Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1009 Magic Runes

After being fused with energy by Li Yue, the barrier manifested itself as a body containing special energy.

On top of the barrier itself, there are many huge strange symbols.

These symbols are like some kind of special words, and they have special power to communicate the will of heaven and earth.

It seems that these strange symbols contain the supreme rules between heaven and earth, and have powerful power that can trigger the rules of heaven and earth.

As for Li Yue at this time, he could easily understand the meaning of these strange runes.

But he doesn't really fully understand its meaning, and he doesn't know whether this special symbol is some kind of special language.

But Li Yue knew that being able to use this simple symbol could trigger the supreme rules between heaven and earth, which showed that this symbol was definitely not simple.

Moreover, it is definitely not possible for some people to create symbols with the ability to induce special power between heaven and earth just by copying these symbols!

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue would not naively think that he could create symbols with the same special abilities as this symbol just by completely memorizing the images and writing methods of these symbols.

"I have experienced so many things along the way, and they all seem to indicate that in this special space, there is a special system that is different from the real world."

"Just like that mysterious aura, perhaps only one who truly understands a certain cultivation method can absorb it into the body and use it to enhance one's own strength."

"There is also this kind of special symbol that is like a certain kind of language. It can actually use this symbol to trigger certain supreme rules between heaven and earth. This is also an incredible thing."

"And naturally, if you want to learn to truly use this special symbol, you absolutely need to understand a special way to understand what these symbols really mean!"

"Perhaps the answer to all this can be found in that ancient building in the distance!"

After arriving in this special space, everything he experienced seemed to be silently telling Li Yue.

Everything that exists in this space is a special system that is completely different from itself.

The method that can absorb that mysterious aura can be a special cultivation system that is different from Li Yue's cultivation method.

And this kind of strange symbol that has the power to communicate with heaven and earth and can exert the principles of heaven and earth can also be regarded as the unique way of using power of this special system.

Although, using this special symbol seems to be weaker to a certain extent than being like Li Yue who really uses his own power.

But the use of this special symbol made up for some of Li Yue's lack of strength at this time.

For example, you can tell at a glance that this kind of symbol is a strange symbol left here by some kind of powerful cultivator who used his own special cultivation method.

In Li Yue's opinion, this kind of symbol can exist for an extremely long time.

Even if the owner who originally constructed this special symbol has completely disappeared between heaven and earth, this special symbol can still continue to function according to the rules set by the person who created it!

And this is something that Li Yuedu may not be able to do at this time.

Even though Li Yue already has the power to create different spatial dimensions, the different spatial dimensions he created can only continue to consume the huge energy left by Li Yue.

If after tens of thousands of years, the energy left by Li Yue is exhausted, then the different dimension will collapse directly without the support of energy.

However, if Li Yue knows how to use this strange symbol, then he can use these special symbols when creating different spatial dimensions, so that the space he creates will never collapse due to exhaustion of energy.

And perhaps, this is the true meaning of the invention of this symbol.

Looking at the strange symbols appearing on the barrier in front of him, Li Yue suddenly thought of the descriptions in some fairy novels he had read before.

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In those novels, there were some cultivation systems that specifically described this kind of rune.

For example, by using special symbols and drawing them on certain special materials, a piece of soft paper or the skin of a certain monster beast can have the ability to release powerful power.

In Xianxia novels, the ability to use runes to store the spiritual power floating between heaven and earth in some kind of container is called a spell.

Of course, in those fantasy novels, the use of rune abilities is not just that.

In addition to using the power of spells to store the spiritual power between heaven and earth in simple containers.

You can also use the power of runes to construct certain special formations.

And these formations can often exert more power than the people who built the formations themselves.

And this ability to use runes is called the way of formation in immortality novels.

Of course, these are some fictional novels that Li Yue read when he was bored before he gained extraordinary powers.

Although everything described in these novels seems to Li Yue at this time not to be completely fictional.

However, the descriptions in these novels cannot be completely true, unless the authors who build the world of the novels are themselves immortal cultivators with those abilities.

Of course, in Li Yue's view, this is even more incredible than the fact that the world they describe actually exists.

Of course, regarding the use of runes, Li Yue was not only thinking of the descriptions in those novels about cultivating immortals.

Because in the Marvel world, he has also truly seen some real uses of special symbols.

And that was when Li Yue was studying at Karma Taj, the Holy Land of Marvel Mage.

At that time, Li Yue mainly learned how to strengthen his mental power, as well as the ability to control and use his own space energy.

However, as time passed, Li Yue naturally became very curious about the magic in the Marvel world.

Therefore, he naturally also browsed some books on magic in Karma Taj's library.

As for Li Yue, almost all the books in the library are open to him.

Of course, this even includes the Book of Weishan Emperor, which "contains the most powerful white magic book in the world."

The so-called Book of Emperor Weishan is a book created by Emperor Weishan, the originator of magic in the Marvel world, which records a large amount of white magic.

Although, this book contains a lot of information about the use of white magic.

However, the white magic described in it can only be used for defense, but not for attacking others.

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