even rely on their powerful sixth sense to get very lucky things by chance.

Of course, before gaining superpowers, Li Yue also had a sixth sense.

It's just that at that time, his sixth sense was almost the same as none, and it would not have any impact on his life and his choices at all.

Until, as Li Yue gained superpowers, his strength continued to increase.

Gradually, this special perception ability called the sixth sense seems to be awakening and gradually becoming stronger.

Sometimes, many of Li Yue's choices are based on his first impression given by his sixth sense!

Of course, the increasingly powerful sixth sense was not of much help to Li Yue.

Apart from allowing Li Yue to perceive things within a small range, it does not allow Li Yue to get any more help.

However, now, when the ability of mental exploration has completely lost its effect, the role of Li Yue's relatively powerful perception ability has begun to be reflected!

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