Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 984 Defense or Test?

In other words, only the power of the mind can feel this mysterious aura.

Of course, the body of an ordinary person, although not like Li Yue's body at this time, is completely composed of the power of mind and spirit.

But it naturally also contains some power of mind.

After all, it is naturally impossible for a human being who is still alive to be completely devoid of any power of mind and spirit.

Therefore, if an ordinary person really came here, he could feel the existence of this mysterious atmosphere just like Li Yue.

However, there is one thing that ordinary people may not be able to bear at all.

That is, they estimated that before they came here, their original normal minds would be instantly crushed by such a strong oppressive force.

The minds of ordinary people simply cannot bear the tremendous oppressive power exerted by this mysterious atmosphere at this time.

Therefore, this area may not be accessible to ordinary people at all.

Of course, this is also a very normal phenomenon.

Even in some novels, some treasures with strange effects will have corresponding unknown dangers.

Or there are powerful spirit beasts guarding around the genius treasure.

Or Tiancaidibao itself is very dangerous.

In short, it is not very easy for people to obtain such a spiritual creature with strange abilities.

As the saying goes, treasures are destined to be obtained.

As a matter of fact, apart from being predestined with the treasure, the most important thing is that the person who wants to obtain the treasure must have excellent strength.

Otherwise, even if the treasure is placed in front of you, you may not be able to obtain it.

Even the powerful power released by the treasure can instantly wipe you out.

Just like the infinity gems of the Marvel universe, especially the power gems with incomparably powerful power.

If your own strength is not as strong as Thanos, then you simply cannot withstand the backlash of the infinite gems.

In the end, not only can't control the gems, but also because of the powerful power of the gems, they will be wiped out.


At this time, Li Yue's strength is naturally enough to grasp most of the treasures.

Even if it is a power gem with powerful destructive power, Li Yue can control it in his own hands unscathed.

Although the origin of this lotus is mysterious, it may also be a special spiritual creature that was conceived and born when the heaven and earth first opened.

However, Li Yue's strength at this time is completely capable of controlling this mysterious lotus flower with ease.

Since even Li Yue, the mysterious lotus flower, has the strength to master it, let alone the special spiritual creature that exists in the special space of this lotus flower.

Whether Li Yue can really control it can be left aside for now, but Li Yue can completely ignore any powerful power emanating from it.

And it also naturally includes the oppressive effect played by this mysterious atmosphere.

For Li Yue at this time, although the oppressive force acting on his spiritual body was unprecedentedly strong, it was not enough to pose any threat to Li Yue.

Therefore, in the face of the mysterious atmosphere of increasing oppression, Li Yue did not stop moving forward.

He ignored the ever-increasing force of oppression, and still walked forward without any stagnation.

Perhaps, this oppressive force acting on the mind and body is to prevent certain creatures from approaching.

Or, like the situation described in some novels, it is a special test for those who come here.

Only after passing the test can one be qualified to obtain this kind of treasure.

At this time, Li Yue was naturally unable to determine whether this was a defensive method.

It is also a test for outsiders.

But he knew that no matter which one it was, it didn't make any sense to him at this time.

Because he will never shrink back because of this situation, he must achieve his goal and find it in this area.

Something special that keeps giving off this air of mystery.

Take a look with your own eyes to see what it is that can constantly interfere with one's mental power, and can even emit a mysterious aura that can oppress the power of the mind.

Of course, if the energy of this thing is strong enough to make Li Yue feel sideways.

Then Li Yue still had to get this thing.

After all, those who can treasure live there.

And Li Yue is the most suitable owner of this treasure!


With the mood of not giving up until he reached his goal, Li Yue did not choose to retreat because of the huge oppression of this mysterious atmosphere.

Instead, he still faced up to the difficulties, ignored the increasingly strong oppressive force, and continued to move forward thinking about the source of the mysterious aura.

Soon, as Li Yue advanced, in his perception, the surroundings were completely occupied by mysterious aura.

And not long after Li Yue ignored the oppression of the mysterious atmosphere before and continued on.

The force that oppressed Li Yue's mind seemed to disappear suddenly.

However, it was not time for Li Yue to think about why this oppressive force suddenly disappeared.

In his perception, he discovered a new situation.

On Li Yue's final road ahead, the incomparably huge mysterious aura suddenly surged incomparably violently at this moment!

The gray and white mysterious atmosphere seemed to boil suddenly after sensing Li Yue's approach.

The incomparably huge mysterious aura, under the violent turbulence, is like a majestic cloud in the sky.

However, what attracted Li Yue's attention at this moment was not this mysterious aura that was violently surging.

It is a special thing hidden in the mysterious atmosphere like a cloud.

Amidst the mysterious aura, a silver-white light loomed in it.

It seems that there is some kind of special creature hidden in the violently turbulent clouds.

And what happened the next moment seemed to confirm Li Yue's guess.


An incomparably loud dragon chant seemed to resound through the entire space in an instant.

Accompanied by this dragon chant, the cloud and mist formed by the mysterious aura surged even more violently at this moment.

It seems that there is a lively creature among them, constantly stirring up the mysterious atmosphere.

Even Li Yue's body, which was condensed by mind, trembled slightly under the loud dragon chant.

It was as if his spiritual body could not bear the sound of the dragon's chant and was about to collapse.

Fortunately, Li Yue quickly stabilized his mind and body, ignoring the strong reaction caused by the sound of the dragon chant.

It's just that at this time, Li Yue didn't pay too much attention to the body of mind that had just been affected, but on the cloud formed by the mysterious aura ahead.

He could clearly feel that, between the clouds and mist, there was a creature like a dragon, which was constantly winding and circling, stirring up the wind and clouds, and the dragon's chant shaking the world.

"So, is there a dragon hovering around here?"


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