Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1003 The mysterious aura that cannot be absorbed

The mysterious aura in this special space is very special, so special that Li Yue's powerful perception is powerful enough to modify the reality of the world, but he can only simply perceive the existence of these mysterious auras.

But he was unable to use his perception to perceive the composition and structure of this mysterious aura in detail.

This mysterious aura has many similarities with energy, but it also has completely different characteristics from energy.

Li Yue, who has done a lot of research on energy, cannot feel the structure of this mysterious aura in detail.

Even Li Yue's powerful perception could only support him to simply feel the existence of this aura, and he could not go any further to analyze its composition.

This situation made Li Yue very surprised.

But Li Yue naturally did not focus all his attention on this mysterious aura.

Instead, it is more focused on this special space.

As for the idea of ​​absorbing this mysterious aura into his body, Li Yue had also thought about it.

Anyway, his body is just a special body formed by the power of the mind. Even if some unexpected situations occur after absorbing this mysterious aura, Li Yue will not find it too difficult to accept.

It's a pity that Li Yue had such thoughts when he saw this mysterious aura.

But when he really wanted to take action, he found that this mysterious aura was beyond his control no matter what.

Even if he uses various methods, he cannot absorb this mysterious aura into his body.

In fact, this mysterious aura seemed to exist only in Li Yue's perception. No matter how hard Li Yue tried, his body could not even touch these mysterious auras.

Li Yue has encountered many kinds of very special energies.

And some of these energies are relatively "unruly" and difficult to be tamed.

However, after meeting Li Yue, although he would not obey Li Yue's orders at the beginning and was directly absorbed into his body by Li Yue, as Li Yue released his mental power, he could forcibly absorb these energies into his body. within one’s own body.

Finally analyze the composition of energy,

Then gain the ability to completely control energy.

However, this method can be applied to many types of energy that are difficult to tame.

But it cannot be applied to this mysterious atmosphere.

Because this mysterious aura is completely beyond Li Yue's control.

Even if Li Yue releases his powerful mental power, he will be instantly disturbed or even completely disintegrated as soon as he comes into contact with this mysterious aura, and will not be able to function normally.

And even if Li Yue releases powerful energy and wants to force these mysterious auras to integrate into his body, he will find that the energy he releases also passes through the mysterious auras, seemingly unable to affect these mysterious auras at all.

Because of this, Li Yue, who tried to no avail, could only temporarily give up absorbing this mysterious breath into his body.

Instead, he focused all his attention on this space, wondering what kind of things existed that could release such a special mysterious atmosphere.

However, as Li Yue explored, he encountered the phantom of the dragon that contained the remnant soul of the dragon.

What makes Li Yue even more strange is that the mysterious aura that he cannot absorb in any case can be absorbed by the remnant soul of this divine dragon, eventually restoring its strength to its peak state.

After completely blocking the Shenlong's attack, Li Yue thought about trying to absorb the mysterious aura again.

But in that space, all the mysterious aura with a radius of dozens of kilometers had been absorbed by the remnant soul of the dragon, leaving nothing behind.

Even if Li Yue wanted to experiment, he had no experimental subjects.

Therefore, he could only choose to continue moving forward, preparing to enter the central area of ​​​​this space and find out what happened.

However, after Li Yue continued to move forward for a while, he discovered that the mysterious aura that had disappeared was recovering at a very fast speed.

This undoubtedly gave Li Yue more thoughts and speculations.

In this space, there is definitely a special thing that can continuously produce this mysterious aura.

And these mysterious auras that almost fill the entire space are continuously released by some special things, and finally gather together in the entire space.

And it is very likely that this special thing that can release a mysterious aura is the fundamental reason why the remnant soul of the divine dragon from before was still trying to prevent Li Yue from approaching even at the expense of the remaining remnant soul of itself.

Of course, it may be just one of various reasons.

However, in any case, this kind of thing that can release a mysterious atmosphere, as well as the mysterious atmosphere itself, aroused great interest in Li Yue.

The mysterious aura Li Yue encountered before was just floating quietly and would not flow freely.

But now, because the mysterious aura in the previous area has been completely absorbed, these mysterious auras are slowly flowing into that area at this moment.

Li Yue, on the other hand, had tried various methods to control this mysterious aura, but to no avail.

At this time, Li Yue, who saw with his own eyes that this mysterious aura could be absorbed, did not hesitate at all and directly let go of all defenses on his body and entered the flowing mysterious aura.

Trying to let these mysterious auras enter his body on their own.

If these mysterious auras really flowed into Li Yue's body, Li Yue might have a way to control the mysterious auras that had entered his body.

It is even possible to thoroughly analyze the structure of this mysterious aura.

Unfortunately, what happened next seemed to be within Li Yue's expectation, and also seemed to be beyond Li Yue's expectation.

Although this mysterious aura is constantly flowing, when it passes through Li Yue's body, it seems that it cannot touch Li Yue's body at all.

It passed directly through his body, but did not produce any residual breath in his body at all.

This situation also caused Li Yue's plan to fail.

"It seems that at this time, I still don't have any effective way to absorb these mysterious auras into my body."

Feeling this situation, Li Yue suddenly felt helpless in his heart.

This was the first time he encountered such untamable energy.

Even, let alone how to absorb it into his body, he couldn't even really touch this mysterious aura.

"Perhaps, if you want to absorb this mysterious atmosphere, you must learn a very special cultivation method!"

However, faced with such a situation, Li Yue once again had a guess in his mind.

Perhaps if you want to absorb this mysterious atmosphere, you need a special method that matches it.

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