Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 985: The Illusory Dragon

As Li Yue continued to move forward, he was suddenly surprised to find that the mysterious aura that had been oppressing his mind and body all the time had disappeared for unknown reasons.

However, before Li Yuelai had time to think about it.

Then he found that the huge mysterious aura in front of him suddenly began to surge like clouds in the sky.

The surging mysterious atmosphere seemed to be stirred by an unknown creature.

And from the looming silver-white light, it is not difficult to see that there seems to be a huge creature hovering in it.

And with the sound of the dragon's chant that almost resounded throughout the space, Li Yue couldn't help thinking in surprise, is there a dragon hovering in it?

Soon, Li Yue's guess had the answer!

Following the sound of the dragon's chant that resounded through the heaven and earth, a huge creature's head protruded from the "cloud layer" where the mysterious atmosphere gathered.

And Li Yue's gaze was almost completely attracted by the mysterious creature appearing in the clouds at this time.

Tiger beard and hyena tail, body length like a snake, scales like a fish, horns like a deer, claws like an eagle.

"Sure enough, this is indeed a divine dragon that can soar through the clouds and ride the fog, and call the wind and rain!"

Carefully observing the mysterious creature emerging from the clouds, Li Yue was completely sure at this time that, judging from its appearance, it was indeed no different from the image of the dragon depicted in Chinese mythology.

Of course, even as a native Chinese, the dragon is the totem of the nation.

But Li Yue has never really seen a living Chinese dragon.

He had only seen the fictitious image of the Chinese dragon in movies and novels.

Therefore, even at this time, Li Yue saw a creature that was very similar to the image of the Chinese dragon in his impression.

He was also completely unsure whether this was the Huaxia Shenlong in his memory.

However, at least Li Yue was sure that, from the appearance alone, this mysterious creature that had just emerged from the clouds was not much different from the description of the Chinese dragon in his memory.

If nothing else, this should be what a real Chinese dragon should look like.

And this is also the first time in the true sense that Li Yue saw a vivid Chinese dragon appearing in front of him!


"It's a pity that although it has the shape of a real dragon and the god of a real dragon, it's a pity that it's not a real living dragon!"

However, it was only a moment of excitement for this vivid dragon emerging from the clouds.

Li Yue had to sigh with regret.

Because this dragon, although vivid in appearance, does not seem to be much different from the appearance of the real dragon.

And it also has the real god of dragons, as if it has the magical power of riding the clouds and calling the wind and rain.

Unfortunately, in Li Yue's feelings, this dragon is just that.

Both the dragon form and the god are still in the past, but they are not real, they are just an illusory phantom.

Although, in the feelings of Li Yue's mind, he could even feel the majesty of the huge dragon when the dragon just chanted.

He even made his mental body have a tendency to collapse.

It's a pity that this is also an illusory Longwei, which is probably very different from the real Longwei.

If this is a real dragon, then I am afraid that just relying on the loud and clear dragon chant before, I can completely collapse my mind and body in an instant.

Although Li Yue's current strength, even if he meets a real dragon, he is not afraid.

But at this time, it is just a body transformed by the mind and mind, but it will definitely not be able to withstand the real oppression of Longwei.

But just now Li Yue's spiritual body just trembled slightly under this dragon's chant, and was about to collapse.

This can completely explain that this dragon chant does not have the majesty of a real dragon.

And after Li Yue's careful feeling just now, he is completely sure,

The divine dragon emerging from the clouds is nothing more than a phantom of a divine dragon.

It doesn't have the power of a real dragon, nor does it have the power of a real dragon.

It can be said that it is just superficial.


However, although this dragon is just a phantom of a dragon.

But no matter from its appearance or its inner charm, it has all the aura that a real dragon should have.

Just like the dragon chant with dragon power before it, to a certain extent, this dragon has a huge difference from the real dragon except for its strength.

Whether it is the body or the spiritual consciousness, there is no difference from a real dragon.

If such a dragon appeared on the earth before Li Yue, it appeared in the eyes of many ordinary people.

I'm afraid it will still cause a huge confusion.

Because, whether it is in the eyes of ordinary people or in their feelings, this dragon is real, not just a phantom.

The reason why Li Yue was able to determine that this dragon was just a phantom of a dragon was entirely because Li Yue had a perception ability far beyond that of ordinary people.

He could feel that although this divine dragon possessed the real divine dragon god, it could even use the dragon's might and possess the soul of a dragon.

However, this divine dragon is still just a phantom, a fusion of special energy and the soul of a divine dragon. Although it has the spirit of a divine dragon, it does not have the special existence of a divine dragon.

In short, this dragon has almost everything that a dragon has, but it lacks the spirit that a real dragon should have.

In other words, although this divine dragon possesses the abilities of many divine dragons, it can continuously shuttle through the clouds, as if it were a real divine dragon alive and well.

But it itself is not controlled by its own will.

Instead, it was injected with some other consciousness to manipulate its dragon body.

Such a dragon, although it doesn't seem to be much different from a living dragon.

But it is not a real dragon at all.

And this is exactly what Li Yue felt pity for at this time.

Originally, the dragon chant just now made Li Yue feel a hope of seeing the real dragon.

However, when he really took a closer look at the body of this divine dragon, he felt very regretful.

Although this is the first time for Li Yue to really see such a dragon body, it is not in vain for him to be a kind of yearning in his heart as a Chinese.

However, there is still a huge psychological gap between seeing an illusory dragon and seeing a real dragon.

At this time, Li Yue felt a little regretful because of such a gap in his heart.

It's a pity that what he saw at this time was not a real dragon described in Chinese mythology.

It's just an illusory body fused with the soul of the dragon.


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