Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1005 The world behind the barrier

In this special space, everything seems to exist only because of Li Yue's perception.

Only because Li Yue has strong perception can he perceive the things existing in this space.

However, if Li Yue did not have such a strong sense of perception, then he would not be able to perceive these things, including the body of the dragon that only had a remnant soul left before.

And this creates a very special situation.

It seems that in this space, there are no real things that exist in the real world at all.

All things exist in Li Yue's perception.

However, since Li Yue continued to move forward, he had traveled a distance of dozens of kilometers.

Until he felt that as he continued to move forward in the dark fog, he seemed to have suddenly passed through a special blocking wall.

Li Yue's whole person seemed to have come from the previous void space to a "real world".

The most obvious feeling is that at this time, Li Yue no longer needs to rely on his own perception to feel the existence and things around him in this space.

Li Yue's eyes seemed to have once again played the role they should have, able to see light and see the things in front of him.

And Li Yue's mental power was finally not as severely affected as before, and was almost unable to play any role at all.

Although Li Yue's mental power at this time was still unable to perceive things that were too far away from him, Li Yue found that his mental power could at least exert its original effect normally.

At this moment, a building appeared in front of Li Yue.

It looks like an ancient pavilion and a tall tower.

Because Li Yue seemed very far away at this time, Li Yue seemed unable to see the true appearance of this building with his naked eyes.

However, Li Yue's eyes would naturally not be unable to see things clearly because of the distance.

At this time, Li Yue's naked eyes could see farther than some astronomical telescopes.

And at this time,

The distance between that building and Li Yue is absolutely impossible to exceed the distance of some planets from the earth.

However, Li Yue's eyes could not see the building clearly at all, and could only roughly see the outline of some buildings.

I know it is a building with an ancient style.

"I don't know what's going on with that building in front of me. Are all the secrets I'm looking for in that building?"

There are many things in this space that Li Yue cannot explain. At this time, relying on his powerful naked eyes, he cannot see the building in front of him clearly. Naturally, it is not something that surprises Li Yue.

It was as if there was a layer of fog between him and the building, blocking his sight.

"However, we can put aside the construction matters for now! It seems that just now, I passed through a special wall to get here!"

Li Yue was not too surprised by the unclear outline of the building in the distance, but recalled what he had just managed!

He noticed that he seemed to have passed through a very special wall just now, or it could be said to be a barrier.

For this reason, Li Yue couldn't help but turn around and look.

However, all he saw behind him was nothingness. There was no special wall.

"No? However, my feeling can never be wrong. Therefore, I must have passed through a special wall before, or a barrier is more appropriate."

Li Yue looked at the nothingness behind him, as if nothing existed. Li Yue first felt doubtful in his heart.

But then, Li Yue firmly believed that his previous feeling would never go wrong.

Although in this special space, Li Yue could only rely on perception to perceive the things around him.

Even when he just passed through that special barrier, he didn't sense the existence of that barrier in advance.

But Li Yue firmly believed that his feelings would never be wrong.

"By the way, although my mental power cannot explore the situation at a distance now, I should still be able to explore the situation at a closer distance."

At this time, Li Yue thought that his mental power no longer had the serious interference it had before.

Although Li Yue is still unable to use his mental power to explore things that are far away from him.

But things that are very close to you can still be explored.

Afterwards, Li Yue didn't hesitate at all.

The mental power that had not been used for a long time was released by Li Yue again.

The mental power was like a ripple, creating a ripple visible to the naked eye in the void, spreading directly towards the void space in front of Li Yue.

However, as the mental power ripples spread, Li Yue felt a very strange situation.

When his mental power first spread, Li Yue could still feel the information transmitted back by his mental power.

But as the mental power continued to spread, Li Yue suddenly couldn't feel the mental power continuing to send messages to him.

It was as if his spiritual power was absorbed by something special as it spread forward.

"Being absorbed by something special?"

"If this is really the case, then it can completely prove that there is indeed a barrier that I cannot see and perceive!"

The mental power was absorbed, but Li Yue was not too surprised.

Because he believed what he had just felt. Although that feeling was not obvious, it was a very real effect on Li Yue's body.

At this time, the mental power he released was not interfered with as before, but was completely absorbed in a more direct way.

This situation also allowed Li Yue to confirm that there was definitely a special barrier that he could not see where he had walked before.

In fact, even with his powerful perception, it seems that he is completely unable to perceive the existence of this barrier.

Therefore, I didn't discover the existence of this barrier until I passed through it.

Since his mental power and perception have lost their effect, Li Yue cannot really discover the existence of this special barrier.

So Li Yue no longer hesitated, he stepped forward directly, raised his right hand at the same time, and felt around in front of him.

Mental power and perception have lost their effect, but since Li Yue's body can truly feel the feeling of crossing the barrier just now, at this moment, relying on his own body, he can naturally feel the existence of this barrier again.

Of course, there are some unknown dangers in Li Yue's doing this.

After all, he couldn't see anyone who could sense the existence of this barrier.

Naturally, he doesn't know whether this barrier poses a threat to him.

However, Li Yue did not care about this situation.

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