Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1010 Memories forgotten instantly

It was precisely because of this special situation that Li Yue at that time did not actually care much about the contents of this book.

Anyway, at that time, he simply read the contents of this book out of curiosity.

Naturally, Li Yue didn't have much interest in learning magic that could only be used for defense but not for attack.

Of course, although it was just a simple reading, with Li Yue's strong memory, he naturally remembered some of the methods of using magic in his mind.

At that time, he was just in case he would encounter the magic described in the book one day, so that he could be prepared when the time came.

However, recalling the use of these magics at this time, Li Yue suddenly thought that this kind of magic also has the use of runes like this.

Of course, in the magic system, this special rune is called a magic rune, which is a certain French language similar to human language.

And some simple magic naturally does not use such runes.

However, some powerful magic comparable to the realm requires the assistance of this kind of magic rune.

In the world of magic, there is a law, that is, in the field of magic, only the magician who constructs magic runes is the supreme master in this field.

He can control all magical powers in the magic field.

As his opponent, only with his consent can the other party use magic abilities.

And if a mage accidentally falls into the magic field of another mage.

So even if his magical attainments are slightly stronger than the opponent's magic field, it may be difficult to defeat him in the opponent's magic field.

Of course, what we are discussing at this time is not the unique role of the magic field.

Rather, it is the magic runes that must be created to create a magical realm.

This kind of magic runes is a special language unique to the mage. Only a mage can simply understand the true meaning of these runes.

Moreover, the strength of a mage basically depends on his understanding of the true meaning of these magic runes.

The more you know about magic runes and understand their true meaning, the more magic you can use, and the more powerful it is.

At this time, when Li Yue saw this strange symbol, he could truly feel that this symbol was not really the same as the magic symbol in his memory.

Moreover, these two symbols are naturally not the same system.

However, there are some similarities between the two ways of using runes.

In the magic system, magic runes occupy an extremely important position.

The strength of a mage also depends on the realization and understanding of the true meaning of magic runes.

If you understand more magic runes, it means you can use or even create more and more powerful magic.

At this time, although Li Yue encountered this special rune, he still did not fully understand its true meaning.

But Li Yue could also guess that this kind of rune definitely occupies an extremely important position in this unique system.

Moreover, perhaps as described in the immortal cultivation novels he had read, such runes could absorb the "spiritual energy" of the surrounding heaven and earth to exert very powerful power.

Even if this special cultivation system was propagated entirely because of the existence of this rune, Li Yue could completely understand and accept it.

And this also caused Li Yue to be very curious about this special training system.

At this time, he was almost impatient and wanted to move on to the ancient building that looked very vague at the moment.

Go there to find the real answers about this cultivation system.

Perhaps, by then, he will have the opportunity to experience this special cultivation system, and at the same time be able to understand and truly apply this cultivation system to himself.

After all, at this time, I

In addition to being able to continuously strengthen the universe of billions of cells in the body to strengthen itself, it can also absorb its essence according to various special cultivation systems to make up for its own shortcomings!

The so-called learning from each other's strengths is to learn from the strengths of others and make up for one's own shortcomings.

This is also a real way to improve Li Yue's strength.

At this time, Li Yue moved his gaze away from the barrier that was still emitting golden light, and prepared to move forward to the vaguely visible ancient building ahead.

"Wait a minute, this strange rune seems to have a special feature!"

However, when Li Yue moved his eyes away from those runes.

Li Yue suddenly felt a special feeling.

Although in his memory, he still remembers the memory of seeing that kind of rune.

However, the true image of those runes seems to be gradually blurring.

It was as if Li Yue's memory was confused, and he had forgotten some memories about the runes themselves, and even what kind of image the runes looked like.

"Although this often happened to me when I was in school. I had just read some words, but in the blink of an eye I forgot how to write them!"

"However, now that I have such a strong mental power, I will almost never forget anything I have seen, so I shouldn't have this kind of forgetfulness happen again!"

Li Yue was naturally very confused and confused about the weakening of his memory.

Although he had not yet obtained superpowers, he did have the characteristics of a scumbag, and he would forget certain things in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, Li Yue already possessed extremely powerful mental power.

And the powerful memory also caused Li Yue's memory to increase linearly.

Don't talk about things that you have just seen. Even if Li Yue was a child and had not really remembered what happened in his childhood, Li Yue could clearly recall it as long as he recalled it.

At this time, this was what he had just seen in the true sense, but as soon as he shifted his gaze, his memory began to gradually forget.

This is completely a situation that makes Li Yue feel very incredible.

Li Yue shifted his gaze again with some surprise, looking at the barrier that had not disappeared, and at the runes.

"Yes, that's what it looks like...ugh!"

As Li Yue's eyes shifted to the strange symbols again.

It was as if he had encountered a text that he clearly knew how to write, but was a little confused, and couldn't remember how to write it for a while, and then used the mobile phone input method to query it.

This is a sudden realization, and even a feeling of doubting oneself.

But the next moment, Li Yue became a little shocked!

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