Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1004 Encountering a Building

Just like Li Yue's growing spiritual power, he also has a unique way of cultivation.

He must practice in an out-of-body way in order to continuously strengthen his spiritual power.

When he first came into contact with this method of spiritual power cultivation, Li Yue was not able to fully understand its meaning.

He just practiced his spiritual power in a formal way according to the method taught by the Ancient One in the Marvel world.

But as he practiced, his mental power continued to grow.

Li Yue also gradually understood why only the out-of-body state of the soul could continuously strengthen his spiritual power.

Human beings are very special and mysterious creatures.

The origin of human beings is still an unknown mystery that humans themselves are constantly exploring.

The reason why human beings are full of mystery is that the human body contains the consciousness that can think independently, and also contains the spiritual power that can affect real things.

Of course, ordinary people's mental power cannot easily affect things in the real world without being cultivated and enhanced.

And only with enhanced mental power can we easily affect things that exist in reality.

In the thousands of years of human history, there have naturally been countless geniuses who have discovered how to freely use their own spiritual power.

He even created special methods on how to enhance his mental power so that his mental power can better control the real things around him.

These methods are the inheritance of Marvel Mage, a special method that can enhance human spiritual power.

This cultivation method only describes that human spiritual power can be cultivated and enhanced in an out-of-body state. It does not describe in detail the principle of why spiritual power can only be cultivated in an out-of-body state.

And this principle was something Li Yue himself gradually understood as he continued to practice.

In a certain sense, the essence of human beings is divided into the macroscopically visible body and the various organs within the body.

There are also some invisible special substances,

Such as soul, such as consciousness, and also composed of spiritual power.

Soul, consciousness, and spiritual power are naturally very easy for people to understand their meaning.

However, due to invisible reasons, humans cannot truly understand their structure and true meaning of existence.

However, for special humans who can truly manipulate these invisible substances, they understand the true meaning of this special existence in a certain sense.

Just like Marvel's line of mages, they have mastered the method of enhancing mental power.

Then rely on its own powerful mental power to communicate with the multiverses and special dimensions connected to reality, absorb and manipulate the mysterious powers in these multiverses and dimensions, and then release special abilities called magic.

In fact, if the mental power is greatly enhanced, it will be greatly weakened due to being restrained by the physical body.

This is also the reason why a mage must meditate to practice spiritual power, in order to continuously enhance his spiritual power in a form where his soul is completely free from the constraints of the body.

The human body coexists with spiritual power.

However, the human body will hinder the continuous enhancement of mental power, and in a certain sense, limit the development of human mental power.

Therefore, some genius cultivators have created methods to allow the soul to leave the body to enhance spiritual power.

In fact, after the soul leaves the body, it is not without any reason that it can continue to strengthen.

The mental power that is freed from the constraints of the human body also needs to absorb a special energy that is free in the world.

For example, the power of stars in the universe, the power of faith generated by human beings, etc.

It is the continuous absorption of this special energy between existence and heaven and earth that allows spiritual power to continue to grow and strengthen.

Ultimately it can completely impact things in the real world.

And Li Yue only understood these situations after a long period of practice.

Therefore, after encountering this mysterious aura that looked like energy but was not like energy, Li Yue guessed that only by finding a special method that matched it could he absorb this mysterious aura and use it to strengthen himself.

However, this method is not so easy to find.

Just like the method of cultivating spiritual power, if you do not have the guidance of someone who truly understands this kind of spiritual power cultivation, you will explore alone.

I'm afraid that before your mental strength has been enhanced, because your soul left the body and was unable to find a way to return to itself, you became a lonely soul, which was eventually completely dissipated in the huge energy impact between heaven and earth.

Although the foundation of spiritual power cultivation is the out-of-body state of the soul, this foundation is not so easy to complete.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue had already tried the out-of-body form to see if he could absorb this mysterious energy.

Yes, the result still made Li Yue feel very disappointed. Out-of-body soul seemed not to be the basic way to absorb this mysterious atmosphere.

Of course, perhaps the soul leaving the body is indeed the basic method to absorb this mysterious atmosphere, but I am afraid that other forms of assistance are needed to truly absorb this mysterious atmosphere.

It's a pity that Li Yue can't find the real way to absorb this mysterious atmosphere now.

"Forget it, I'm afraid I can't find a way to absorb this mysterious atmosphere now, so let's focus on moving forward!"

After trying various methods again without any results, Li Yue could only temporarily give up on absorbing this mysterious aura.

Keep your focus on moving forward.

However, as the saying goes, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. Maybe as Li Yue continues to go deeper and truly enters the central area of ​​this mysterious space, he may be able to find a way to truly absorb this mysterious atmosphere.

Of course, this is just a kind of expectation in Li Yue's heart. Whether he can really find a way to absorb the mysterious atmosphere in the future is still unknown.

Li Yue had expectations for this, but not hope.

Everything depends on God's will.

After experiencing another failure in absorbing the mysterious aura, Li Yue stopped doing more research on the mysterious aura, and instead continued to move forward towards the central area of ​​this space.

Li Yue's speed seemed slow, but in fact it was very fast.

Although it can't be said to be flying, it is comparable to Superman's flying state.

If he wasn't afraid that his speed would affect certain situations in this space, Li Yue might have already used the speed force to rush on his way.

However, even if he didn't actually use the Speed ​​Force to move forward, his forward speed was still fast enough to surprise anyone.

In less than a few dozen seconds, Li Yue traveled more than ten kilometers again.

But at this moment, after seeing the situation ahead, Li Yue could only stop his progress.

Because, there was a building in front of him!

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