Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 981 Chaos and the Power of the Phoenix

Even if it is just an ordinary person, if he has a strong perception ability, he will also gain superpower-like abilities.

At this time, after Li Yue's cultivation, while he became very powerful, it also naturally caused his perception ability to be constantly amplified.

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In some cases, the amplified perception is not much different from the effect achieved by Li Yue's mental power.

Even, the level of detail felt by the perceptual power exceeds that of exploration with mental power.

However, in most cases, perception can only focus on the situation within a small area nearby.

But it can't perceive the area that is too far away from Li Yue.

Therefore, although perception is used more than mental power, the perceived situation is more detailed.

But Li Yue basically didn't use his perception too much, but only used the mental power that was more convenient and had a wider coverage.

After all, sometimes, Li Yue just wanted to explore the surrounding situation, not to perceive something around him, even in detail to the point that it almost reached the molecular state.

But at this time, Li Yue's mental power was seriously disturbed, and Li Yue had no choice but to use a small range of perception to explore the surrounding situation in detail.

However, Li Yue's powerful perception at this time is already able to perceive any objects around him, and he can even clearly feel the composition of the surrounding air.

At this time, all the information around him was completely perceived by Li Yue.

Among them is the very unique special aura that does not exist in an energy state.

At this time, it was also clearly presented in front of Li Yue's powerful perception.

Such a powerful ability is completely comparable to some microscopes that can magnify things hundreds or thousands of times.

However, this is far from reaching the limit of Li Yue's perception.


Just by simply using his own perception, Li Yue can already completely analyze the molecular structure of anything.

Even those invisible and intangible air components are clearly visible to Li Yue.

However, this still did not reach the limit of Li Yue's perception ability.

If so, Li Yue used his powerful perception to the limit.

Then something incredible will happen.

He can even use his perception to fully understand everything around him, including air energy, and even the ubiquitous power of space.

And such a powerful ability, if it is really used, what kind of results will it cause?

I believe many people know the Scarlet Witch, the owner of the power of chaos in the Marvel Universe.

There is also a Phoenix Force owner, Jean Gray.

The former, the Scarlet Witch with the power of chaos, is the daughter of Magneto in the comics and the master of the power of chaos.

The latter, Jean Gray, is the most famous owner of the Phoenix Force.

What they have in common is that they all hold an extremely powerful special power.

The Force of the Phoenix and the Force of Chaos are mysterious forces that are fictionalized in Marvel comics.

Of course, Li Yue at this time already understood that the comics are not completely fictional, at least the Marvel Universe is a huge real universe.

And although Li Yue had never really experienced the power of chaos and the power of the Phoenix in the previous Marvel Universe!

But Li Yue believes that these two powerful forces should really exist.

And he will one day be able to truly see these two powerful powers in the Marvel Universe.

The scarlet witch, the owner of the power of chaos, can use the power of chaos to modify the real world at will, and even control life and death.

In the comics, when the Scarlet Witch was at her peak,

Even with just one sentence, the reality of the entire universe is instantly modified, making the race of mutants disappear in an instant, completely non-existent.

And the power of the Phoenix, which is as famous as the power of chaos, also possesses incomparably powerful power.

The Phoenix Force is one of the most feared beings in the multiverse, and its passion can be used as the Phoenix's verdict to regenerate or destroy everything in the universe and even the universe itself.

The power of the phoenix is ​​the conceptual incarnation of life and emotion, and the verdict of the phoenix will burn away the sin of desire, because it carries all the emotions of living beings.

The power of the phoenix is ​​also like the power of chaos, it is enough to destroy the existence of the multiverse.

As for these two forces, which one is stronger has always been a matter of debate among Marvel fans.

It's just that the records of both are equally powerful, but there is no real winner.

However, some people still prefer that the complete power of the Phoenix is ​​stronger than the power of chaos.

Of course, Li Yue is naturally not very interested in this kind of debate about who is strong and who is weak.

He only cares about the powerful performance of the power of chaos and the power of the phoenix.

However, compared with the power of chaos and phoenix, in fact, Li Yue's perception can completely modify reality at will and rebuild the universe.

However, the source of Li Yue's perception and power is Li Yue himself.

Unlike the Phoenix Force and Chaos Force, the source of power is the entire multiverse.


Therefore, at this time, Li Yue even used his perception to the maximum extent.

It is estimated that it can only forcibly modify the reality of the entire earth.

If he wanted to modify the reality of the entire multiverse, Li Yue still couldn't do it with his own perception alone.

Of course, Li Yue, who is already a multiverse-level powerhouse at this time, does not need to use any special power, and can influence the entire multiverse with his own strong strength.

Therefore, even at this time, Li Yue would not feel the slightest fear when encountering the complete power of the phoenix, or the power of chaos at its peak.

However, now, Li Yue, who uses perception, can still experience the powerful effect of perception.

It is different from the feeling when using mental power to explore the surrounding situation.

When using mental power, Li Yue seemed to be transformed into a high-tech camera in the sky.

Including himself, everything around him was completely exposed to his gaze, unable to hide.

However, Li Yue, who was using his perception at this time, felt an even more incredible feeling.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the master of this world.

No matter what it is, nothing can escape his perception.

He can even use his powerful perception to forcibly modify all the realities around him.

For example, turning a boulder into a huge loaf.

This kind of thing is almost a miracle that only God can do.

Of course, because Li Yue's perception range at this time is only about a few hundred meters, Li Yue at this time can only act as the master within a range of a few hundred meters.


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